Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 250: Fake public benefit?

Latest website: Speaking of Qiu Yaohe, the son of Uncle Qiu's family, Su Yehao admires him from the bottom of his heart.

On the day the accident happened last year, I heard that Qiu Yaohe invested in the research and development of new drugs and lost 300 million Hong Kong dollars in just two years.

Then, the guy came to seek investment, and wanted to cooperate with Su Yehao's father and go to the mainland to represent BP machines together.

To say that Qiu Yaohe has no business acumen, he can seize some business opportunities. Whether in the field of medicine or in the communication industry, they are all booming gold nuggets in this era.

But this young master Qiu's fortune made Su Yehao couldn't bear to look directly at him.

It can only be said that one leaf blinds the eyes, only sees the opportunity, but ignores the risks behind it. It is a typical person who is still addicted to vegetables and always thinks that he is the lucky one who can make a fortune, but his ability is not enough.

Thinking back to last year, I met Uncle Qiu's son in this office.

At that time, Su Yehao kindly reminded the other party, clearly reminding him that this business was risky, but Qiu Yaohe used a sentence, "How could it not be sold?" The sale of proxy rights cashed out and left.

After all, they belonged to most of the strangers, so Su Yehao was too lazy to talk too much, so as not to be thankless.

At this moment.

If it wasn't for Qiu Yaohe's father present, Su Yehao just wanted to say "I should not listen to the persuasion".

After all, he is a good friend of his old man, and he keeps this sentence in his heart.

Although he didn't have a good impression of Qiu Dashao who he had met once, Uncle Qiu was a good man. When he went to the Su family's mansion to play cards, he often gave Su Yehao money.

Even if he is not at home, he will entrust his second concubine or the nanny at home to help transfer it. No matter how much money he has, it is his heart after all.

Considering Pengcheng's Four Seas International Cultural Tourism City project, Uncle Qiu invested 200 million Hong Kong dollars in shares, and then earned back the money that his son lost, mostly without any pressure...

Uncle Qiu has a rich family and is also a potential buyer.

In front of Uncle Qiu and Dad, Su Yehao briefly mentioned the news that Donghuang Group was short of capital and was planning to sell some assets at a low price.

Father Su read the document first and handed it over to Uncle Qiu. He said, "I know that Lao Zhao's life is not easy, but I didn't expect the situation to be so bad that he actually released several core projects at one time."

"Yeah, in the East Phoenix Center near Lisboa, a shopping mall, and three office buildings, I heard that the total investment cost reached one billion Hong Kong dollars, and now it has been traded externally. There is also the Fisherman's Wharf project, a joint venture business with Gambling King, according to Logically speaking, even if it is transferred, it should be sold to the gambling king and his old man first, has it been contacted and the talk has collapsed?"

After Uncle Qiu finished speaking, he flipped through the information on hand again and fell into deep thought.

They are all successful businessmen in the eyes of outsiders. Of course, there are some factors of good luck, but to be able to mix up like Uncle Qiu and Dad Su, his brain and ability will definitely not be too bad.

Combining a lot of information, it is easy to guess that this is an opportunity to trade Donghuang Group's core projects at a low price, and at the same time, it can be guessed that the current situation of Donghuang Group is likely to be worse than outside rumors.

I have been in the business world for many years, and for no reason, how can there be so much help.

No matter Father Su or Uncle Qiu, at this time, they are each wondering whether it is profitable or not.

After getting a positive answer, Uncle Qiu muttered: "Miss Zhao's direct release, it shouldn't be a rumor, I have been to the Donghuang International Building in Kowloon, which is more than 30 stories high. It is attractive to rent.”

"Uncle Qiu, did you like it?"

Su Yehao smiled happily and then said:

"That doesn't hinder me. What I'm looking for is the central plaza of Donghuang, and the residential land in Taipa Island. Daddy, squeeze and try to eat them? It really doesn't work, the central plaza near Lisboa is yours, I'll go. I bought the land in Taipa Island and kept it until I had enough money, and asked the construction team at home to help me build the real estate.”

The recent continuous decline in the property market of Hong Kong City has successfully frightened batch after batch of real estate developers.

Fortunately, some of the risks have been released, and some people even feel safe. Even if they continue to fall, the decline will not be too large.

Compared with Hong Kong City, the base of housing prices and land prices in the casino city is low. The difference is nothing more than the price of ordinary new houses, which has dropped from seven or eight thousand to six or seven thousand.

It is precisely because of his confidence that Father Su will look for land in the near future and plan to replicate a cultural tourism city in the casino to fill the market gap.

Hear Su Yehao's words.

His father thought for a moment, then suddenly asked with a smile:

"Why did Miss Zhao contact you? It's not that you don't know where my company is, so why don't you just come to me directly? Could it be that your kid is a fake public servant and wants to use my hand to help your little daughter-in-law? Can the family relieve the debt pressure?"

"Little daughter-in-law? Is there such a good thing?"

Uncle Qiu resolutely clasped his fists with a full smile, and said, "Congratulations, congratulations, the two of you join forces, how can other real estate developers in Las Vegas still survive, and you will not fight for several years at once!"

Su Yehao twitched the corners of his mouth and said:

"Don't listen to my dad's nonsense. Zhao Yimeng was worried that after the news was leaked, it would affect the stock price of Donghuang Group, so he used me to find out. Regardless of other problems, it only depends on whether the project can make money after getting it. Anyway, I think There are risks in the short term, but in the long run, our casino city and Singapore projects are worth fighting for, let alone the real estate and land in Hong Kong City, and leave it to the daring to gamble.”

Uncle Qiu nodded and said:

"...That's the truth, there's no need to worry about the Donghuang Group. When you encounter a promising project, as long as the price is right, it's definitely worth trying. When the financial crisis encounters company risks, we will work together to negotiate and try to push the price down to the end. , there must be profit margins.”


Two big men, one small and three men, gathered in the office to evaluate the projects for sale one by one.

Hearing Su Yehao and Qiu Wanfeng sing in harmony, the more he thought about it, the more he was moved, and he directly proposed to go out by car and inspect the project located in the casino, including two pieces of land, a complex, and a five-star hotel.

As for Hong Kong City, the headquarters building of Donghuang Group is going to take out the right building of the twin towers for trading, and there are two other residences, which are almost completed.

It's no wonder that during their studies at Donghuang Rose Middle School, most of the students felt that Zhao Yimeng's family was richer. The Donghuang Group, which has already been listed, has a solid foundation. The total value of the first batch of assets released for sale was as high as about 4 billion Hong Kong dollars.

If these projects can be dealt with in a short period of time, coupled with the hundreds of millions of cash on Donghuang Group's books, it seems that it is not difficult to successfully reduce the debt ratio, provided that a buyer can be successfully found.

After reading the open space on Taipa Island, Su Yehao has decided to loan more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars...


Su Yehao was not affected by kicking the ball to his old man.

According to the plan, he took a boat to Hong Kong City that night, and the University of Hong Kong started tomorrow. Jiang Yu and Nangong Tian both took his yacht and went to the mansion on Dalangwan Road together.

A few months ago, a top-level villa with a market price of 150 million Hong Kong dollars could now be sold for 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

It doesn't matter how much it's worth if you keep it for yourself.

It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening when we settled down. The three of them walked together, went out to the night market in Causeway Bay, and tasted street food...

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