Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 263: Cyberport

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Vice President Zheng Yongwen, standing on the podium, expounded his prediction of the future economic development trend of Hong Kong City.

On the one hand, it is the port city itself. He personally speculates that the property market and the stock market will continue to fall until they return to a reasonable level. However, the port city's tourism retail, terminal freight, foreign trade and finance will soon attract a wave of development.

On the other hand, it is introducing the mainland.

According to Vice President Zheng Yongwen's point of view, the future economic growth of Hong Kong City will be in the north.

Su Yehao sat in the classroom, holding his chin and listening with gusto, feeling more and more that his ex-boyfriend, auntie, was a talented person and had a very accurate grasp of the situation.

Looking back, one of the main reasons why Hong Kong City has developed into the scale it is today is its status as "the only external window in the Mainland".

However, with the opening of the north, this status is gradually disappearing. Fortunately, the economic scale of the north is getting bigger and bigger, so the dividends are still quite considerable.

Last year, the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong hit a new high. It just started in 1998. As the Spring Festival approached and the annual holiday just started, more people came to travel and shop.

The travel company managed by Jiang Yu's father, Master Jiang, has hosted more than 6,000 mainland tourists in the first half of the month. It is very convenient to attract business, so that Master Jiang is so busy that he has decided to resign from Cosmopolitan International to concentrate on his career. Manage this joint venture established by several people.

Father Su felt that doing things for Su Yehao was considered work, and he didn't take the initiative to let Master Jiang resign. .

However, according to Jiang Yu, it was her father who was embarrassed at first. After all, he didn't go to work in Sihai International recently, and he felt that it was not good to continue to earn wages.

In fact, with the current income of the travel agency, the money that Jiang Shiye can share has exceeded the previous work time.

After the acquisition of several small travel agencies, the company was named "Ganghao International Travel Group", and hundreds of new employees were recruited. In addition, it also purchased buses and leased two hotels that were about to close down for renovation.

Jiang Shiye's ability and experience are nothing to say, he basically does not need Su Yehao to worry about his work.

Therefore, Su Yehao is also happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper. As long as he can develop TAT, TOT, WPS and other Internet products, he has already helped the travel company. In the future, he can advertise himself to attract tourists.

For the time being, the channels on the Hong Kong side have been initially opened up, and the number of cooperative merchants, hotels, and shopping malls has continued to increase. The next step is to plan to continue to expand the source of customers in the mainland, which is undoubtedly a good business...

Vice President Zheng Yongwen's prediction is still so accurate.

But in Su Yehao's eyes, it was all information he already knew, and it was difficult to help.

Accidentally stepped on Jiang Yu's foot.

Jiang Yu belongs to the flat-headed brother, where is he willing to suffer, he frowned and glared at him, reaching out to pinch Su Yehao.

The small actions in the classroom feel like a long way off.

The moment she touched his thigh, Su Yehao grabbed Jiang Yu's slender hand, raised the corner of his mouth, and continued to listen to the class as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Yu was taken aback by Su Yehao's actions, and quietly broke free for fear of being noticed by other students.

After all, she is a girl and weighs less than 100. In terms of strength, how can she compare to him.

No matter how Jiang Yu broke free, Su Yehao was unmoved, and sometimes he even scratched the palm of her hand with his fingers.

Speaking of Jiang Yu.

Of course Su Yehao was very fond of her, but Liuli, Qingying and the others were cut in line by accident, and it really couldn't be arranged for a while.

Jiang Yu, who had no intention of going to class at all, was so weak that he secretly broke free for a while... tired.

Short of breath, coupled with shyness, the sun shines, and the face is pink.

She lowered her voice and said, "Let go."

"No, please."

Su Yehao turned his head calmly and slapped him: "Listen to the class carefully, don't interfere with my study."

He usually skips more classes than he takes. How can Jiang Yu believe his nonsense, his nose is about to crook with anger.

While he was in class, he couldn't kick Su Yehao away with one kick.

Jiang Yu had to acquiesce to the status quo, but Su Yehao was not honest and scratched her hand from time to time. The girl was so sensitive that it was like an electric shock, her body was numb, and her palms were sweating.

Almost out of my body, I don't have the heart to listen to the class at all.

The big hand held the small hand for more than ten minutes, which can be regarded as making up for Su Yehao's regrets in his previous life.

Wait until the school bell rings.

Vice President Zheng Yongwen just announced the dismissal of the get out of class, and Jiang Yu quickly fled with his hands.

As for Su Yehao, he wiped his hands and came to the podium, saying, "President Zheng, without you in the financial circle, I'm a little lonely. How about I quit my job as chief consultant and form a company together?"

"Without me, wouldn't you make the same amount of money? Thanks to you, I have also paid attention to this good stock of Yahoo. Since the end of November last year, I have made more than ten million Hong Kong dollars."

Zheng Yongwen said with a smile, and beckoned Su Yehao to accompany him to leave.

When he came to the corridor, the current chief financial advisor then asked, "Cyberport plan, have you heard of it?"

Unprepared, the topic was diverted to the Cyberport.

Su Yehao nodded and replied, "I read it in the newspaper, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, you are also starting a business in the high-tech field. From your point of view, is there a future for Cyberport?"

The so-called Cyberport is a high-tech industrial park similar to Silicon Valley. The government is responsible for building office buildings and providing them to entrepreneurs in the high-tech industry.

Su Yehao only glanced at the newspaper and didn't know enough about the specific situation.

I only know that it was first proposed by the second son of the Li family, and it also covers residential projects, and the scale of investment is expected to be as high as several billion Hong Kong dollars.

After Zheng Yongwen asked, Su Yehao thought about calmly said what was in his heart:

"If you want to build a cyberport, unless you come up with attractive policy support, you need talents without talents, discounts without discounts, and markets without markets. I think it's very difficult. Besides, the second son of the Li family is rich, and he is in the technology circle. It doesn't have much influence. I think it's fake to build a cyberport, and it's real when I look at residential land. It's getting harder and harder to approve the nearby land. Just like my father went to Pengcheng to get land, I used the name of Cultural Tourism City to bypass the land. Shooting... Of course, my father must be wholeheartedly supporting the construction of the mainland, and at the same time helping is profitable, both parties win-win, there is absolutely no problem."

Hearing this sentence, Zheng Yongwen said with a smile: "Are you still afraid of me recording? It's clear at a glance what your father's idea is, but there is too much land in the north and lack of funds, which is really different from the situation in our Hong Kong City. Second Young Master Li really likes it. I have been busy with planning, but recently the housing price has dropped, and there has been no movement. Now it is planned to develop the high-tech market in Hong Kong City. I think your situation is very suitable, and you can give it a try."

The land of Hong Kong City, whoever wins and who loses, is far from falling to the bottom.

Su Yehao didn't want to be taken advantage of, and immediately said in surprise: "My family? You look down on my dad too much. He's going to be emptied by a few projects. How can you get billions more?"

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Zheng Yongwen pushed his glasses and said calmly:

"You didn't let your dad be in charge alone. I mean to join forces with several real estate developers to take the lead. Part of the land is planned to be auctioned, and the proceeds will be used to build a cyberport. When the time comes, you will take the land and pay the rent to it. Recently auctioned The price of land must be cheap, and this is the best practice..."

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