Feng Xing

Chapter 107:

No matter what, once you enter the royal family, you will face this kind of thing sooner or later.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and there will be people fighting for the little property of an ordinary landlord's house, let alone such a big country.

In fact, Feng Sheng was already prepared in her heart, and the discomfort was only temporary, not to mention the old grievances between the Zhonggong family and her. Ever since she married Wei Wang, the Chen family, even Queen Chen, and the eldest prince, have never forgotten to look for her Trouble, there must be a cause, and no one can blame anyone.

Originally, King Wei was worried that she would feel uncomfortable. After all, she had never been exposed to this kind of court struggle. Facts have proved that Feng Sheng is stronger than he imagined.

That night, King Wei and Feng Sheng talked a lot about his childhood, how he struggled to survive in this deep palace, and why he was obsessed with studying Buddhism in his early years even though he was a prince.

This night, the two have never been closer than before, but fortunately, these things will no longer be faced alone in the future.

Regarding what happened that day, it ended with the Chen family declaring that Mrs. Chen had suffered from madness, and went to the palace to apologize to the imperial concubine.

Emperor Jianping didn't say a word, but the impact of this matter was extremely far-reaching.

Empress Chen was ill, very ill.

Feng Sheng thought she was pretending to be sick, but after visiting her, she found out that she was really sick.

On the surface, Queen Chen is still the queen, but in fact, anyone who knows the inside story knows that this time she is completely finished. But in the end, this status is the mother of a country, and the mother is ill. As daughter-in-laws, all the princesses need to come to attend to the sickness even if they just put on a show.

Except for the sick eldest concubine, everyone who should be here has come. Empress Chen's condition is good and bad. When it is good, she can wake up a little bit. When it is bad, she is unconscious for many days.

Seeing that it was still the same in autumn, everyone in the palace guessed that the queen might not be able to make it.

At this moment, something happened. The eldest princess, who had been ill for a long time, died.

In fact, this is also expected, the eldest princess has always been in poor health, since that incident, she collapsed, dragged on for so many days, but dragged on for a few days, we all know that there will be such a day sooner or later.

For this kind of funeral, the other families have to show their faces whether they want to or not. After all, it is the elder sister-in-law. After helping the eldest prince finish the funeral, news came from the palace that Empress Chen, who had been in a coma for many days, woke up.

Perhaps it was destined that Empress Chen's life would not be over, perhaps because she was still thinking about the eldest prince, so she survived the winter and ushered in the spring, and Empress Chen survived again.

After that incident, Emperor Jianping handed over the palace power to the imperial concubine. Even though Empress Chen was well this time, Emperor Jianping did not ask the imperial concubine to return the palace power.

During the New Year's Eve, Empress Chen appeared in front of people, still sitting next to Emperor Jianping, but at some point, the position of the imperial concubine moved up a lot to the lower left, although it was not even with the dragon chair, but relatively speaking It is closer to Emperor Jianping.

Looking from a distance, Empress Chen didn't seem to be sitting next to Emperor Jianping, but seemed to be left aside by Emperor Jianping and the imperial concubine.

She is still dressed in a noble and dignified manner, but she is much older. The people in the palace are very good at taking care of herself. She was originally a few years younger than Emperor Jianping. After being ill this time, she looks decades older than him. .

Comparing with the delicate and flower-like imperial concubine on the other side, she looks at most in her thirties, even Feng Sheng can't help but sigh and sigh.

Empress Chen is stronger than she imagined. Even if she loses her palace power, she still maintains her majesty as a queen.

After the Chinese New Year, the Kunning Palace summoned the wives many times to see them, and it was only later that Feng Sheng learned that Empress Chen was planning to choose a concubine for the eldest prince.

The mansion cannot be without a mistress for a day, the eldest prince's mansion is already in chaos, if there is no mistress to take care of it, I don't know what will happen. It was also through this incident that Feng Sheng found out that the eldest prince had contracted a problem of alcoholism and drank like mud every day. I'm afraid this was the reason why Empress Chen was in a hurry to marry him the prince's concubine.

But with the current situation of the Zhonggong family, it is doomed that it is difficult to find this eldest concubine. The low-status Empress Chen looks down on her, high-status people are unwilling, and no girl from a high-ranking family is willing to marry this bald-headed prince. Empress Chen has changed from being a non-noble girl to being an unmarried girl from a family of fifth-rank Beijing official or above.

Even so, there was no suitable one. She got angry and lowered the conditions to those who were above the seventh-rank Beijing official.

The reason why Feng Sheng knew so clearly was because she heard it from the imperial concubine.

"So father chose a daughter of a fifth-rank military officer's family for the first prince?" Feng Sheng asked.

Princess Liang nodded. She had just been pregnant for more than four months, her complexion was ruddy, and her complexion was very good.

"I've seen this woman before. How should I put it, I'm afraid it's not a good match."

Concubine Liang had a strange expression, Feng Sheng couldn't help but ask a few questions before learning the details from her.

It turns out that this woman surnamed Sun is twenty-two this year, and she is already considered an old girl in the current environment. As for why she has never married, it has something to do with her personality, probably because she was born in a general family. This woman has a fierce personality and excellent martial arts. It is said that she has kissed her several times at home, and she despises the other party even herself.

Among them, the other party was entangled and almost disabled by her, so that the reputation in Beijing was ruined, and it was delayed again and again until now.

I don't know why Emperor Jianping chose her to be the eldest concubine. It stands to reason that such a background should not be in the eyes of Emperor Jianping.

"I'm afraid someone mentioned it."

"Actually, let me tell you, regardless of her age, she is quite suitable. It's not that you don't know that the two concubines in the eldest brother's house are not good. There are also many concubines in the house. It's a mess all day long. Married to a domineering past." , can also suppress a town. If you find someone with a weak personality, I am afraid that it will not be long before you will be eaten until there is not even a bone left."

The situation in the First Prince's Mansion is well known to all families. In fact, as early as when the First Prince was still the crown prince, there were some signs, and Emperor Jianping often reprimanded the prince for restlessness. According to the regulations, the prince can marry more concubines than the prince, and there are dozens of concubines with titles, not to mention those without titles.

But the prince didn't waste his rights at all, he filled up the positions where he could get a salary one by one, and added many unnamed concubines.

It was okay when I was the prince, and the daily expenses were all the best. Later, the prince fell down and was abolished, and these women became hot potatoes.

All in all, the back house of the First Prince's Mansion is extremely chaotic. In the past, the First Prince's concubine was fine when she was healthy, but since she was sick, she has been in a mess. She has made several jokes in front of these brothers and sisters-in-law, but everyone Don't say anything.

"To get such praise from you, I'm curious what she looks like." Feng Sheng joked.

"Her father is one of my father's subordinates. I met her once. It would be a pity to ration her." He was naturally referring to the eldest prince.

Feng Sheng thinks about it, it's really a pity, if it's someone else, it's just the eldest prince.

Let me ask, even if it is an old girl who is not married to Yunying, who would want to marry a man who is more than ten years older than himself and has a lot of concubines and concubines in the house.

Of course, in the eyes of the world, it may be that Miss Sun is a high-ranking girl. This is like a person who knows whether drinking water is warm or cold.

"This marriage was bestowed by the emperor, we can't say anything, just watch."


After chatting with Feng Sheng for a while, Princess Liang planned to go back.

Among the concubines, she and Feng Sheng are the only ones who come and go quite frequently. Firstly, Liang Wang and Wei Wang both have "no ambitions", and secondly, they also have the eye-catching relationship they met at the beginning of the year.

This is Princess Liang's second child, the first one is a daughter, so she is anxious to have a son, she has been very careful since she was pregnant, she rarely goes out and walks around, and today she is bored in the mansion, so she came here to talk to Feng Sheng .

"I won't see you off, let the carriage go slower on the way back."

"You can't let my sister-in-law deliver it, I'll just go back by myself."

After Princess Liang left, Feng Sheng looked at her back and couldn't help shaking her head.

King Wei walked in, and Feng Sheng roughly picked out what Princess Liang said after she came.

In fact, who is pure and aimless, since Empress Chen fell out of favor completely, it means that there is no way for the eldest prince to recover. Without this biggest threat, everyone below is ready to move. Wei Wang seems to be at home, but in fact he has not stopped. There are too many people who want to spy on him. Seeing that Wei Wang can't get through here, it is inevitable that some people will make up their minds. Go to Feng Sheng's head.

"Is this Miss Sun the father's fancy?"

Wei Wang nodded: "Mother and Concubine mentioned that she is too soft-tempered, and I'm afraid it won't last long, so Father decided to choose from the generals."

Feng Sheng laughed and shook his head, but didn't say any more.

Because Empress Chen was in a hurry. So the auspicious date is set very close.

The First Prince's Mansion does not have a mistress in charge, so the House of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Etiquette are in charge of the wedding.

On that day, all the people who should go have gone. After all, it was the imperial decree of the marriage granted by Emperor Jianping, and as brothers, King Wei and the others naturally couldn't avoid it.

After arriving at the place, King Wei stayed in the front yard, while Feng Sheng went to the place to entertain the female guests. Concubine Wu, Concubine Zhao and the others were all there. Feng Sheng had never been a talkative person, and they all sat down after seeing the ceremony.

Princess Liang winked at her, and she smiled knowingly. It's just a private act between each other, but Princess An will see it again.

"Look at the two people who greet each other, people who don't know may think they are sisters."

Of course Feng Sheng knew that the words were aimed at himself, and said with a smile: "Look at the sourness of the seventh brother and sister, but biological sisters are good, who doesn't have a biological sister, don't you think so?"

Hearing this, the others subconsciously looked at Princess An's face, which turned blue and white.

Feng Sheng's words were taken literally, without the slightest fault, but there was an allusion to Princess An. After all, everyone present here knows that Princess Wei and Princess An are sisters. This is meant to say that Princess An is not kind, and she has nothing to do to stab people.

"What the third siblings said is that it's not that the whole family does not enter the same family. We are all sisters-in-law, so we are naturally as close as sisters. It's just that the younger sisters also know that the queen mother asked me to help take care of them today, and there are so many people sitting outside. Madam, please help if you can, don't let people see the joke." Princess Wu said.

What she said was remarkable, no one had anything to choose from, and the others would naturally answer one by one, without saying anything else.

Until dusk just arrived, amidst the deafening sound of firecrackers, someone came to report that the sedan chair had arrived. It's fine for others, Princess Wu and others should go to watch the ceremony.

Feng Sheng followed Princess Wu and walked to the wedding hall together with Princess Liang. There were many people who came to see the excitement, and the more crowded they went, Feng Sheng was afraid that Princess Liang would fall, so he helped her.

Before reaching the Xitang, there was a sudden commotion ahead.

"What's the matter?" Princess Wu asked.

A servant was ordered to check on the situation, and after a while, he came back to report and everyone knew what had happened.

It turned out that something happened before, the eldest prince didn't go to pick up the bride in person, he only sent a team to pick up the bride, but his identity was different after all, even if the woman was dissatisfied, she didn't dare to say anything, so the matter was covered up past. Unexpectedly, when the bridal sedan chair arrived at the gate, there was still no sign of the eldest prince. The people in the Ministry of Rituals had no choice but to find any prince who hadn't married yet to replace him, but it was a pity that someone messed up the situation.

The person who disturbed the situation was none other than the eldest concubine Sun.

Mrs. Sun was dissatisfied with this marriage at first, and for the sake of the stability of the family, she could only agree to marry over, but who would have thought that the bridegroom would not arrive first, and the bridegroom still didn't show up when the sedan chair arrived at the door. She is a prince and concubine welcomed by three matchmakers, six hires and eight sedan chairs, not a concubine who quietly sits on a small sedan chair and enters through the side door. This behavior of the eldest prince obviously looks down on her, so she is annoyed.

Sitting in the sedan chair, Sun said that if the eldest prince didn't show up in person, she would not get out of the sedan chair today.

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