Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 321: Miss Zhao regrets it again

Make a fortune that day.

The excitement has not yet passed, the investment enthusiasm of investors and institutions was ignited the next day, and the Nasdaq market continued to rise sharply, turning green.

The U.S. stock market rose and fell. At first, Su Yehao was very uncomfortable, but gradually he accepted it.

Officially began to contact ICQ shareholders.

Three days in a row.

Su Yehao met with ICQ people twice, and some details of the price could not be discussed. ICQ's shareholders not only want to get 330 million US dollars, but also want to keep 20% of the shares, which means that it is suddenly expensive. Millions of dollars.

Such an excessive request, of course, will not be agreed.

So during the second negotiation, Su Yehao offered to add five million dollars more, but he had to buy it as a whole.

ICQ has many shareholders, three co-founders, plus a group of financing shareholders, including company executives, who follow along to fan the flames. It is not easy to make a decision.

After the second negotiation, they didn't say a deal, and they didn't say they couldn't make a deal. Su Yehao was very upset by their ambiguous attitude.

This is barely bad news.

There is good news too.

The stocks originally held, plus the long positions set up in order to make quick money, earned Su Yehao a paper wealth of more than 120 million US dollars in just four days. .

The U.S. stock market is large and there are many investors. The daily turnover of Nasdaq is gradually increasing, and there are many speculators who like to play options.

Options are a zero-sum game. There is never a shortage of opponents in the U.S. stock market. A group of speculators who view Internet companies with traditional value investing concepts always like to sell their shorts and sing down Internet companies on the Nasdaq market. In Su Yehao's view, it was obviously against the general trend.

Watching others jump into the fire pit, Su Yehao, who had made a lot of money these days, just felt very happy about it.

The act of simply increasing the price to 335 million US dollars also has the meaning of "not bad money". Although some bubble trends can already be seen in the Nasdaq market, but after all, it has just begun. Still very stable.

Therefore, Su Yehao temporarily decided to continue holding it for a while, and was not in a hurry to cash out and leave.


Day 5 back in Silicon Valley.

Su Yehao received a call from Zhao Yimeng. She said in a depressed tone, "I regret it. You never called me for your money. Can you regret it now?"

"Of course... no, but even if I allow you to go back, you can guarantee that you can continue to believe me? The Nasdaq has risen sharply for four consecutive days. Are you not afraid of a sudden plunge after the market opens today, and even the principal and profit will be folded in?"

After Su Yehao's soul asked the question, he asserted: "Change your concept, business people are not black and timid, how can you have the opportunity to make a lot of money. Compared with losing money, it is actually more uncomfortable to seize the opportunity, but because of the courage Little, let go again."

Zhao Yimeng, who was taught a class by him, replied angrily, "I want you to mind your own business and die! Also, where's my money?"

"Let me use it for a few days, the dignified Miss Zhao family, how can you be petty. I am negotiating business in the United States, and I plan to acquire ICQ. I have contacted several times, and I don't know if it will be successful."

The matter of Su Yehao negotiating with ICQ has long been released by ICQ.

It is estimated that he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to disclose the information that his company is very popular, and try to find other buyers with higher bids.

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Zhao Yimeng was not afraid that he would default on his debts, but he was even more depressed after hearing this.

People are more mad than people. In the past, Su Yehao had poor grades and was ignorant. He was busy playing all day, but he left high school for less than a year, and his business was booming, becoming what others call an "excellent entrepreneur".

And her old Zhao family was affected by the Donghuang Group, and she was still struggling in the quagmire. The stock price had dropped by about 40% from the high point, and there was no sign of a rebound.

Even the new headquarters that was originally built was bought by the Su family's Sihai International Group at a low price.

Every time she met Su Yehao, Zhao Yimeng's pride would shatter to the ground, no wonder she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists to beat someone.

Her voice continued: "You can borrow it, but you will pay interest. I contacted you today to ask if your family is interested in the hotel. The East Phoenix Garden Hotel in Sheung Wan will sell for one billion Hong Kong dollars."

After listening to Su Yehao, he was surprised: "If I remember correctly, it only opened in August last year, and the investment seems to be more than one billion Hong Kong dollars? It is the core asset of your family. After the bank gives your family a loan, there should be no shortage of it. Money, why sell it?"

"It barely survived the storm, but the flow of funds is still very short. The total cost of construction is 1.9 billion Hong Kong dollars, and it is sold at almost half a discount."

Zhao Yimeng sighed and continued: "My parents want to make a transition. I talked to your dad last month, and I plan to continue to reduce the debt ratio and start over. I will probably go to the mainland to try it out. The decision of the East Phoenix Garden Hotel was only approved by the board of directors today. This hotel is of a higher grade than the Peninsula Hotel. The Peninsula is too old. Originally, my parents wanted to use it as my dowry.

"...Then why should I spend money to buy it, then you can bring it to me?"

When Xiao Nizi was not around, Su Yehao continued to run wild and let himself go.

over the phone.

Zhao Yimeng was too lazy to pick up the slaughter, always felt that the wound was sprinkled with salt, and said impatiently: "Anyway, please help and ask, the price must not be lower."

The Donghuang Garden Hotel located in Shanghuan, Gangcheng, is currently being used as a pledge loan by Donghuang Group.

As the price of real estate in Hong Kong City continues to decline, banks have recently proposed supplementary pledges, otherwise they are likely to take out loans.

The partner of Donghuang Group is HSBC. A group of senior British executives from HSBC do not intend to share weal and woe with Hong Kong City enterprises. If they say that the loan is really drawn, it will be withdrawn. At that time, it will be another blow to Donghuang Group. Plus the interest is also a lot, so it is better to cut the meat yourself.

The Southeast Asian Financial has continued to this day.

From time to time, the international hot money slaps the carbine, or pretends to scare it, the stock market and the property market both dive, falling again and again.

The Hong Kong dollar is still strong, but speculators have already obtained the income they want from the Hang Seng Index and the oversold assets. The Zhao family is also raising funds and continuously increasing the shares of Donghuang Group. Seven or eight billion Hong Kong dollars.

The last time Su Yehao went to the Peninsula Hotel for a wedding, he also thought about owning a hotel of his own one day in the future.

When the opportunity suddenly appeared in front of him, Su Yehao felt that if he paid 300 to 400 million Hong Kong dollars out of his own pocket and borrowed the remaining funds from the bank, it seemed to be quite good, and it was suitable for use as a core asset, which would serve as a way out.

Since the high point of last year, the price of real estate in Hong Kong City has almost dropped by half. After the bubble has evaporated, the asset price has not only become reasonable, but also shows signs of oversold.

Unlike the acquisition of ICQ, which is a deal like buying a hotel, the bank is happy to provide the funds, and the loan should be fine.

After a brief struggle, Su Yehao found that he really wanted it. He knew intellectually that the appreciation potential was not that great, but emotionally he was telling him that it would be cool to own an ultra-luxury five-star hotel.

Before he made up his mind, Adrian from McKinsey came over again.

It’s a bit surprising to say that AOL was quiet and did not intend to follow up, and still insisted on the offer of 320 million US dollars.

After a brief analysis, Su Yehao guessed the problem.

It can only be those guys who are not optimistic about his development after the acquisition of ICQ. Since the trouble is "settled", of course, there is no need to spend more money to acquire a peer company that is not useful at all...

Chapter 321 Miss Zhao regrets it again

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