Feminist God

Chapter 454 Sister Qiu Ya, You Are a Good Person

Hearing that the other party planned to buy roses for herself, Lin Qing pondered for a while, feeling really embarrassed to refuse Liu Qiuya's kindness.

But if he didn't refuse, it would be tantamount to introducing Liu Qiuya as his girlfriend, which Lin Qing absolutely could not accept.

So Lin Qingjing calmed down, thought about it alone in the empty office, and finally mumbled into the phone in a low voice, and said, "Sister Qiu Ya, let me tell you something, in fact, my mother has always wanted you to be her daughter. "

"So you've become a god-sister?" Liu Qiuya poked her head out from under the quilt, her face was solemn, and she had already faintly felt an ominous premonition.

She is not stupid. Although she looks simple and honest, she can also hear the implication in Lin Qing's words. The meaning revealed in the excuse is that I want you to be my sister.

Otherwise, if Lin Qing didn't talk about it in the morning or later, why did he insist on mentioning this matter at this time.

Soon Liu Qiuya understood Lin Qing's good intentions. He was afraid that he would be hit, so he mentioned this matter cryptically.


No matter what Lin Qing said, Liu Qiuya would still be hit in the end, but the degree of the blow was different.

"Sister-in-law" Liu Qiuya sat up from the bed with a wry smile, her heart ached like never before, it turned out that the person she had always liked regarded herself as a sister-in-law.

Emotional things pay attention to your love and my wish.

Liu Qiuya already understood what she was going to do now, and it was time to let go. She took a deep breath, and a woman couldn't help but appear in her mind. That woman seemed to be Yang, a woman who was very good in all aspects.

"Can I see you again, just the two of us." After a long time, Liu Qiuya spoke, but at this time her voice had changed, and even her eyes were a little rosy.

Lin Qing said seriously to the phone: "The day after tomorrow, I'm going back to the capital that day, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Liu Qiuya hung up the phone heavily.

She wanted to cry, and cried loudly, but she rationally told herself that a grown woman would not shed tears lightly, and she absolutely couldn't cry and cry at every turn like a man, looking for life and death.

three days later.

Huaqing Technology Co.

Lin Qing was thinking about the matter with Liu Qiuya at night in the office, how to face it, and when he said something, there was a knock on the door from outside.

Generally, there are only a few people who knock on the office door.

"Come in." Lin Qing changed from lying down to sitting.

It was Liu Jing who entered the door. She was wearing a serious black suit. Under the erosion of the years, she could still see the beauty that should belong to her youth.

She is here to report on work. Lin Qing’s entrustment has made good progress a few days ago. After the cooperation of the business department, many inquiries and money offensives, she finally has the gun data of the CR game, or It was she who already knew where to get exact firearm data.

Lin Qing pondered for a while, then asked again: "You mean there is a firearms club, but are there any guns in China?"

Liu Jing nodded, this is what she inquired from a retired manager of Lianyi Technology.

"Is the venue regular?" Lin Qing asked again.

Presumably the other issues are the concern. If it is a formal place, it is fine, but if it is not a formal place, it is estimated that the people inside may not be good people.

If this happened, someone would definitely take the risk and force himself once, maybe even kidnap him and become a tool for those girls' gangs to vent.

"It's formal. It's run by veterans and the Ministry of War. It's mainly for rich people. The cost is relatively high. I went there once yesterday. It costs nearly 500,000 members to apply for an annual card, and the bullets in it are charged." Liu Jingzao Already went there yesterday.

That's why the news can be brought back so completely.

"Okay, tell me the address, and I'll take someone there in a few days." Lin Qing nodded. Compared with other men who like makeup and dolls, Lin Qing prefers exciting things.

Secondly, he really wanted to play with guns, and he just took this opportunity to take people to the club.

"Are you going?" Liu Jing looked astonished.

Isn't guns only for women to play with? You must know that when a man sees a gun, let alone play, he will scream at the top of his lungs in all likelihood.

"Can't it work?" Lin Qing asked in surprise.

"Yes, yes, but guns are only for women, you man."

In order to save face for Lin Qing, Liu Jing was embarrassed to continue talking.

Women love to play with guns and even their nature is not just about guns.

There is also the man's gun, women also love to play, especially the latter, the ammunition fired is nourishing and beautiful.

In the eyes of a woman, it can be said that she can't put it down!

So Lin Qing is a man and not a woman, why is he playing with guns?

Lin Qing thinks that what Liu Jing said is very ambiguous. What kind of women like to play with guns, so men can't?

In fact, he can play with guns better than women can!

"Okay, it's okay to be idle in the company. It's better to practice shooting with a gun. It's a self-defense skill anyway." Lin Qing waved his hand.

Seeing that Lin Qing had made a decision, Liu Jing didn't stop anything, and began to talk about the rules of the gun club.

She really wanted to tell Lin Qing that a man should look like a man, such as embroidering at home, learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to cultivate his sentiments and so on.

However, a man just doesn't like these things, he just likes women's things.

Furthermore, he is still his immediate boss.

When Liu Jing walked out of the office, Lin Qing once again thought about the scene of meeting Liu Qiuya with a sad face.

Until the evening, Lin Qing didn't think of a good plan. He looked up at the sky outside, and simply stopped thinking about those things, and set off directly to meet Liu Qiuya at the appointed place.

The meeting place was in a park in Beijing. At this time, besides the old people dancing in the square, there were also many couples in love cuddling each other or talking about love.


Liu Qiuya waited here very early, and saw a slender man appearing in the park, even though he was still far away, she still judged from the way he was walking that he was the one she was waiting for.

It's just that there is deep regret and complexity in her eyes.

Just because this slender man is Liu Qiuya's childhood sweetheart Lin Qing, and also the man she has always had a crush on.

Lin Qing came over, sat on the bench beside him naturally, and said with embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"I never thought that you would always treat me as a sister."

Liu Qiuya was smoking a cigarette, looking into the distance, her tone was full of bitterness, how much she wanted to hold this lovely person in her arms and tenderly protect him with all her life's tenderness.

Afterwards, she took out another cigarette, handed it over, and asked, "One more?"

"No." Lin Qing thanked the other party for his kindness.

Liu Qiuya smiled wryly, and said, "You don't have to worry about whether I will be hit. Don't you think I'm fine now?"

Lin Qing looked at her carefully, but saw that she was in good spirits except that she had become a little vicissitudes.

"You said it would be great if I could be your girlfriend."

Liu Qiuya's face was complicated. At this moment, she wanted to take Lin Qing into her arms, but she didn't dare to do so.

Because it will only bring embarrassing effects for both of them.

"Sister Qiu Ya, you are a good person, but we are not suitable, I only regard you as a god-sister." Lin Qing smiled dryly, with apologies in his tone.

"I've been thinking about it for the past few days, but I actually figured out that it would be nice to be your older sister." Liu Qiuya sighed.

"Why?" Lin Qing was puzzled. Logically speaking, the other party should have been decadent for a while, but this mentality once made Lin Qing wonder if Liu Qiuya had another man he liked.

"I know you are not Lin Qing at all."

Liu Qiuya suddenly tilted her head, with a serious face, she looked closely at Lin Qing's eyes, as if she could reach the depths of her heart.

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