Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 217: didn't miss you

The latest website: in the midst of a financial crisis.

The exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar was maintained, but both the stock market and the property market fell sharply.

Donghuang Group is a listed company and it has two listed subsidiaries. Its operations focus on real estate, property management, and shopping malls, which will inevitably be impacted.

The impact is not big or small.

Most of the declines in the real estate industry now are the bubbles that have risen wildly in the two years from 1995 to this year. If you calculate the income, the Zhao family actually still has to make money.

And the most severe declines are often "pseudo-luxury houses", that is, new communities that want to become high-end residential areas, usually located in the suburbs of Gangcheng.

For now, the operating status of Donghuang Group is still healthy.

However, in the past two or three years, too much land has been acquired, and the land is still high-priced, which has led to a gloomy development prospect, which has directly fed back to the stock market.

From the high point in the first half of this year, Zhao Yimeng's family's assets have shrunk by 30%, and more than one billion Hong Kong dollars are gone.

It's no wonder that Zhao Yimeng's mother envies when she mentions Father Su.

Cosmopolitan International cashed out in advance and avoided disaster, and sold the real estate in Hong Kong City to the Huang family. Seeing that the house price plummeted, it continued to fall. Huang Zewen's father, Gold Fertilizer, was recently selling the property to return to blood. The office building in Shanghuan City has been rented out and moved back to the casino to continue operating, and more than 300 employees have been laid off.

The performance of the Huang family obviously illustrates many problems.

Huang Zewen's father lost the bet this time, and he may not be able to find someone else to continue to take the offer even if the price is reduced.

The Cosmopolitan International Building in Central is still standing there firmly, and it went to the mainland to win a large piece of land, which is really enviable.

The mother-daughter conversation continues.

Zhao Yimeng asked: "Didn't our family also cooperate with Cosmopolitan International and hold 5% of the shares in the Pengcheng project? How about the real estate project? Have you lost any losses recently?"

"I heard that the housing prices in the mainland have also fallen a bit, but the price of land is cheap, and the property will not be sold for a while, so it has little impact."

Her mother brought the topic to Su Yehao again, and asked: "Why did you investigate Xiaohao, have you changed your mind and are interested in him? Among the younger generation, the kid from the Su family is already relatively top-notch, and his family only has A son who is also quite likable."

"...But he's a big radish. I saw him in his pub last night, drinking with a beautiful woman. I just heard that he made a fortune in business. I'm just curious. It doesn't matter if I like it or not."

Zhao Yimeng is not a girl who is easily carried away.

Continuing to look at the information about Su Yehao, especially attaching importance to the tat network technology company, she suddenly said to her mother:

"If I want to invest, can you give me a sum of money? I heard Su Yehao say last night that he plans to spend 100 million yuan to develop the market. I feel that this industry is very promising. Let him talk to him, maybe he is willing to transfer some shares. To me, there are already popular internet messaging programs in the UK, which proves that there is definitely a future."

"Huh? How much do you want?"

Her mother took over the document and read it. Since she didn't know much about this line of work, she couldn't give any advice to Zhao Yimeng.

Zhao Yimeng frowned after thinking for a while, and said in his mouth: "Fifty million? You have to talk to him to find out. That guy is really abominable. The first-generation product was snatched from me. At that time, I was more optimistic. He only spent a few I bought it for 10,000 yuan.”

"Who told you not to persevere? There is no chance to miss the opportunity. You can't blame others. But since Xiaohao is going to invest 100 million yuan, it shows that he is also very optimistic about this project. I feel that it will not be easy for you to find him to cooperate. Short of money, everyone knows that Four Seas International can earn tens of millions a month through financial management alone, which is several times more than our family's cash."

"... Fengshui turns around, why didn't you sell more shares some time ago." Zhao Yimeng muttered.

Her mother smiled and said, "Who wouldn't speak rude words? It's very dangerous now, and the shareholding ratio is reduced, and it's hard to say whether the company's surname is Zhao or not. It's the money made by the bubble that the waves take away as soon as they recede, who can blame it."

Zhao Yimeng sighed and said, "That's right, that guy's family's company isn't listed, so he has the final say when he makes a decision, how comfortable it is."

"Yeah, feel free, who doesn't envy it."


Su Yehao didn't know that Zhao Yimeng was thinking of tat.

He returned to the Su family's mansion to visit the second concubine. After all, he lived under the same roof for many years, and it was not good to avoid seeing him.

when going home.

Father Su was about to go out, wearing a shirt and suit, and said that he wanted to meet the inspection team from Zhucheng next door, and by the way, talk about undertaking infrastructure projects.

Cosmopolitan International has so many workers and always gives them vacations. If there is no income, people will lose their hearts.

So even if the order didn't earn a few dollars, Father Su was still very interested and asked Su Yehao if he wanted to join in the fun.

It was very boring to hear, Su Yehao decisively refused.

After staying at home for more than ten minutes, the second wife invited him and Jiang Yu to have dinner together in the evening.

In fact, Su Yehao didn't want to eat either.

But after making a phone call to Jiang Yu, the girl agreed first, and simply agreed, ready to go back to Hong Kong City after eating.

Drive McLaren and take Yin Liuli to the pier.

Driving the Riva speedboat, I ran a few nautical miles for a ride. The sea breeze at the end of November was a bit cold on me, and the temperature today was only 17 degrees Celsius.

Played for an hour at sea.

Not long after landing, he unexpectedly received a call from Zhao Yimeng.

Just after the call, Zhao Yimeng was dissatisfied and asked, "I earn so much, don't know how to get a new phone? I keep reminding that I am not in the service area."

"I just arrived at the pier and drove a speedboat to play at sea. It's really not in the service area. Could it be that I haven't seen each other for so long, and I'm starting to miss me. Are you going to invite me to lunch?" Su Yehao said calmly, and only ate something made by Yin Liuli in the morning. Sandwiches, I'm a little hungry.

Zhao Yimeng immediately said, "I didn't miss you, don't be narcissistic. It's okay to invite you to lunch, but I just want to talk to you about something."

Su Yehao was completely confused and could not guess what he had to talk about with her. He didn't communicate much in school, and even cut off contact after graduation.

It's always a good thing to have a treat.

He said carelessly: "Okay, choose a restaurant and send a message to me."

" Zhao Yimeng hangs up the phone.

Su Yehao went ashore and made an appointment with the temporarily hired coach to return to Hong Kong City tonight, reminding him to fill up the speedboat.

When he got into the car, he received a text message saying that he was going to Chen Shengji. This restaurant is very famous for its dried tangerine skin duck. Su Yehao accompanied Xiao Nizi to eat once.

She originally planned to bring Yin Liuli to the appointment, but when she learned that it was Miss Zhao, whom she had met last night, she directly refused, mainly because she was afraid of socializing.

So Su Yehao first sent Yin Liuli back to the apartment.

The Porsche 911 at home had already been given to Yin Liuli by him, making it more convenient to commute to and from get off work.

Knowing that Yin Liuli's lease is about to expire again, and there is no idea of ​​moving, Su Yehao looked at the apartment building when he left, and was thinking about buying a large apartment with a size of more than 100 square meters, with her name written on the house book...


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