Fatal Shot

Chapter 225: The person who sent the gun

"Well, two enemies."

"One distance is eighty-three meters, one distance is one hundred and forty-six meters."

When the wind swept the map, it judged the distance between the two men and him.

"A farther target, the location is on the periphery of an elite monster's activity area. If you alarmed the monster in battle, it is likely to be dangerous!"

"So, choose the person who is closer to the goal..."

"Well, the map is actually marked, is it a grassland? Is it a special purpose of the organizer?"

The soft words in the wind slammed the mouth have not finished.

I found that the black dot, which is farther away, has turned into a triangle and ran towards the nearest black dot!

"It seems that self-confidence is never just me!"

"However, I don't know if there are any beastly rebels in the two?"

The wind fell on his face and it looked a bit stunned.

Then suddenly there was an idea in my heart, and I smiled at the corner of my mouth. I also opened the virtual map directly and rushed in the direction of the black spot that was still in place.


"Mom, it won't be so bad!"

More than 70 meters away from the original location of the wind, a sniper player who just unlocked the landing gear and opened the map. Staring at the top of the map, two left and right, facing the black triangle that he rushed straight into, the face suddenly became very ugly!

The location where he is now is a wide open space with a tall grass of half a person, without any hard cover.

And from the speed of these two black points, he did not need to think about it, he has already judged that he has no time to run out of this large piece of grass!

"Oh shit!"

He is now seriously skeptical that his place of landing is specially set by the system (organizer).

Otherwise, how clever is it, surrounded by woods, but only he is a large open grassland here?

"Rely. *** I really thought that Lao Tzu is your prey!"

The sniper player only hesitated for less than a second, and his face showed a twilight.

Then he opened the backpack directly and even reached out and took out a silver pistol.

"I know that I have to look at the situation just in case, so if I don't listen to the npc, I will unlock the equipment directly on the transport plane."

"Otherwise, this situation really does not know how to deal with it!"

Sniper players are fierce, but in fact they are bleeding.

This pistol is a 40-level superior equipment. It consumes a total of 280 killing points when unlocked, plus each pistol bullet that requires four killing points. A total of three hundred initial points are spent, not enough. Fill up the magazine that was able to hold seven hairs.

And all the three hundred yuan spent, it means that once the five rounds of bullets are used but not harvested, he can hardly continue this task!

After all, although snipers can also fight close, but the premise is also the need for sabers and daggers of short weapons.


"The two guys, as long as one is solved, then I can have the points to unlock new bullets."

The sniper player quickly hid his body to the position of a tall mound in the grass next to it, while calculating it.

"So, try to get rid of one of them first, then consider the other!"

"Although there is no bonus to equipment and skills, but all of them are naked. If you can hit three or four consecutive shots, it is not difficult to drop an enemy in seconds!"

"And, these two people don't necessarily need me to solve them all."

"You know, in this dark environment, in addition to the sniper and scout profession, the actual career will be greatly affected visually!"

"I just need to close the map first, maybe they will fight first, or at least one side will retreat!"

The sniper player turned a lot of thoughts at this point.

As a player who qualified for this "Big Run" game, he is not an ordinary low-end player who usually only knows the tricks.

You must know that the illegal value and crime value of his body will never be lower than three hundred, and before the system is updated, it is often the frequent visitor in the town of exile.

Therefore, this 咱pk for him, it is completely commonplace!

His map has long been turned off because the glimmer of the virtual map reveals his position in this dark environment.

However, with the estimated data of the previous map, he also knows that one of the two enemies should have arrived.

Sure enough, but after a second, listening to him, he noticed a footstep in the woods in the front of the woods.

Then, through the moonlight in the sky that has not been covered by dark clouds, the sniper's enhanced vision has seen a figure with a long sword in his hand, drilled out of the woods.

"Mom, what is the situation?"

However, when I saw this figure, the pair actually appeared in the eyes of the secluded green light under the moonlight.

The sniper player's face couldn't help but hold for a moment.

The city where he is located and the area of ​​the rebel army are not bordered. He has never encountered a rebel army in his usual mission, so he did not respond at all.

However, although there was no reaction, but the long-term pk experience, he chose to wait for meditation, and did not rashly take the initiative to the "monster" shooting of this light armor warrior.

Because, he knows, on the side of the position, you can see on the map, and another enemy has just ran to this side!

"It is best for the two people to find each other and then fight one. At that time, I was only going to harvest the endgame. It would be better!"

Sniper players have the idea in mind.

However, he obviously did not count one point, that is, in this environment exposed by the moonlight, the rebel army light warrior with the animal-like gene on the opposite side, the field of vision is actually compared to his sniper with visual perception bonus. Still more clear!


Outside the woods, the pair of "freaks" exudes green eyes, and after a while they even stared at the position of the sniper, seeming to have discovered his existence!


Seeing this situation, the sniper's heart screamed.

Then there was no hesitation, and immediately raised his right hand, the silver pistol in his hand, and pressed the black shadow of the sword to the trigger.

Although I don't know why this guy is shining, it is not discovered by him.

But as a sniper, I know that one thing is that when the position of the light armored warrior is found within 30 meters, only the full force can counterattack a road to choose!

Moreover, this is the case of all "naked", the light armor warrior has cut the blood and defensive advantages of the sniper itself by more than half.

And he has unlocked a superb pistol, but he definitely has an advantage in equipment!

In the case of this increase, he is a sniper, even if there are only five bullets, it may not be able to kill a light armor.

As for this kind of opening, will it let another "enemy" fisherman who has also rushed over profit, and at this time, he has completely ignored it.


It must be said that the sniper player's shooting method is good, this shot, accurately hit the chest of the rebel army light armor.


On the head of the rebel army light armor, a yellow weak point damage value! (To be continued.)

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