Female Campus Agent

Chapter 1580 He works hard and is very vigorous

Wang Qingjiang was kicked by Si Yi and flew several meters away. He quickly covered his heart that was about to jump out, and looked at Si Yi with pain and ferocity.

"Your woman? She is your woman? She didn't write it on her face, what right do you have to say she is your woman!?"

Wang Qingjiang was unwilling to accept it. He growled at Si Yi, stood up, and then walked towards Yun Jian, staring at Si Yi who was standing in front of Yun Jian.

Si Yi was 1.85 meters tall, and Wang Qingjiang was 1.59 meters tall. When they looked at each other, the height difference was even greater than when Yun Jian and Si Yi stood together.

Yun Jian was 1.65 meters tall, six centimeters taller than Wang Qingjiang.

Wang Qingjiang looked directly at Si Yi, and couldn't even see Si Yi's chin. As a boy, he stood in front of Si Yi and tried to look at Si Yi. This was enough to make people laugh.

Wang Qingjiang naturally realized that Si Yi was taller and more handsome than him. He swallowed his saliva and tiptoed slightly. Seeing that he could not get any advantage in front of Si Yi, he turned his head to look at Yun Jian.

After looking at Yun Jian, Wang Qingjiang turned his head to meet Si Yi's eyes again, and then said to Si Yi seriously and solemnly:

"The teacher said that we cannot discriminate against anyone. Although I am not tall enough and I am not particularly good-looking, I am not like you, arrogant and unreasonable! Very possessive!

"People also have the right to choose! Appearance and height cannot be used as a meal! At least she will definitely not dislike me like you! If you don't believe me, ask her if she dislikes me or not! Will she choose me!

"I think she will definitely not dislike me! She will definitely choose me!"

Wang Qingjiang grasped every word very well. If Yun Jian did not choose her, then even if Yun Jian disliked his shortness and disliked his ugliness.

Others would regard Yun Jian as a snobbish person.

Wang Qingjiang didn't know the relationship between Si Yi and Yun Jian. He thought that the relationship between Si Yi and Yun Jian was just a young boy and girl in love.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of Wang Qingjiang, Yuan Hongming and others, such a relationship was just a play, and they could be snatched away at any time.

But if someone knew the relationship between Si Yi and Yun Jian, they would not think so at all.

"Qingjiang, good job, it seems that you have made up your mind to tease this girl this time!" A boy next to him started to cheer again, and his tone of speaking was full of boasting.

When Wang Qingjiang heard this, he really got excited. He stood on his toes more vigorously, trying to look at Si Yi at eye level, but he could only reach Si Yi's shoulders.

Wang Qingjiang thought he was very smart. After saying that, Yun Jian would definitely choose him because she wanted to explain to the public opinion that she did not despise him.

Or even if she didn't choose him, she would definitely not refuse too directly.

After all, which girl doesn't want to save face in public?

Just as Wang Qingjiang was waiting for Yun Jian's reply, Yun Jian's voice suddenly came, which surprised Wang Qingjiang and others:

"Stupid and ignorant little brat."

After saying this, Yun Jian turned around and greeted Qingyou, then took Si Yi's hand with her backhand and was about to leave the park with Si Yi.

Zhang Shaofeng and Chen Xinyi behind were not in a hurry to leave. Zhang Shaofeng still had to exercise on his own for a while. Although Chen Xinyi quarreled with Zhang Shaofeng every day, she would still accompany him, wait for Zhang Shaofeng to finish his exercise, and then go back together.

"Wait, what do you mean? Do you really choose him because of my appearance!?"

Seeing Yun Jian was about to leave, Wang Qingjiang couldn't help it, and he quickly shouted at Yun Jian.

Hearing Wang Qingjiang's straightforward words, Yun Jian's eyes moved slightly, she drew a red arc, sneered and turned around.

Seeing this, Wang Qingjiang thought that Yun Jian might be changing her mind.

But Yun Jian sneered at Wang Qingjiang in front of everyone and said, "Not only are you not as good looking as him, you are not as good as him in everything. He is very physically strong. Can you compare with him?"

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