Female President’s Personal Soldier

Chapter 419: You can do it lightly

"May I help you? How can I help you?"

6 Tianlong stretched his waist and looked at Zhou Bingbing with a smile on his face. ??

"Haha! What did he say? This kid, his temper really hasn't changed at all!"

6 Tianlong is so happy.

He is very clear about Shengnong's ability. He is a masterly doctor, and all kinds of intractable diseases are a piece of cake under his hands. Although it is not a matter of Hua Tuo alive, there are probably not many who can survive him in China.

However, this guy is also very temperamental, so he looks pleasing to the eye, let him treat it whatever he wants.

For those who are not pleasing to the eye, it's useless to ask him for any money.

"You're still laughing, you don't have a good guy!" Zhou Bingbing gritted his teeth and stared at him.

6 Tianlong shrugged, he didn't care what others thought of him.

But seeing Zhou Bingbing's angrily look, he suddenly had a prank mind and wanted to tease this girl.

"Zhou Bingbing, you are a proud woman. You can't just ask for help because of this!"

"Isn't it just Gu poison? What's the big deal, I will do it once every half a month at most, and the time interval will become shorter and shorter, and finally it will completely become that kind of crazy look!"


Zhou Bingbing was frightened, thinking about what she looked like when she was crazy, she wanted to hit her to death.

She can't bear it!

"You are Zhou Bingbing, how can you be defeated by this bit of pain? Even if you die in pain in the end, you will be a beautiful woman twenty years later, and you may have a bigger breast than now. Where's the beauty!"

6 Tianlong continued to tease beside him.

"shut up!"

Zhou Bingbing paled with fright at what he said.

"Six Dragons, anyway, I'm here to ask you for help, so just say you can't help!" She gritted her teeth.

"Help, of course I have to help, am I the kind of person who can't help me?"

Tianlong nodded, a little embarrassed: "But I know the temper of the fellow Shengnong. If he decides something, even I can't change it!"

"Since he sees you as unpleasant, he has clearly refused to treat you, even if I say, it is useless!"

"Ah? What to do then?" Zhou Bingbing panicked a little.

She was anxious. Zitong stabbed Qi Chuchu last night, and Shengnong stabbed Qi Chuchu again.

The relationship between Miao Qian and Qi Chuchu is so good, will she once again urge the poison in her body in order to avenge the Six Heavenly Dragon!

So she must ask Shengnong to help her treat as soon as possible.

"But it's not impossible!"

6 Tianlongzhuang pondered for a while, and said: "This fellow Shengnong, because you are hostile to me, so he won't help you treat! If we have a good relationship, he will definitely not stand by."

"The relationship is good? Don't we two have a bad relationship now?" Zhou Bingbing stared.

"Okay, your sister, chasing and shouting every day to kick me away from Su Lingyue, and if there is nothing wrong with me, I will be blackmailed by me. Is this related to me?" 6 Tianlong laughed and cursed.


Zhou Bingbing was very broken, thinking about it carefully, that's what he did with 6 Tianlong on weekdays.

"Then you say, how can we make the Shengnong feel that we are in a good relationship?"

"It's not easy!"

6 Tianlong laughed and said: "Now I am a wounded, as long as you take care of me, Shengnong will think that you are actually good, and then I am persuading him, maybe he will help you heal! "

"Serve you? Go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn! Mother, I...I can't wait for you!"

Zhou Bingbing originally wanted to swear, but halfway through, he shut up quickly, and then reluctantly chose to compromise.

If Shengnong hears that he scolds 6 Tianlong again, the matter of asking him to help with treatment will definitely be completely useless!

"That's right! Alright, I'm a little thirsty, bring me a glass of water!"

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