My name is Chu Jingchen, and my nickname is Kangkang. My father, the emperor, gave me the throne two years ago.

It's just that my mother loves me and my younger brother and younger sister so much that I can't bear to leave us.

So I waited and waited until I was twenty years old, and my father couldn't wait to pass on the throne to me.

My father, emperor and mother are the happiest people in this world, and also the most powerful people in this world.

When I was five years old, I recited a thousand words of scriptures every day, and I could not forget them with my photographic memory. As I grew up, I became very proficient in poetry, calligraphy, and painting.

It stands to reason that I, who was born with a golden key in my mouth, should live carefree in a honeypot all day long.

However, all of this was ruined by my self-willedness.

I was born with wealth and honor, and when wealth comes, man cannot refuse it.

Like a flying dragon in the sky, a soaring phoenix is ​​unstoppable.

What I have achieved is the result of hard work, and the future is vast and limitless.

There are many people who support me, as you can see from the countless guests intoxicated by the fragrance of flowers all over the hall.

I have never been short of love, and everyone in Xuan Yanchao especially likes us three brothers and sisters.

But my love is full of hardships, I have to admit that this is fate.

Every one of them has nothing to do with me, of course, that doesn't mean they are bad.

When young, who doesn't desire to have a beautiful relationship?

But my fate seems to be cursed by God, and I am doomed to die alone.

I am the prince of a country, with such an identity, there are countless women around me who are crazy about me.

But in the end I couldn't get together with them, not because they were not beautiful, nor because they were not gentle.

And they are very understanding and caring about me, but in the end, I can only miss them.

My father is the emperor of the Xuanyan Dynasty. His achievements and honors can be recorded in the annals of history and let future generations admire him.

He has a virtuous and virtuous queen, that is my mother, she is the lifeblood of my father.

When my mother was seventeen years old, my father gave birth to two princes and a princess.

My father couldn't bear to see my mother's pain during childbirth, so he secretly took the child-killing medicine himself.

This is my mother's honor, but also our honor. We can not only enjoy mother's favor.

There is also the pampering from my father. I didn't know until I grew up that the reason why my father dotes on us.

He is Aiwujiwu, he loves everything and everything about my mother and queen.

We are the lifeblood of our mother and empress, so we also become the lifeblood of our father's lifeblood.

We spent eight happy years innocently, no matter the old or middle-aged people, even children like us three brothers and sisters.

The thing that made me a little depressed and irritable began in the summer when I was eight years old.

At that time, when I was only eight years old, I already knew a lot of things that should not belong to that age.

I am the proud son of heaven, everyone likes me very much, in fact they do.

When I was eight years old, I found out that I fell in love with a six-year-old girl, Zhao Zhiqing.

But I saw her and my second brother, Suisui, smiling very happily when we were together.

It seems that she is still talking and laughing with An An, but she only avoids me as soon as she sees me.

I hadn't noticed her before, but it was because of the many times that I paid attention to her.

But with this attention, I fell into it, and the more I fell into it, the more irritable I became.

Especially seeing her laugh when she sees my second brother, and hide when she sees me, how can I, who is so proud, bear it.

There are so many little beauties who like me, why should I care about her alone.

Since my second brother likes her, then I will reluctantly give it up to him, but as I get older, I grow up.

I found that not only did I not forget her, but I seemed to be falling more and more. I was painfully devoting my energy to learning various skills every day.

If my second brother likes her, then I will bear this pain alone and will not hurt her.

So since I was nine years old, I have had my own worries, and I can't be happy no matter what.

Fortunately, the family relationship between my mother, queen father, and younger siblings made up for my painful heart.

When I was a little older, I discovered that my second brother seemed to like Uncle Dai's daughter.

And Zhao Zhiqing still often followed my second brother, sandwiched between them, which annoyed me very much when I was young.

So I, the proud son of heaven, satirized her arrogantly, don't be a toad who wants to eat swan meat.

Wishful thinking to marry into our royal family, every time I see her, I will taunt her a few words.

I also deliberately behaved very intimately with Princess Xichu, as if I liked Princess Xichu very much.

I actually don't like Princess Xichu at all, I just want to piss off Zhao Zhiqing on purpose.

Because I found out that my second brother doesn't like her, but she is always by my second brother's side.

Since I was six years old, my father has made me the crown prince, and I know that I will be the emperor in the future.

Therefore, I don't want to use the ladies of other ministers as shields, so that we monarchs and ministers will have a gap in our hearts.

My father and the prime minister taught me the strategy of the emperor and the tactics of the emperor since childhood.

I have learned and used those power tactics vividly, and used them in my love strategy.

Zhao Zhiqing was heartbroken by my anger, depressed all day long, and finally left her hometown to help the poor in Nanman.

It was also at that time that I began to know that I was just an ordinary person, and there were people who couldn't love me.

I am just stronger than ordinary people, maybe it is because I am the proud son of heaven, so my love is also a road of no return.

I lost my way in this relationship, even lost myself.

I began to think, what is my love, what is it that supports me to go through that rough journey.

What makes my love, what makes me have the courage to go on?

Later, by chance, I learned from my second brother that Zhao Zhiqing has always liked me.

This made me so happy that I often went outside the palace to look for prey.

In fact, I just wanted to try my luck, hoping that one day, Zhao Zhiqing would come back.

Finally, after suffering for half a year, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I told my parents.

"Father, mother, son, and son want to travel to Nanman, and take a look at the customs and customs there."

"Brother, haven't we been to Nanban several times?" My princess sister asked with blinking eyes.

I wanted to go to Nanman to get her back, the same day I arrived in a small village in Nanman.

However, I was provoked by the Nanban assassins, who were the secret guards of the Nanban emperor.

The hidden guards are not only good at martial arts, but also know how to use poison very well. I have great inner masters and Jin Yiwei by my side.

But the number was not enough, and in the end many of his subordinates were poisoned. I thought I would die in that assassination.

Fortunately, I survived, it was Zhao Zhiqing who sacrificed her life to save me, but unfortunately she died on the spot.

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