Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 215: Looking forward to real brothers online again

The latest website: in the clubhouse of the Four Seas International Golf Club.

Not long after dinner, he took a comfortable bath. At this time, Su Yehao had cucumber slices on his eyes, enjoying the authentic Thai girl's "horse killing chicken".

"Whoops! You're still strong, take it lightly!"

Su Yehao was pressed to the soles of his feet and almost jumped off the bed. The two cucumbers at his eyes were almost crumpled together.


Yin Liuli is doing spa treatments, with essential oils and aromatherapy, and playing soft piano music.

If it weren't for Su Yehao's shouting, the experience would have been excellent.

The dark-skinned Thai girl said in broken Chinese at the moment: "Master, I haven't exerted much force. It's because your body is too weak, especially your kidneys..."

"...Shut up, if you talk again, you will be deducted from your wages, and don't even think about taking tips!"

Su Yehao interrupted her immediately.

His eyes were covered, but Yin Liuli's laughter could be heard. With the idea that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, Su Yehao forcedly explained, "My feet are more sensitive, it's definitely not empty, or press my back and shoulders. Well, just press it lightly."

Knowing that this is the small boss in front of her, the Thai girl immediately shut up, there is no way, it is not easy to mess around, and it is more important to keep the job.

Yin Liuli closed her eyes, and someone was trimming her eyebrows.

She asked in a low voice, "Ahao, the weather is dry in winter, why don't you put on a mask? Now my face is so slippery, cold and comfortable."

Su Yehao replied, "Forget it, you are responsible for your beauty, I don't need it."

The young girl who did the spa for Yin Liuli said enviously, "Miss, your skin is so good, even if you don't take care of it, you are whiter and tenderer than others. As expected, the mountains and waters are more nourishing, which makes me want to go to Treasure Island to settle for a while. Las Vegas has strong ultraviolet rays in summer, and it will turn dark when the weather is hot, unless you stay at home all the time.”

After hearing this, Su Yehao said with a smile:

"Opening the door to do business, it's not good to praise like this. You should praise a few words first, and then find faults. Otherwise, how to attract customers and make their money?"

The young girl, smiling, explained:

"Master, why do we think about making money for the guests you brought? They are all from your family anyway. I won't be soft-hearted when I meet other customers. I will arrange all the underwater volcanic mud, caviar essence, and macroalgae anti-aging cream. If you don't recharge 51,000, you will never let them go."

"This can't be done. Imprisoning customers is illegal."

Su Yehao was joking and chatting.

By the time I finished enjoying it, it was already 7:40 pm.

The nightlife has only just begun.

He took Yin Liuli to the small building on the Dasanba Commercial Street. The tavern on the third floor was open. The main products were whiskey and beer, tequila and vodka.

Whiskey without iced black tea, Su Yehao tasted like drinking medicine, even with ice cubes, it was still unacceptable.

After being seated, I ordered two glasses of original beer, plus onion rings, melon seeds, and chicken nuggets as side dishes.

Looking around, there are only eight customers in total, and a glass of beer in the store sells for 69 yuan. This price may drive away many customers and can only attract some powerful consumers.

Although not lively, but the profit margin is relatively high.

Some people like the deafening liveliness, and of course some people like this kind of cleanliness and comfort. A female student of music is singing the English song "Yesterday Reappears".

Yin Liuli asked the waiter to bring the playlist, handed it to Su Yehao, and explained:

"One hundred yuan can sing a song. We take 60 yuan, give the singer 40 yuan, plus the basic salary, we can earn about 5,000 yuan a month for part-time work. Some customers are very generous. The twenty-five-year-old Macallan is almost sold out, and I just had it delivered by the distiller yesterday."

Su Yehao smiled and said, "When I find a suitable iced black tea one day, and then open a bottle, the two of us won't go home if we get drunk..."

Thinking of supporting young people's part-time careers, I ordered five songs in a row and paid out of my own pocket.

Although the other party is older than Su Yehao, this does not prevent him from "relying on the old and selling the old". One of them is "Dare to Love, Dare to Do", which almost made the **** stage sing, and the high pitch was obviously not good.

This was Su Yehao's former specialty song. It was very difficult to sing the taste. He sat in the audience and drank beer to watch the fun.

Yin Liuli said hello on purpose, gave all five hundred yuan to the **** the stage, and gave up the commission in the store.

I drank a large glass of beer and continued drinking.

I still remember hearing Su Yehao sing last time, Yin Liuli asked, "Can you write me the lyrics of your song "Wild Child"?"

"Want to sing by yourself?"

"Of course not. I hummed alone at home because I thought the tune was nice."

"I'll write it to you when I get home at night. It's suitable for women to sing. Don't forget to sing it to me."

Su Yehao's attitude towards copying songs has undergone a huge change of 180 degrees. When he was studying at Donghuang Rose, he would still feel embarrassed, but now he is very calm.

It's not because of his thicker skin, but because of his butterfly wings, it affects more and more people.

From a logical point of view, many of the classic songs that Su Yehao remembered would probably not appear again, and it would be a waste to put them aside.

"it is good."

After Yin Liuli agreed, she tried to ask, "Do you want to sing on stage? It cost 100,000 yuan to buy audio equipment. Although it's not the top class, it's quite comfortable."

"... a little heartbeat, drink first to strengthen your courage."

"With only so many guests, do you still need courage?" Yin Liuli asked.

Su Yehao nodded earnestly and explained, "It's because there are too few customers and I'm afraid of scaring them all away. It's not easy to accumulate regular customers when a new store opens. Every one is precious."

Yin Liuli didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and instead mentioned: "Some staff suggested that I find some beautiful wine trays, but I think there are advantages and disadvantages to doing that, what do you mean?"

"It's not necessary. It's just a house renovation. I don't expect to make much money from it. It's good to be comfortable. I can often come and sit by myself."

Su Yehao inadvertently saw several girls, a group of people had just come to the store.

They were stylishly dressed, including a girl with short hair, wearing a short skirt and high boots, carrying a black Chanel bag, her back looked familiar.

Turning his head to the side to observe carefully, only after the other party sat down did Su Yehao smile happily.

Casino is really small.

The other party is not the daughter of Donghuang Group - Zhao Yimeng.

Su Yehao hasn't seen her since the separation on the school trip. The number is saved in his mobile phone, but he has never contacted her.

High school classmates and alumni parted ways, and those who went to Hong Kong City to study occasionally met, but Zhao Yimeng went directly to London to study, and it was normal not to see each other.

Saying hello to Yin Liuli, Su Yehao walked to Zhao Yimeng and said hello, "What a coincidence, a real man!"

Zhao Yimeng just returned to the casino yesterday.

In the evening, she had dinner with her at the koko restaurant on the first floor.

When the small building opened half a year ago, Zhao Yimeng's mother also came to cheer, recharged a membership card of 20,000 yuan, and gave it to Zhao Yimeng.

After hearing the words "real man".

Zhao Yimeng was instantly shrouded in shadows, and the most humiliating thing in his entire high school career was revealed again, and his body suddenly tense.

She turned her head stiffly, squeezed out a smile, and said hello, "Su Yehao, you're here too... long time no see."

"Hey, you're not happy to see me? You smile a little reluctantly."

Su Yehao patted her shoulder carelessly, and continued to tease: "I'm a little lonely without you in the chat room. I look forward to the real brother being online again, and help me increase the number of users..."

(This book has been renamed "Fighting to the Third Generation", I am worried that some people don't know, please explain.)


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