Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 235: Alternative collections

The latest website: tat instant messaging program, quietly launched in the mainland.

Thanks to Yinhai's promotion, the number of downloads exceeded 800 times within an hour.

There is too much water in the number of registrations. Some people will register multiple times in order to choose a good number. Anyway, the number is not valuable, and Su Yehao is too lazy to set the rules. It’s good for users to be happy.

Someday in the future, short numbers will become valuable, and maybe some zombie numbers can be recovered and auctioned off to the outside world.

Of course.

It is still too far to think about these now. The key at present is how to survive and occupy the vast majority of the market share steadily.

Even if the product positioning is copied from a certain goose, Su Yehao still does not dare to be firm for the time being, saying that he can definitely replicate the brilliance, so he should worry about it.

To this end, Su Yehao decided to spend 3 million yuan, and wanted to build a naval team that "issued 50 cents a piece".

After all, it is not a good thing. In order to avoid falling into the dark history, he decided to ask an agent for help, and is trying to expand the number of employees through open recruitment.

The market in Hong Kong City is too small.

Before developing in Hong Kong City, Su Yehao had never been interested and focused on the development of programs.

But this time, his attitude was completely different.

The product has just been launched. In order to cheer for the employees of Hong Kong City who came to other places, two tables were specially set up in the golf club, and I personally came to accompany them to eat.

There is no doubt that most of the employees' attention is actually on Nong Qingying.

This woman is so beautiful, sitting next to Su Yehao is really distracting, and a bunch of employees are envious of this.

No way, they also know exactly where they are inferior compared to Su Yehao, they can be called crushing in all aspects...

Nong Qingying had long been accustomed to everyone's gaze on him.

It was like this in school when I was a child, and even more so when I grew up. Although it was annoying, I always wore a veil when I could not go out. I got used to it over time.

She was holding the wine bottle at the moment and asked Su Yehao, "Moutai at 52 degrees, is this wine good?"

"How can there be good liquor, the gentlemen like it, you can drink Coke. Tonight celebrate the launch of the product, and also celebrate the launch of the Pengcheng branch, the big guys will not go home if they are drunk!"

The latter sentence, Su Yehao said to the employees at the dinner table.

Before he could greet the waiter, someone had already volunteered to unscrew the bottle cap and pour him a drink first.

Although the people of Hong Kong City are free and easy and uninhibited, the wine table culture also has a long history. Everyone eats under the hands of Su Yehao, and the face that should be given must be given.

Su Yehao picked up the glass and smelled the aroma of Moutai, and asked the waiter casually, "I didn't read the menu just now, how much is a bottle of wine?"

The waitress wore a white shirt, a black vest, a short skirt with black silk, and a pair of high-heeled shoes on her feet.

She knew that the people she received today were from Hong Kong, so she didn't think that Su Yehao was ignorant. She smiled and said, "We sell three hundred and eighty-one bottles in our clubhouse. If it's an old wine that is more than two years old, the price will be increased by fifty. Dollars are cheap compared to red wine."

Taking the initiative to mention red wine is to remind you quietly that some expensive red and foreign wines can be sold to get bonuses.

Su Yehao didn't realize this.

He then asked: "It's expensive in your store, but it should be cheaper outside, how much does it cost for a bottle?"

After speaking, he looked at the waitress, and saw that the girl had an unnatural expression, and replied to Su Yehao, "It's really cheaper outside, but the environment and service we provide here are very good. You can bring your own wine next time you come to dinner, but we won't. stop."


Su Yehao laughed dumbly, shook his head and said, "I'm not saying that the wine is expensive here, I really just want to know the market situation. I'll give you a tip of 200, and you can ask me the purchase price."

After speaking, he took out his pocket and handed her two hundred yuan.

Under the blank stare of the waiter, Su Yehao did not explain.

I saw that the girl received a tip and went out to help inquire about the news.

Good wine can be collected, and the appreciation rate is not small. Su Yehao thought about it temporarily, thinking that maybe he could stock up a batch of wine in advance and store it as a collection for a long time.

Just bought so many rough houses, suitable for warehouses.

The income brought by the appreciation of the old wine every year may be better than the income from renting out the house after the renovation, but he bought more than 90 suites willfully today, and the area is still very large. It is not easy to fill it up.

Profit is the second thing. Su Yehao thought it was interesting. He took the lead in raising a glass and calling everyone together, eating and drinking. The topic of chat was nothing more than the local customs of Pengcheng and some problems at work.

At present, the company is small, there are few users, and there are not many troubles.

Su Yehao didn't talk to them about long-term planning and so on, and soon they talked about each other. The company often had dinners together, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The waitress went out for a few minutes, came back soon, leaned down and whispered to Su Yehao, "I asked my friend, the purchase price is 150, and I got it from the dealer."

"Oh, thanks, get me some bottles of mineral water, this wine is really spicy."

Su Yehao nodded slightly. Some dealers made a profit and only sold it for 150 yuan, indicating that the ex-factory price should be lower.

If you get the goods in large quantities, you can order a batch directly from the winery, and you may start with one hundred and twenty-three.

In the future, new wines with very recent years can be fried for two or three thousand, not to mention the old wines in the 1990s. It is expected that the profit will increase by 30 to 40 times, and most of them will not be a problem.

He thought about it in his head, secretly remembering the business opportunities.

Nong Qingying asked him what was wrong, and Su Yehao made a nonsense about buying wine for his grandfather.

Although I don't mind taking my woman to earn more money, but I invest too much time and time again, and it's not good. I buy a lot of wine and store it for no reason, it seems very abnormal.

He can buy wine and hoard it for fun. If he brings others to make money, he can just use normal financial management and investment, and there is no need to ask for trouble.


During the meal, I accidentally received a call from Buck Tooth Jun.

Buck Tooth Jun was on the other end of the phone, and said excitedly: "Brother Hao! Guess who we met today!"

"It's not that you haven't seen the star, and you don't need to call me, and you don't need to specifically notify me when you meet my family..."

Su Yehao thought and analyzed, and said again, "Could it be an acquaintance from high school?"

"Smart! Zhao Yimeng! She actually came to the University of Hong Kong, and asked me about you, and asked her to have a meal together?" Buck Tooth Jun said excitedly.

Su Yehao was taken aback.

It has not been long since I dreamed of meeting Zhao Yi last I don't know if the British universities have winter vacations, he said: "I am in Pengcheng, I am here to open a company and do business, I will talk about it next time. If you have nothing to do during the holidays, you will come to play with me and bring you gold and riches."

"What is there to do in Pengcheng? It's arranged in advance. I'm going to Hawaii on vacation to pick up blonde girls! When the goddess asked you in the dream, you are so calm, and you are really empathetic, brother Hao, then I can chase her?"

After Buck Tooth Jun said this, he could hear He Shaofan and Zhu Gan also scrambling to speak out.

The three of them rented a villa and lived together for a long time.

Su Yehao said helplessly: "I can't do it either. Can you guys have a chance? Give it up. Her parents are all sharks. It's more difficult than being a TVB celebrity."

After Nong Qingying heard it, she looked at him curiously.

Su Yehao froze all over, and waved his hand with an embarrassing smile, indicating that it had nothing to do with him...


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