Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 270: Don't touch my cake!

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Between relatives, it is only when they are in different places for a long time that they miss them.

Some families bow their heads all day without looking up to see each other, and feel annoyed when they see each other.

For example, Father Su's friend, Uncle Qiu.

Su Yehao went home and went around in circles. He got more than 200,000 Hong Kong dollars in the New Year's money. He watched people play Pai Gow at the poker table.

When the dealer wins, he will always hand him some cash.

The benefits of being a junior are obvious. Some people take the lead in giving money, and the rest follow suit. Anyway, those who can sit at a table with Father Su and play cards are definitely not bad for this amount of money, just be happy.

Uncle Qiu's house was two or three hundred meters away from the Su family's mansion. After the reunion dinner, Uncle Qiu came to join in the fun again.

Seeing Su Yehao at home unexpectedly, he felt in his pocket and found that he had no money, so he simply took off the gold tag on his chest as a lucky money, and instructed: "The sign has been opened by someone, and it is engraved with the Diamond Sutra, which can prevent disasters and ward off evil spirits. Dear!"

Su Yehao quietly weighed it, at least 100 grams, especially the micro-engraved text on it, which was so delicate that it looked like a work of art, which was indeed unusual.

With a smile in his tone, he said to Uncle Qiu, "What do you do if you give it to me? I'm already so old, so I don't need to give New Year's money any more."

"I'll take it for you, and I'll buy another piece. Hey, my neck feels a lot easier. No wonder I always feel weird lately."

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After Uncle Qiu finished speaking, he accompanied Su Yehao to watch them push Pai Gow, but his heart was actually itching, but unfortunately he was late and there was no place to sit.

Su Yehao continued to ponder the big business of mahjong machines. Not only does he have a market in the mainland, but he also has the opportunity to make a fortune in casinos, Hong Kong City, Malaysia, Singapore and other regions.

This idea alone is likely to be worth hundreds of millions.

The crux of the problem is that he doesn't know if anyone is studying this stuff, and he rarely touches the poker table on weekdays.


Even if you already have a mahjong machine, don’t be afraid. The big deal is to spend a little money to acquire a full set of technology, but it is more convenient, and you can directly modify it slightly and bring it to the market.

Su Yehao was sighing inwardly that he was really good at spotting business opportunities. He didn't go home this time in vain, only to hear Uncle Qiu suddenly say:

"By the way, Xiaohao, my son's BP machine business is about to end, and he is drawing money to find new business opportunities. The boy looked around and told me that your entrepreneurial direction is very good, and you are setting up a new company and running to the United States. Hiring someone. Why don't you find a time to chat and teach him? Don't look at my son is older than you, when it comes to business, he is far worse than yours. If you have money, you two make money together! "

When Su Yehao heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched instantly.

The joy of getting the New Year's money vanished in an instant, and I was regretting not accompanying Yin Liuli. What did I do when I went home with water in my head?

After learning from the development experience of his predecessors for a long time, he was still "learned" by others. He was not afraid of the company's employees resigning to start a business, but he was afraid that a wealthy man like Qiu Yaohe would spend the same money as himself.

Moreover, with Uncle Qiu's relationship, it seems that there is no way to do some small actions and suppress them to death, which is too easy to offend people.

Earning money together is easy to say, but Su Yehao understands how big the risks and losses will be in the future once he loses part of the cake.

For a moment.

He has even thought of the scene of accepting financing ahead of time under pressure and sharing the fat with others.

The smile on his lips was reluctant. Su Yehao's mind was active, and he was already vigilant between the lights and flints. He deliberately said in a surprised tone:

"Going to the Internet industry? This industry is very risky. I went to the United States to investigate and found that batches of companies died, and the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars ended up with no return. There are many examples everywhere, and I just tried to play. Forget it, it’s uncertain whether it will be successful or not, probably only...

This is deliberately tricking Uncle Qiu.

Although the relationship between the two is good, but it involves Su Yehao's core interests, he still doesn't want to compete with others too early.

Judging from the development status of TAT, it is far from stable, not to mention the TOT search engine and portal website that are in the development stage.

If one more rich person ends up, it means one more risk.

He didn't think about eating alone, he was just worried that the time was not ripe, someone would pick peaches, and it would be too ugly in the end.

So if the crisis can be stifled in the cradle, it would be better.

Even though it was Qiu Yaohe who was about to end, Su Yehao understood that the source of the other party's funds was all under Uncle Qiu's control.

At this time, the risk was deliberately exaggerated, mainly to induce Uncle Qiu to take action and quench his son's thoughts.

Qiu Dashao failed to start his own business one after another. The seemingly successful BP machine agency sales project only lasted for half a year and was about to become yellow. There are still more than 400,000 products in the headquarters warehouse that have not been sold, and a large amount of compensation will be paid if the purchase contract is not fulfilled. liquidated damages.

Once the contract is broken, the first few months will not only be in vain, but also pay a lot of money, and the lower-level agents are already very emotional.

Uncle Qiu didn't publicize these scandals, but his confidence in his son Qiu Yaohe had fallen to the bottom, and he never had the face to mention to others "the son graduated from a prestigious school", "the business is doing very well" and so on.

Being slammed by Su Yehao, Uncle Qiu suddenly felt a drum in his heart.

There are too many lessons from the past. This time his son is expected to invest another 100 million Hong Kong dollars. It is true that the Qiu family is But it can't stand such a defeat. In just two or three years, there have been 300 million. Too much water.

The agent BP machine is not bad. At least I have seen the money back. The last time I developed a new drug, there was not even a splash, and the funds directly bottomed out.

Seeing that Uncle Qiu began to lose his mind, Su Yehao felt misery in his heart.

I've always looked down on Qiu Yaohe, but I didn't expect this guy to be reliable once, but because he was eyeing his own way.

The current market is too small, other people account for 10% more, and he will account for 10% less, and the user group is far from cultivated, and the most afraid of encountering a strong enemy at this time.

Even if he is confident that he can win, trouble is certain, and Su Yehao likes to be lazy and is very afraid of trouble.

Uncle Qiu didn't think that Su Yehao was bluffing himself, so he asked, "Is there really such a big risk?"

The small abacus in his heart jingled, Su Yehao said decisively:

"Yeah, just look it up and know that one thousand companies may not be successful. I also prepared for losses in advance, so I focused on the investment business... Speaking of investment, I just happened to find a good company recently. The company's appreciation potential is quite good. Since there is an opportunity to ride the wind, why should you start your own business?

Keep throwing the bait.

Su Yehao changed his plan and began to try to lure Uncle Qiu and his son to grab the cake from someone else's plate.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. As long as you don't focus on the Internet market in the mainland, everything else is easy to say.

Su Yehao then told:

"This year, I am only optimistic about two companies. Yahoo, which I invested in before, has already made nearly a billion for me. This one is even more powerful. As long as it succeeds, it has the opportunity to subvert the retail industry. Have you heard of Walmart? It is a new model, online Walmart. , the risk is very low, and the return potential is staggering..."

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