Zhao Yu felt ashamed in his heart. It was because of his selfishness that he neglected his work. Did their master see something.

"Master Prime Minister, please feel free, Zhao has other things to do, so I won't accompany you."

"Young Master Zhao is hostile to Mo, and Mo admits that he has never offended you. Can you tell Mo why?"

"Nothing, Zhao is just doing business."

"Momou has never heard of your name, and there is no hatred. It is strange that Zhao Gongzi is so hostile to me."

The Prime Minister of North Vietnam kept asking questions. He just wanted their North Vietnamese people to have a better life, and he really didn't want to offend anyone.

Zhao Yu: "If the Prime Minister must ask clearly, it is because you are so good-looking that you are annoying to look at!"

Mo Rigen: "..."

What's the reason for this? He didn't know whether to be happy or worried, didn't he say that good-looking people would be given two points by the world.

"Then the truth went to cut rice and weeds."

The people in the castle are busy harvesting rice every day, and they have built several large warehouses to store grain.

There are also a few smaller warehouses, which store dried vegetables, dried potatoes, dried beans, dried cucumbers, and dried pickles from watermelon rinds.

Then there is the potato vermicelli, stewed with pork bones can be used as a staple food, and can be used as a meal.

The chicken farm has bred a large number of chickens, and the whole chicken farm looks like a large breeding farm.

There are also many eggs every day, enough for tens of thousands of people in the castle to eat a meal of scrambled eggs every ten days.

For the children who performed well, they were rewarded with a tea egg from time to time. Of course, everyone in the castle had a tea egg every few days for breakfast.

Uncle Song put the newly hatched chickens next to the chicken coop, and he and a few of his subordinates patiently fed them.

These chickens, originally used to feed everyone in the castle, are now exhausted.

But if all are sold, at least a lot of money can be made. The pigs raised by his third brother have already been sold outside.

The pork from the pig farm is often sold to the people in Youzhou City and the Zhenbei Army, but they are really poor.

Uncle Cheng and his eldest son, Chu Liu'er, are in charge of the castle's external exchange, and they are going to Jialing Palace this time.

The three of them also have some accountants and bookkeepers, which are professionals who are usually related to business.

But their martial arts are mediocre, and they can only protect themselves under normal circumstances. If they encounter an emergency, they will be in trouble.

Zhao Yu had no choice but to send Yang Yulong and Wang Ergou to escort them, and the two of them each brought their No. 50 men.

Before leaving, Zhao Yu called Yang Yulong and Wang Ergou aside, and whispered: "Remember, we are 'exiles', don't make trouble."

"Got it!" Yang Yulong replied.

Zhao Yu said to Wang Ergou again: "But don't be too cowardly, it's an old rule, whoever bullies someone will trouble whoever! No matter who it is!"

"Understood eldest brother!" Wang Ergou nodded in agreement.

Yang Yulong also quickly expressed his position, saying: "Don't worry, brother, I will definitely not embarrass you and Master Chu."

Yang Yulong still has something to say, that is, if you really encounter trouble, you don't have to worry, after all, they are also people who have learned the secrets, and they can be considered to have some self-defense skills.

"Okay, you two, let's go." Zhao Yu waved his hand, signaling them to leave quickly.

"Wait..." Zhao Yu suddenly stopped and asked, "You have been learning the secrets from Master Chu for a while with me, how is it?"

"Very good!" Yang Yulong nodded, "Although it is slow to practice, the effect is indeed much stronger than before!"

"Yeah." Zhao Yu nodded after hearing this, then smiled and patted Yang Yulong's shoulder, "That's good, let's go, come back early!"

Watching Yang Yulong and Wang Ergou leave, Zhao Yu turned around and entered the castle gate, oh! This guy needs to worry too.

The father and son Cheng Sanshu and Cheng Xianping pretended to be wealthy businessmen specializing in food sales, while Chu Liu was a pork man.

Yang Yulong and Wang Ergou brought their subordinates to dress up as entourages. Everything seemed reasonable, and there was no suspicion along the way.

At the gate of Jialing Mansion that day, their caravan consisted of more than 100 people and dozens of tightly sealed carriages.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" The city guards asked instinctively as they looked at so many carriages.

"We are coming from Youzhou City and want to go into the city to sell food, may I ask if there is a problem with the official?" Third Uncle Cheng skillfully approached.

"Selling grain, you can enter." The guard guarding the city gate said while pressing his index finger with his thumb.

Wang Ergou didn't know that the action was for money, he winked at the man, "Our master wants to buy and sell food, do you want to give you a few bags of rice."

The man was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "Selling food? Don't you know that there is a shortage of food everywhere in Dongchen Country?"

The implication is to give money, without punching, and give a few bags of rice in front of everyone, are they embarrassed to accept it?

"However, our Youzhou city is not short of food. Recently, the third prince went to our Youzhou to escort a lot of rice and flour."

Cheng Sanshu wanted to know the reason, and moved the guard door with emotion.

"We have to check." The guards of the city felt that something was wrong with this group of people, and they were too blind.

Since the locust plague last year, there has been a shortage of food everywhere, and the autumn harvest season has not yet arrived. Where do you get the food?

Seeing that these people are dressed like dogs, they are reluctant to pay for a few drinks. Could it be that they are bandits who want to sneak into the city?

Wang Ergou snorted coldly, glanced sideways at several guards standing aside, and said, "Oh, so there are still rules here? Why didn't anyone come to stop the people in front just now?"

The guards were so choked by him that they were speechless. They knew that they would give money, so they went in naturally.

Aren't you a big business? Do you want to go to the city without even giving your brothers a few coins to drink?

Especially their caravan, there is a mighty group of people, dozens of carriages, they thought they would give a little more.

Unexpectedly, they didn't give a single copper plate, and there was a problem at first sight. Even if the Lord Futai came, it was not their fault.

One of the guards stiffened his neck and retorted: "We're just doing a routine check, just open the carriage and let us check it before we can go in."

"Oh, right?" Wang Ergou snorted coldly, "If that's the case, then we won't enter the city, do you have any opinion?"

The guards were stunned: "..."

He has been guarding the city gate for many years, and he has never seen such a stingy caravan. These people are definitely not good people.

The guard door felt that they were the truth, and a small leader said arrogantly: "It's too late if you don't enter the city now, you go and report to Lord Li Qianhu, there are bandits who want to break through the city gate."

"Yes, Lord Baihu."

When the words fell, more than 100 people rushed up to surround Cheng Sanshu and the others...

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