Fantasy: Starting from the Nine Crowns

Chapter 323 Crushed! (For subscription support!)

Qin Yuntian only had his soul left, and he could now feel that he was in a small space, otherwise it couldn't be considered a space at all, because even if Qin Yuntian was shrunk to a minimum, there was no room for him to move at all.

The crystal was still compressing, Qin Yuntian's divine soul was immortal, and a dazzling divine light erupted. The huge force resisted the solution, making it impossible to shrink any more, but it made Qin Yuntian bear even greater pressure, which was unprecedented. , in a space with a volume close to zero.

Qin Yuntian saw the intention of the solution, which was to compress its volume, approaching the extreme point, until it broke through and reached zero, and at that time, no matter how much mass it contained, its density would be reduced by Zoom in to infinity.

And the result of this is that the quality of the solution will also become infinite, that is the pressure that even heaven and earth can't bear, and that is the power that really breaks the limit.

Under that kind of power, there will be no accident, even the whole world will collapse under this and that pressure, turning into pieces, not even the Great Dao, the law of order between heaven and earth will be out of balance, the turbidity will merge together, and finally return to chaos .

Heaven and earth will restart, and everything will return to nothingness. It is a real nothingness without any material existence. Under that, no creature can survive, including Qin Yuntian in it.

Or, heaven and earth itself will not allow this situation to occur, trying to break the impossible shackles and break through to the extreme, which is not tolerated by heaven and earth, and the Great Dao has already set a block on it to ensure the harmony and stability of heaven and earth. .

And those who want to break it will definitely be punished. Once Heaven and Earth perceive that someone has touched the prohibition of the Great Dao, it will start to protect itself. That is to gather the power of the entire world to block, counterattack, and directly destroy the crystal.

In either case, Qin Yuntian's end would be death, and he would be buried with all the solution.

The solution Qin Yuntian noticed had already compressed to an extreme point, and if it continued, it would reach the boundary of heaven and earth, and it would definitely be destroyed, but the solution did not stop at all.

Qin Yuntian will not sit still, waiting to be destroyed together or directly crushed to death by this powerful pressure. He now only has a divine soul left, but the power of his divine soul is stronger than his physical body.

That divine soul emitted an ancient brilliance, that is the divine soul of the Nine Crowned King, that light spanned time, space, and this world, directly rushing out of the Qinglong Pagoda, in a mysterious way. Communication world.

There are many stars in the sky, the heavens and the earth, the twenty-eight constellations, the Big Dipper, and the Great Emperor Ziwei, each of which sent out a divine light that hit Qin Yuntian. That is the power of the stars, that is the power of heaven and earth.

He is not a 400 emperor, and he has never had a strong bloodline, but as long as he exists for one day, even the stars will bow their heads and respect him.

That ray of light became stronger and stronger, Qin Yuntian poured the energy and spirit of his whole body, he released his own avenue, and it was even level with the way of heaven, you want to destroy me with an act against the sky, then why can't I incarnate as heaven and earth for you Condemn.

The crystal cracked under such a powerful light, and it could no longer maintain that pressure, slowly shattered, and turned into an ocean.

Even so, Qin Yuntian failed to reduce the total amount of these solutions, but they couldn't milk Qin Yuntian anyway.

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