That year when I was sixteen years old, I learned that Zhao Zhiqing, whom I had been secretly thinking about for several years, also liked me.

We are separated forever, and I am heartbroken, wishing I could go with her.

But she sacrificed herself to protect me. Since those days, I have been thinking about her every day and night.

Apart from my heartache, I didn't lose my mind, it just felt that I was sorry for Zhao Zhiqing even more.

If I hadn't ridiculed her, maybe we wouldn't be separated forever.

I wanted to find the real culprit and take revenge, so I sent secret guards to investigate. This investigation lasted for more than half a year.

On the eve before I found out the real culprit, those hidden guards were all killed. It looked like they were helping Zhao Zhiqing to avenge her.

I have been waiting for the real murderer to show up, but unfortunately there has been no news.

At this time, I suddenly thought that those dark guards are usually very secretive, and they can dig out their lair.

They must be people who are very familiar with them. At that time, only Zhen and Zhao Zhiqing had their own secret guards.

If my hidden guards didn't kill those people, then they should be Zhao Zhiqing's people.

So I decided to search for the remnants of the hidden guards myself, so I took the dark guards and left Nanman, planning to return to the capital first.

Unexpectedly, I met bandits on the way. The bandits saw that I was handsome, so they wanted to kidnap me and go up to the mountain to become Mrs. Yazhai.

At that time, I asked the hidden guards to kill all the bandits, but there was a woman among the bandits with strong martial arts.

I have fallen in love with Zhao Zhiqing since I started to understand love, and I have always dismissed other girls.

If it was before, I would have killed her without hesitation, without feeling any pity.

However, my beloved girl just died, so I felt compassion for that female thief.

I don't want to kill her anymore, not to mention that I can tell at a glance that the woman and the bandit are together.

The leader of the bandits captured the woman and hypocritically asked her why she saved me.

The woman refused to tell her life and death, so he locked her up, and then the woman took poison and committed suicide before she was put in the dungeon.

And I just think they overacted, but they didn't tell her the truth until she died of poison.

After investigation by my secret guards, I found out that this group of people are not bandits, but the remnants of the Nanman saintesses.

It was the Saintess Hall that was destroyed by Chu Liu'er many years ago, and it slipped through the net.

After several years of hiding, they slowly occupied a mountain top, but they were accidentally encountered by the prince and completely destroyed.

The only fly in the ointment is that Zhao Zhiqing left me, and I am still blaming myself for Zhao Zhiqing's death, and my heart aches.

"His Royal Highness, don't be too sad, Zhao Zhiqing really loves you, you should be happy."

But I have been thinking about her secretly for nearly eight years, now that she is gone, will I be happy?

Hey, I picked this dark guard by myself, and I can't return it, so I can only shake my head and say nothing.

"Your Highness, but she really loves you."

My secret guard learned from my mother, love must be open-minded, don't sneak in secret thoughts.

They all thought that I didn't like Zhao Zhiqing, so I didn't want to punish them either.

Knowing that lovesickness is bitter, but still caring about you, this word is simple and straightforward.

But he has exhausted the countless twists and turns of lovesickness, love and sorrow, and unspeakable melancholy.

A wise man does not fall in love, the implication is that only a fool is trapped by love.

Who can be so sober?

Love is so inexplicable, the way is unclear.

If everyone in the world is a wise man, then love will not be the eternal theme of human beings.

"You said it would be great if she was still alive! I will confess my love to you."

I can only tell myself.

"Don't worry! She'll be fine. She'll be better off in heaven, right?"

"I know, but I'm so sad! I'm so sorry I didn't find my heart sooner.

Tell her earlier, I'm so sorry."

In my own room, I cried and confessed countless times, my tears dried up, and my heart turned into a cold stone.

"Your Highness, do you still remember what you promised me?" the personal guard asked me.


"I beg you not to commit suicide, my subordinates. If you really have some troubles, wouldn't the emperor and empress kill your subordinates to vent your anger?"

"When did the prince say he was going to commit suicide?" I gritted my teeth and looked at him.

The look of wanting to tear him apart made the guards and hidden guards around us think it was an illusion they saw before.

"The subordinate has gone out."

"Wait." I suddenly stopped him, "The prince has something to tell you."

"Is there anything else, Your Highness?"

"Listen to me, from now on, stop talking nonsense."


I didn't care about their expressions, and went back to my room with my hands behind my back.

When I entered the room, I fell on the bed, and when I woke up, it was already late at night, the moon was shining brightly outside, and the stars were shining brightly.

I lay on the bed and didn't want to move. I felt empty in my body, as if something was missing.

I sat up slowly and looked at the room. The room was decorated very warmly, but I couldn't feel the warmth of home.

So I hurried back to the capital to plead guilty to Uncle Zhao, but he didn't blame me as the prince at all.

I talked to my father about every bit of Zhao Zhiqing, and my father was silent for a while.

"Kangkang, do you like her very much?"


My father can read minds, but it's a pity that I didn't learn it. It would be great if I could read minds, at least I won't miss the misunderstanding with Zhiqing.

In fact, from ancient times to the present, there has never been a lack of "villains" who smile at Mimi face to face and stab a knife in the back.

Especially in officialdom, there are as many villains who stab a knife in the back as there are crucian carp crossing the river.

"Father, if I can read minds, then..."

"Kangkang, father doesn't have the ability to read minds, he only guesses the inner world of others by looking at facial expressions."

My father interrupted me, and taught me a lot, how to observe other people's expressions and guess their inner world.

My father told me that to deal with the villain who stabs the knife in the back, one must have a strong mind and a smart mind.

The most important thing is to have a set of means to deal with such people. There are many politicians who were framed by villains and ruined their reputations in history.

But there are also some outstanding politicians who can be close to gentlemen and far away from villains, and are wise and decisive in dealing with such villains.

Take pre-emptive measures to prevent yourself from being hurt by villains.

My father asked me to review the memorials every day and deal with all the affairs of the court.

I also read Uncle Zhao Yu's facial expression, I really didn't blame me, although he lost his beloved daughter.

But both of them didn't blame me. The idea in their bones is that they deserve to die for us!

Since then, I have no time to mourn the Spring and Autumn Period, and there are many things every day.

Some are happy and some are unhappy, but I am always unhappy.

The days go by so fast, it's a year in the blink of an eye, and our brother and sister are already seventeen years old.

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