Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 253: promotion

The latest website: tot search engine, is stepping up research and development.

Now the main products of tat network company, only tat instant chat program and tat mailbox.

After Su Yehao tried to integrate one-to-one, group chat, and personal space functions, it has achieved initial results. Many users who originally used icq and aol chat rooms began to fall in love with free and easy-to-use programs.

After more than 10 million yuan, more than 8,000 users returned to Hong Kong City, and there are still 3,000 or 4,000 users in the surrounding areas, including Casino City, Treasure Island, Singapore and other areas. The total number has exceeded 10,000.

As for the mainland, because there are no competitors, the development speed is faster. There are about 4,000 programs that are active at least once a week in the mainland.

During the promotion period in the Mainland, Yinhai, which is controlled by Su Yehao, helped a lot. Otherwise, the promotion process would not have been so fast. The early stage of accumulating word-of-mouth was the most difficult. It had been paving the way for more than two months in Hong Kong City before it was introduced. Come a round of small outbreaks.

The company is gradually on the right track.

There are R&D centers in Hong Kong City, Pengcheng City and Silicon Valley respectively. The number of employees has officially exceeded 150. In addition, there are more than 100 "outsourced" temporary employees responsible for publicity and advocacy in major forums. The tat instant chat program is even ingenious. A group of employees leave messages and criticize each other, so as to keep posting, attracting the attention of passers-by and arousing their curiosity.

In the major forums in Hong Kong City, a large number of naval forces are active, and the same is true on the mainland side.

As an employee of the marketing team, A Qiang, a glasses boy, just came to work on January 4 this year, and received a task to lead people over to set up an "Internet Army". The headquarters is set in Pengcheng, and a formal advertising company is opened. , No one has checked these at present, as long as you don't step on the line, you can play at will.

Seeing that the way of advertising through the forum is so easy to use and attracts new users continuously, Su Yehao will naturally not miss the opportunity to promote the product.

As the company has more and more employees, the total monthly salary has quickly exceeded 2 million Hong Kong dollars.

That is to say, although Su Yehao didn't spend much money personally, the company was constantly sucking blood. At present, it has been losing money and making a profit, and there is no profit channel.

It is no wonder that after a certain bottleneck period, the founders of Internet companies are always in a hurry to turn around and invest in various places. This line of business is different from other transactions. Before finding a stable profit point, it is too much money...

Just came to the office.

After Su Yehao briefly understood the situation, he asked assistant Zhuang Wei to call John Zhou for help.

After he came over, Su Yehao got straight to the point and told him, "New Year's new look, I want you to make a move, and leave the position of product director to someone else."

Hearing these words, the smile on John Zhou's face suddenly stiffened, and he was shocked in his heart. He quickly thought about what he did wrong recently... After thinking about it, could it be that he didn't call and say a few words on New Year's Day, and suddenly lost his mind. pet?

Seeing his ugly face, Su Yehao quickly added:

"Don't get me wrong, it's not going down, it's going up. I plan to hand over each project to a special person, and divide the R&D team finely. You are not too young, and you have never touched some things, but I found that you are in the relationship between people. , handled it very well, so I want you to be the chief operating officer of the entire company, specializing in coordinating and dealing with troubles between various departments, including the current R&D department."

According to the custom in Silicon Valley, under the board of directors, the chief executive officer (ceo) and chief operating officer (coo) take the lead.

The CEO is fully responsible for the management of the company and is the top manager of the company, while the COO is fully responsible for the market operation and management of the company and belongs to the second-in-command.

In tat, titles such as shareholder, founder, ceo, etc., were taken away by Su Yehao, and the most important position left was coo.

In just one minute, John Zhou felt like he was on an exciting roller coaster, and he was overjoyed at this moment.

Originally, with the gradual improvement of the company's system, a new batch of capable management was recruited, and John Zhou was worried that his importance would be replaced by others at some point.

Now it seems that Su Yehao is still nostalgic, and he did not kill the donkey.

How could John Zhou be unhappy, with a smile on his face, and thanked him repeatedly.

Su Ye interrupted him and said cheerfully: "Don't be too happy, the trial period is half a year, and the salary can be adjusted at that time. The last time I went to Silicon Valley, I just gave you a salary increase. At present, the entire company is except for a few Yankee technology Daniel, your salary is the highest, but please rest assured that once the company makes achievements, it will give you no less than a single point."

Sitting at the desk, Su Yehao quite enjoyed the feeling of being a boss.

The money he usually earns is enough, and John Zhou is quite satisfied. Compared with when he worked at the Microsoft headquarters in Seattle, USA, his salary has increased instead of falling. Besides, the living expenses in Hong Kong City are not as high as those in Seattle, except for the house. After a reasonable tax avoidance method, there are more leftovers in hand.

The most important thing is that at Microsoft, he was only a low-level management, but now he has become the second-in-command of the company. Although it has some meanings, it is still quite good.

The market value of Microsoft is nearly 200 billion US dollars, and the current valuation of tat network company is only about 50 million Hong Kong dollars. A new peak in life.

The two things in front of tat network companies are nothing more than to continue to improve products and further seize market share.

Everything that should be done has already been done. Chatting with John Zhou for a while, Su Yehao asked him to work first, and asked someone to make an announcement to announce about the chief operating officer.

And it is planned to implement a rank classification system, which will directly link credit and working years with salary and benefits, and spread the news first to stabilize people's hearts.

In addition, job adjustment is also the focus.

With the subdivision of the project, there will be many more middle-level management positions, and how to select them will have to be discussed and pondered.

Internal competition can easily lead to conflicts, and external talents will make old employees feel chills. It is the critical moment to shape the corporate culture and office atmosphere. Su Yehao does not want to go the wrong way.

Send John Chow away.

Nong Qingying put her legs on his desk, found a comfortable position to lie down, and said with a smile, "Look at how you evoke people, you are getting more and more comfortable, the changes have not been small in the past few months, and the company has become more formal. ."

"The bossy president fell in love with Isn't it a bit handsome?" Su Yehao boasted.

Nong Qingying smiled and pouted, and then asked, "Where is the website you developed, show me what it's called?"

"Portal website, this belongs to the product positioning, not the name of my product, the internal code is called tvt, it is nothing more than collecting some commonly used website addresses and hanging them, it is not troublesome."

Hearing the name from Su Yehao's mouth, Nong Qingying was speechless for a while.

She asked, "Your names are so unique, you don't plan to change them, right? Tat, tot, tvt, it sounds a bit messy, but it's almost the same."

Su Yehao thought about it seriously and told:

"It doesn't matter, tat chat, tot search, followed by two words, it is easy to identify. Anyone with a discerning eye will know that it is a family bucket developed by our company. While promoting a product, other products can also follow. Come up with a complete product ecological chain, and then lie down and count money all day..."


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