Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 316: Jianghu emergency

Latest website: Adrian called the CEO of ICQ in front of Su Yehao.

After self-reporting, they got an affirmative reply on the spot that they were in contact with AOL. The reason why ICQ shareholders have the idea of ​​cashing out is more complicated. It boils down to the fact that the traffic cannot be cashed out, and the extremely high cost of acquiring customers makes ICQ is overwhelmed, but investors are not optimistic about its development prospects and are reluctant to invest money in it.

The phone turns on the speaker.

When Su Yehao saw the CEO of ICQ and talked with Adrian, his tone seemed to be very excited, he couldn't help but smile happily, shook his head lightly and sighed.

As the world's first successfully developed instant chat product, the company's management is faced with darkness, and all the way to be explored by themselves, such as how to make profits, how to reduce customer acquisition costs, and how to formulate future plans Development strategy planning, etc.

From the current point of view, ICQ is obviously not successful enough in these aspects. It has almost walked into a dead end. It continues to hold on to the live chat itself and does not let go, and it narrows the way.

Figuratively speaking.

This company is equivalent to holding a gold nugget, but they don't know it themselves.

It can only be said that starting a business too early is not necessarily a good thing. In the face of the endless wilderness, how to turn the land into fertile land is a knowledge, and the time is obviously not right now.

AOL, with a market value of tens of billions of dollars, has initially mastered the password to get rich by embarking on the "paid chat group" model. This method is undoubtedly a bit cliché. With the arrival of the free wave, if it is not changed, it will inevitably be changed. will be eliminated by the user.

The heart beats much faster than usual.

Su Yehao, who was nervous, only listened to ICQ's CEO, David, and asked on the other end of the phone, "So... how much are your clients willing to pay to acquire our company?"

Adrian suddenly looked at Su Yehao, with some questioning in his eyes, and said in his mouth, "I asked my friends, AOL hopes to use 320 million US dollars to buy all your shares as a whole, right? Ours Clients are willing to...”

Su Yehao stretched out a finger, pointed it up, and said something silently.

I just wanted to say hello today. I didn't expect the other party to be so direct. Su Yehao didn't discuss the asking price with Adrian in detail. Before, he only said that the valuation was around US$350 million.

Valuation is one thing, and actual transaction price is another.

ICQ loses money one after another, and the more it loses, the more and few people think it is really worth that much money. Otherwise, the Silicon Valley giants would have swarmed over there long ago, and there would be no chance for Su Yehao.

Adrian read Su Yehao's mouth carefully, and while nodding, he said: "My client is willing to add 10 million US dollars, no other conditions are attached, and the settlement will be settled after the transaction. Moreover, after the acquisition, I will treat you well. Some employees, AOL just want to get rid of competitors, they have their own technology, I think you know that, right?"

Su Yehao understood this kind of simple English.

330 million US dollars, and his budget is about 350 million US dollars, which is more than 200 million in Hong Kong dollars, which is more expensive than the unlisted Earl Medical Group.

In just a few days, such a major decision was made, and Su Yehao's blood pressure was soaring at this moment.

I have been thinking about raising money before, but now I am thinking about whether to make a deal.

ICQ has not yet been listed, which means that once the board of directors approves it, the process can begin directly. Su Yehao currently only has more than 50 million US dollars to invest, which is far from the amount that needs to be paid. …

John Zhou could not understand Su Yehao's "impoverished" mentality. After listening by his side, he only felt nervous and exciting.

A few days ago, he was pondering how to make TVT accumulate enough users to help the programmers find bugs. In a blink of an eye, they all started discussing the acquisition of ICQ.

As the company's chief operating officer, how can John Zhou not know how much he will help TVT after winning ICQ, the second second only to AOL. Even if only one-tenth of the users are attracted to TVT, it can still help TVT. There are 700,000 people, which is pretty good even in Silicon Valley, eligible to go to some forums, parties, etc.

Hearing ICQ's CEO David and the interest in his words, John Zhou was even more excited, and only hoped to hear the other side say "deal".


The other party said to discuss with the board members first, and quickly hung up the phone.


Transactions are likely to accelerate.

Adrian is going to prepare negotiation materials, and Su Yehao is going to raise money.

Let Adrian ask about the conditions of the leveraged buyout, as well as the handling fee and interest. Su Yehao contacted President Peng of the Bank of China again and directly asked if the 100 million US dollars could be approved, and promised that as long as this cooperation is successful, there will be more cooperation in the future. Help Bank of China pull some big business.

People can't narrow the road, and they may have to pay at any time. They must be prepared first, and then they will contact a private plane and let Nong Qingying go back to Hong Kong City to help and contact a few banks.

In addition, Su Yehao also called his father and opened his mouth to pay 100 million US dollars.

far away from the casino.

Father Su just fell asleep and heard that he wanted to borrow 100 million US dollars. You know, how hard it is for me to get a good night's sleep at my age, if I don't usually contact me, it's definitely not a good thing to find me, do you think I'm a money printing machine?"

Su Yehao, who was too lazy to explain too much, told him decisively, "I borrowed from the company's account, and waited until the end of the year to pay you back 50 million US dollars more. Jianghu is in an emergency, daddy!"

"...Tell me first, why do you want money? If you are kidnapped, say hello."


The reason why Su Yehao didn't say hello to his father was because he was afraid that he would ask questions, so he explained helplessly:

"Acquiring a company worth more than 300 million US dollars, an Internet company, whether our family can become the richest man in Hong Kong City in the future depends on this fight. After sorting out this year ~ ~ will be listed at the beginning of next year. Money, Cosmopolitan International should have a line of credit, plus the cash on the book is enough."

"No, what about your own money? When I asked your accountant last time, there should be a small two billion Hong Kong dollars, and more than three hundred million US dollars. Is it all from you? You won't be deceived, right?"

Father Su, who was completely sleepless, asked a series of questions at a very fast rate.

Borrowing money is inevitable.

Su Yehao patiently and earnestly explained for a long time, saying that his money was still useful for the time being, and his father was still worried and asked him to go back to talk in person and plan carefully.

There is a huge difference in investment concepts, and once the two sides negotiate, I am afraid they will be rejected.

I regret that I borrowed money, so I might as well think of other ways.

After more than two hours.

Together with Nong Qingying, Su Yehao drove to San Francisco Airport and went home to find money in person...

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