In the small courtyard of Wen family

Wen jinniang and Liang Yun looked into their big eyes and did not move.

"Ha ha, my husband is joking. How can jinniang not look at her husband Wen · no integrity · Jin Niang flatters to say


Liang Yun raised his eyebrows and answered Wen jinniang's words in a strange way. Seeing that the situation was not good, Wen jinniang stepped out to run back. The next second, she was caught by Liang Yun.

Liang Yun puts his arms around Wen jinniang's soft waist and raises it over her head. Sheng Sheng resists Wen jinniang on her shoulder. He slapped Wen jinniang in order to punish her for running away.

"You..." Wen jinniang's face flushed with this slap, and she couldn't say anything for a long time. Liang Yunkang can only be helplessly back to the room, in the heart of a burst of despair, and then her fate, closed eyes can think of it.

After Wen jinniang and Liang Yun return to the room, Wen Quan and Wu family come out happily. It's a burst of exclamation to see one's son and one's daughter so energetic in the early morning.

"Look, old lady. It's like when we were young. "

"Come on, my son and Liang Yun are so good-looking. You're a bad old man. You don't have to look at yourself!" Wu's white one eye Wen Quan, pretends a pair of dislike appearance, the eye is also unable to hide the smile.

"No matter how ugly I am, didn't you get married?" Wen Quan didn't pay any attention to Wu's words. Instead, he was quite proud. Finally, he secretly took advantage of Wu's inattention and gave Wu a kiss on his face.

The two old people also went back to the hall noisily. In the early morning of winter, it was destined to be all sweet.

On this day, the Wen family is also bustling, sitting together to eat steaming barbecue, nagging home. Wu's family and Wen's family are getting older. Their memory is not as good as that of the younger generation, but they always like to say that their family members are short.

"Son in law, although jinniang is pretty now, she was ugly when she was a child, just like she was dragged out of a coal kiln. He was sloppy and fat. Once he went out with his brother and was caught by his mother. This boy, as soon as he got into a small closet, "he said

After a few drinks, Wen Quan's voice was even louder. He took Liang Yun and kept on talking. He wanted to tell all the funny stories about Wen jinniang when she was a child.

Wen Quan stopped, looked up and had another drink, and then went on“ It's the girl's turn to get through. Guess what? "

"Well... Stuck?" Liang Yun thought about it, as if he had guessed the ending, and automatically made up in his mind the way Wen jinniang was stuck in the cupboard. It was so interesting.

However, Wen Quan shook his head and said mysteriously, "no, no..."

"This girl is too fat. The cupboard is several years old. Jinniang directly broke the cupboard, and even implicated her brother to be punished. What a stick he's got


"Ha ha, jinniang, you..."

All of a sudden, everyone in the audience, especially Dong Zhuyu and Wen Qiang, heard the sound of laughter. Even Liang Yun, who always had a high smile, was smiling with his eyes.

Wen Qiang was directly laughed on the table, laughing so much that he burst into tears. He laughed and murmured, "ha ha, sure enough, this joke is not enough for several years! Ha ha, jinniang is a little fat man. Ha ha, ha ha. Oh, hey, I can't do it. I have a stomachache with laughter. "

Wen Qiang faltered, covered his stomach and fell to the ground laughing directly from the table. The angry wenjinniang stamped her feet. "Laugh, laugh, sooner or later you will die."

It's also helpless. It's exactly what wenjinniang did before. Now she's the only one who can do it. It's just wenjinniang, wenjinniang. How can you do such stupid things for yourself!

But this matter also can't explain with the person, Wen jinniang also can't but wave a hand, pretending to be embarrassed to make amends to smile.

"Jinniang, you must have been lovely when you were a child. It was so fun. I really regret meeting you so late. I wish I knew you earlier! " Dong Zhuyu, a girl who doesn't know how to read people's expressions, is still smiling. She hugs Wen jinniang carelessly and says happily. Wen jinniang's eyes rolled in her heart.

The whole afternoon was spent in the fighting and laughing of the Wen family. Everyone was tired in the fight, and the sky was going to be dark, so the people walked and the birds scattered, and each went back to his own room.

Before leaving, with a little hope, she followed Dong Zhuyu with her little skirt. She planned to sleep with Dong Zhuyu today.

Unexpectedly, Liang Yun had already seen through the careful thinking of Wen jinniang. With a big hand, he caught Wen jinniang directly by her side and said with a smile to Dong Zhuyu, who was very sleepy in front of her, "Miss Dong, my wife is just a little uncomfortable today, so I won't bother her. I'll take her back to the house to take care of her."

"Well?" Dong Zhuyu turned around and rubbed her dry eyes. Some doubts ask a way, "Brocade Niang is sick, isn't just still good?"

Yes, yes, I'm not sick. Zhuyu, don't listen to him. Help me... Wen jinniang smiles and nods hard on the surface, but tens of thousands of little jinniangs are boiling in her heart.

However, Dong Zhuyu was really sleepy. She yawned a long time. Without thinking much, she went back to her room.

Wen jinniang looks at Dong Zhuyu far away, and her heart is broken again. God knows, at this moment, the last thing she wants is to stay with Liang Yun.

But it's too late. The weather in Qingcheng county is very strange. In winter, the temperature drops several degrees after dark. People like Wen jinniang who are afraid of cold don't want to stay outside.

As a result, Wen jinniang had to follow Liang Yun back to the house step by step, with thousands of reluctance in her heart.

Liang Yun saw it, but he didn't say anything. Just that light step, unknowingly has betrayed his master's good mood.

Two people walked through the yard one by one, but suddenly they heard a cry for help. Then, in the dark, a white shadow flashed by.

"Bold!" Liang Yun let out a loud drink, which was also a way to catch up with him.

In the dark, two figures, one white and one black, quickly disappeared from Wen jinniang's eyes.

Everything is to come too suddenly, two people disappear after wenjinniang just reaction come over, immediately run back, called out Wenqiang, to chase Liang Yun.

The white shadow, what is it

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