Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 221: start to feel sorry for her

The latest website: The school is like a small society, with a unique set of rules.

This set of rules is more complicated than that in middle school, and it is not as cruel and hard as the society, just in between.

The president of the tennis club is named Wang Jiajian. He is beautiful and good-looking on weekdays. His family has three apartments in Kowloon. In addition, he plays tennis well, and he is naturally sought after on weekdays.

over time.

Wang Jiajian's mentality changed accordingly. Although he did not belong to the top class in HKU, he had a good time in his childhood.

In this Wang Xiaochi, Su Yehao suddenly came, and the originally stable circle was suddenly broken.

Su Yehao only showed a little sweetness, the members of the tennis club began to see the wind and tried to hug Su Yehao's thigh.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

The title of "The First Young Master of Hong Kong University" was not blown out. In addition to his enviable family background, Su Yehao's own achievements were also widely circulated in the school.

Some time ago, I just said that I earned 400 million yuan, and it was confirmed in the newspapers.

Accidentally found that Su Yehao wanted to join his club, and the members of the tennis club were so excited that they all hoped to follow suit.

Even if a little leaked out from Su Yehao's fingers, it was enough for them to live their lives casually. They didn't have to live as tight as before. They had to take the bus and sleep in a small hotel in the alley when they went out to play games.

The football club next door is just because there are several wealthy children, everyone has a pair of limited edition sneakers, and they go to sing and drink from time to time, which is enviable.

As for President Wang Jiajian, who was usually strict and harsh, he was forgotten by them in a blink of an eye.

School club activities are only, hobbies are secondary, most people mainly want to chat with friends who have the same hobbies and spend their spare time.

So after meeting Su Yehao, they immediately looked down on Wang Jiajian and proposed to change a new president.

Very utilitarian, very realistic.

Su Yehao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Everyone, be quiet, I just want to find a place to exercise. I don't have time to manage the tennis club. Besides, I'm a novice and don't know anything. I only played tennis a few times in high school."

To be the president... do you need ball skills?

In the eyes of everyone, it was completely unnecessary. Some people thought they didn't hear it and asked, "Brother Hao! Can you find a Grand Slam celebrity and teach us a few lessons? I always wanted Agassi's autograph!"

"Wow, I actually bought us an extended version of a large hammer tennis racket. I saw it in the store. The Wilson tennis racket made of this material costs several thousand dollars. It is so light and comfortable..."

Seeing this group of people so excited, Su Yehao felt a little helpless.

He really just wanted to exercise to lose weight. The reason why he gave gifts was because he was worried about not accepting rookies.

It seems that the force is too much, as if reaching out and waving at this moment, there is a chance to usurp the throne directly and become the president.

Among the crowd, only President Wang Jiajian's face was ashen, and the feeling of being crushed easily was unpleasant. It was even more embarrassing than losing on the court.

Finding that his expression was wrong, Su Yehao smiled awkwardly: "Since the beginning of school, I have always been a loner. I have never participated in club activities. The atmosphere of the tennis club is very good. Everyone is very enthusiastic."

"Heh, a bunch of white-eyed wolves only know how to play all day. No wonder they lost to the exchange teams in Singapore and Japan. If every time they finish exercising, they go to dinner and sing like a football team, and they can't run. , If you don't discipline yourself, what else can you talk about winning?"

President Wang Jiajian felt uncomfortable, but he also knew that in terms of financial resources, he was incomparable to a son like Su Yehao.

The disparity between them is so large that it is difficult to have the idea of ​​a contest.

Su Yehao, who has no interest in being the president, also went down the topic and said: "I also think so, the reasons for choosing the tennis club are one of interest, and the other is to reduce fat, treat me as an ordinary member, and take me to play a game. Just play."

President Wang Jiajian breathed a sigh of relief, and was sure that Su Yehao really didn't mean to fight with him.

Because judging from the current situation, as long as Su Yehao is willing, the position of the president will be taken away in minutes, so there is no need to play dark Chencang and fake a shot.

With a smile on his face, Wang Jiajian said, "That's alright, do you have any opinions? I'll have a class later, and let someone who is free take you through a set of training first, and then try again after you are familiar with the training process. Play some balls."

"Okay, sorry for the trouble..."

After a few polite words, he and Nangong Tian went to the tennis court to jump frog, sit-ups, and push-ups.

Xiao Nizi has a high emotional intelligence, and in just a few words, she met a junior high school sister.

When senior sister heard Nangong Tian said she wanted to lose weight, her expression was like seeing a ghost. In addition to her disbelief, she also had a lot of envy, helplessness and self-pity.

To be honest, Nangong Sweetheart felt that she had gained a few pounds, but her weight was actually only a few hundred or so, which was just right in Su Yehao's opinion.

Not all bones, but with a nearly perfect curve.

If because of weight loss, instead of building muscle, it would make Su Yehao's heartache.

Lack of exercise on weekdays.

After a set of exercises, pick up the tennis racket, the muscles in the arms are already twitching.

Simply gave up playing.

Today's exercise task, complete...

Sitting on the edge of the tennis court, he found that Jiang Yu followed a few female classmates to a nearby open space to practice dancing.

Nangong Tian waved to her.

After Jiang Yu came, the little girl asked curiously, "Why don't you go to the dance studio and practice dancing outside, not afraid of falling and scratching your skin?"

Jiang Yu's tone was helpless: "Don't mention it, the yoga club is robbing us of the classroom, and the seniors and seniors are also robbing us. In addition, there is the ballet club. I often can't make an appointment for the dance classroom, so I can only go outside."

In Donghuang Rose Middle School, Jiang Yu was the president of the dance club.

Now that she has come to university, her love for dancing has not subsided, and she continues to persevere as a hobby.

A good figure is maintained like this.

Su Yehao was smacking his lips, secretly amazed, he didn't realize that Jiang Yu actually had a career line.

The little girl sitting next to him didn't see it, but Jiang Yu saw it all, and found that the angle of attention of this guy was not right. He gritted his teeth and swallowed in his stomach.

The campus of the University of Hong Kong is actually not small. There are too many people in the school, which makes it a little crowded.

Su Yehao pointed to his shoulder, motioned for the little girl to squeeze it for him, and asked, "Is there any other classrooms? Or I'll ask you for help, reserve a special room, and just bring Nangong with him to use the tennis club. With this type of exercise, I'm worried she'll turn into a muscle girl, a walnut-crusted bicep."

After making up the picture, Nangong Tian immediately turned over with joy, pinched Su Yehao, and said with a smile:

"I hate it, I'll be the first to beat you to death, but playing tennis will make your legs thicker, so it's only suitable for occasional play."

Jiang Yu was stuffed with a big mouthful of dog food, and said contemptuously, "No wonder you are so willing to help us find a classroom, so it's for Nangong."

Su Yehao didn't speak.

Xiao Nizi took the lead in seizing the loophole and asked back with a smile: "Otherwise, do you hope it's for you?"

Instant petrification.

Jiang Yu was at a loss and stammered:

"I didn't... No, everyone is classmates, I don't think so!"

This look is in everyone's eyes.

Everyone looked at each other silently.

Thinking about the rumors outside, it really wasn't groundless, Su Yehao's emotional life was so complicated.

Looking at Jiang Yu, her friends began to feel sorry for her. After all, it was rumored that she was the real fiancee...


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