Feast of Flowers

Chapter 3: Not a serious man

After one o'clock in the morning, Hua Jin was too sleepy, so she put away her needle and thread, and put a mask on herself after the shower. After staying up all night, apply a face, you can deceive yourself that the harm of staying up late does not exist.

This night she dreamed again, dreaming of the low blue-tile house in her hometown and the winding mountain roads. She ran desperately on the road and kept running, but she couldn't find a way out.

The unpleasant dreams made Hua Jin feel a little bad when she woke up in the morning, and even drank half a bowl of soy milk. At this moment, she also received a text message asking her to attend the wedding banquet. The person who sent the text messages was her former colleague, who hadn't been in contact for many years. Recently, I didn't know how to get her mobile phone number, and occasionally asked each other hello.

At first, she thought that her former colleague who hadn't contacted her for several years would sell her insurance, but the other party remained silent for a month. Facts have proved that she did misunderstand the other party. The other party did not promote insurance, but invited her to the wedding.

When she arrived at the store, she mentioned the matter to Tan Yuan, and Tan Yuan said, "I know that these people who have not been in contact for several years will not be good when they come to the door."

"The wedding is not a good thing? It is not only a good thing, but also a happy event. I have not had much luck recently, and I want to go to the wedding place and transfer." Hua Jin yawned and took out two packs of snacks from the drawer and distributed them to Tan Yuan One bag, "When my luck gets better, I will be able to earn money every day, and I will be a winner in life, with thousands of beautiful men."

"You just daydream." Tan Yuan shook his head and sighed, "A great beauty, she is crazy when she says she is crazy. She used to worship koi carp and was obsessed with pandas, but now she is starting to enjoy wedding banquets. Feudal superstition kills people.

Looking down at the snack bag packaging in his hand, Tan Yuan said, "You are really a loyal fan of this company. You buy snacks from his house and use his toothpaste. Even when you go out to stay in a hotel, you try to choose his chain hotel. Fortunately, you don’t have a lot of money in your pocket, otherwise you will not let go of his jewelry."

"If you don't eat it, give it back to me." Hua Jin squinted at her.

"Eat, eat." Tan Yuan unpacked and took two bites. "Don't eat white, don't eat."

Huajin washes your hands and continues to embroider the embroidery that has not been completed before. If an embroidery product wants to achieve excellence, then there is no room for mistakes. Although the client cannot tell the difference between one more stitch and one less one, she herself knows.

Aunt Gao said that as an embroiderer, every embroidery is a life experience. Whether you have abandoned your life, others do not know, but the embroidery can see clearly.

She still couldn't reach the realm of Aunt Gao, but when she was desperate, Aunt Gao showed her a way. It was Shu embroidery that made her go further along this road. She didn't want to disappoint Aunt Gao, nor did she want to disappoint. My own efforts over the years.

Day by day, Hua Brocade completed two customizations, the dragon and phoenix red quilt was also embroidered for most of the time, and the wedding date of the former colleague was approaching.

Recently, this former colleague dragged her to a WeChat group. There were two or three colleagues who still had some impression of her. Most of them did not know who they were, so she had never spoken in the group.

That night, Hua Jin heard a message from WeChat and clicked on it. A former colleague in the group suddenly mentioned her, who didn't know why.

Looking at the chat records, these colleagues are all touting the bride, saying that she married well. The fiancé is not only a local, but also has a car and a house. If you have children in the future, you don't have to worry about education.

The atmosphere in the group is very good. Hua Jin feels that she does not need to answer the question that she is married now. She turned off her mobile phone and continued to compare the color lines to find the most suitable thread to embroider the scales.

Scale embroidery is a very common formation in Shu embroidery. It is easy to learn, but it is extremely difficult to embroider well. Whether it is the selection of embroidery thread, the gradation of colors, and the mastery of stitches are extremely particular.

He got up and twisted his neck, and the WeChat software rang again. The colleague who asked her if she was married saw that she didn't reply, so he circled her and asked her if she was married and where to work.


Hua Jin quickly replied.

Splendid Flower: No knot, do some business here.

Who can't pretend to be cold?

After a minute, the colleague who asked the question replied.

Dalong: Haha, you are so beautiful, and now you are your own boss, most men will definitely look down on it.

Huajin: Yes.

This reply completely killed the heavens. After the dragon squeaked and uttered a few words, he didn't speak again, and no one deliberately circled the flowers.

Hua Jin snorted and threw the phone aside. To deal with such a boring colleague, just like a cold wind, just choke him to death.

On the day of the former colleague's wedding, Hua Jin rushed to the hotel with the prepared red envelopes. The former colleague wore a beautiful wedding dress, because the weather was cold, and there was a shawl on his shoulders.

Yang Lin looked at the beautiful woman walking towards her with some doubts in her heart. Could this be her husband's relative?

"Sister Yang, I wish you a good relationship with your husband for a hundred years." Hua Jin handed the red envelope to Yang Lin and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you in a few years, you are getting more and more beautiful."

"Are you... Huajin?" Yang Lin looked at the woman in front of her in shock, almost unable to believe her eyes. When Huajin came to work that year, she was only about eighteen years old. She was thin and yellow, and her clothes were earthy and ugly. Even Mandarin was not standard.

The one thing she remembered most clearly was that when she was about to get off work one night, a customer poured a pot of soup on her. Seeing that this colleague was too pitiful, she lent a coat that she didn't wear very often. she was. That night she thought the little girl would cry secretly, but she didn't expect that she just thanked her calmly, and a few days later gave her the neatly ironed coat.

If it weren't for this incident, she might not remember the person Huajin. In the first two months, she accidentally got Huajin’s contact information. She thought that she didn’t have many relatives and friends here, and she would lose face in front of her husband’s family when the wedding was held. She wanted to invite a few more people to build her momentum, so she hugged Invited her with a try mentality, but the other party agreed with just one bite.

What's more unexpected is that the skinny girl of the year has grown into a slender girl.

Yang Lin no longer remembers why Hua Jin left the job, but seeing that she is living well now, Yang Lin felt a little bit emotional, a little jealous, and a little happy for the other party.

Putting the wedding candy in Huajin's hands, Yang Lin smiled a bit more sincerely: "Thank you for coming. Please go to the third floor for dinner."

Hua Jin smiled and shook his head: "It should be."

Yang Lin laughed. The two of them didn't have much friendship, so there was nothing to do. Two months ago, out of vanity, Hua Jin invited Hua Jin to the wedding. She already regretted a little bit in her heart. With their friendship, why did she let Hua Jin come to the wedding?

Yang Lin's husband glanced at the red envelope in Yang Lin's hand. After Hua Jin left, he whispered: "Is this friend of yours married? Several of my buddies are still single."

"I don't know." Yang Lin thought of her husband's friends' usual piety, shook her head and said, "Not suitable."

Upon seeing this, Yang Lin's husband did not continue to ask. Yang Lin opened the red envelope and was a little surprised after seeing the amount inside.

"Your friend is very generous." Yang Lin's husband glanced at her, "It turned out to be more than your good girlfriend."

Holding the stack of money, she felt that the money was hot. But there are more doubts, why does Huajin need so much gift money?

Several relatives of Yang Lin's husband were secretly surprised when they saw this scene. It's not that the bride is from a foreign country. Not only is the family poor, but there are also few rich friends, so why is it so generous to come and make a shot?

It seems that the rumors cannot be fully believed. The bride is beautiful and kind. It must be a relative who envied others for finding a virtuous wife and deliberately said that she was so unbearable to find a sense of superiority.

The wedding process is similar, the difference lies in the size of the show.

When the bride threw the bouquet, she didn't grab the brocade, but when the groom's official spread the red envelope, she cheeked and picked two. Say you want to be happy, never give up.

At the end of the wedding banquet, the bride and bride must stand at the entrance of the dining hall to see off the guests. Seeing Huajin coming out, Yang Lin quickly shook her hand: "Huajin, you..." She wanted to ask Huajin why she gave so much gift money, but in front of her husband and other people, she didn’t know what to do. How to speak out.

"You stood in high heels for a long time today, pay attention to rest." Hua Jin smiled, "I just came out to ask for a living, and I didn't understand many things, thanks to Sister Yang for taking care of me."

Hearing this, Yang Lin felt a little puzzled. Did she take care of the brocade?

"You are busy today, I won't delay your time, and I will keep in touch later." Hua Jin shook hands with Yang Lin, "Goodbye."

"Wait." Yang Lin said, "Why didn't you come to work all of a sudden?"

Huajin paused and smiled at Yang Lin, "Something has happened."

Yang Lin wanted to ask again. At this time, a few friends walked over and held her to talk for a while. When she raised her head to look for Huajin, she had already disappeared.

Walking out of the hotel, Hua Jin saw an empty taxi approaching. He was about to wave his hand. A man rushed over and opened the door before the car stopped and sat in.

Flower brocade: "..."

She is in awe of people who take their lives to grab a taxi.

"Oh, beauty, where are you going, brother." A dazzling red sports car stopped in front of her. The man who drove was wearing an exquisite suit, but his tie was loosely tied, and his watery peach eyes were smiling. .

Driving a sports car, chatting with women casually on the side of the road, with peachy eyes.

At first glance, he is not a good man.

The author has something to say: Huajin: For men, they just have to be decent and virtuous to patronize the family, otherwise how can a woman dare to ask for it?

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