Fantasy Realization System

Chapter 462: The pain of bone erosion (one more)

"It’s nothing, you eat yours, and you have to practice when you go back. Because your body is in the growth stage after soaking in the medicinal bath, you need more nutrients, so your need for food will be even greater. It’s rare for someone to treat you today. Take this opportunity to have a good meal."

Zhou Ming spoke to Chu Xinran and Yang Qiansong with his spiritual knowledge.

Chu Xinran nodded quickly, no wonder she said why she felt so hungry? It turned out to be because of those potions.

Yang Qiancong also picked up the chopsticks at this time, and quickly picked up the meat dishes from the plates in the surprised eyes of the other three.

Seeing that the small bowl in front of Yang Qiansong was full of meat, Zhou Ming didn't change his face, so he just picked up the chopsticks and started eating. While eating, they said to the three of Longyang, "Hurry up, it will be cold if you don't eat any vegetables."

"Shouchang Zhou, did you not eat today?"

Long Yang took a sip of the plain water soup from the soup bowl that Chu Xinran had just taken away, and asked carefully.

"No, we have been killing enemies outside, and we can't even eat a good meal."

Chu Xinran did not wait for Zhou Ming to speak, but replied with a greasy mouth.

The way she eats is like refugees suffering from famine.

Zhou Ming smiled at Long Yang and ate the rice in the bowl leisurely.

"It's really hard work."

Long Yang couldn't help being in awe of Zhou Ming and Chu Xinran. It turned out that the peace in the country was the result of these leaders who fought on the front line... No, Chu Xinran and Zhou Ming both achieved this position, why bother Go to the front line.

Long Yang's head, which is not a bright light, finally flashed once at this time. Good fellow, almost deceived by this little girl.

Chu Xinran saw Long Yang's distrustful eyes, took a bite of the chicken leg in his hand, and smiled at him: "Do you think we are all the kind who retreat behind the scenes and sit behind the Wanjun command? "

"Isn't it?"

Long Yang touched the back of his head and said straightforwardly.


Chu Xinran suddenly let out a cold snort, staring at Long Yang coldly, and said: "People in high positions are not necessarily big bosses in the middle of the town. People like us are basically exchanged for power with our lives. You families My child, with a golden key at birth, how can we appreciate our hardship?"

"Ah this..."

Listening to what Chu Xinran said, Long Yang couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. Was that the case?

He thought that Chu Xinran and Zhou Ming were able to be promoted to chiefs at such a young age because they had gone through the back door.

Ye Ling looked at Chu Xinran and Zhou Ming, and couldn't help feeling in his heart. There really is a heaven outside the world, and there are people outside the world.

All success is not achieved by luck and hard work alone. How can the state grant them such honor without certain merits, such as Chu Xinran and Zhou Ming?

Ye Yun was also very shocked. If she was really like what Chu Xinran said, then she would admire Zhou Ming and Chu Xinran very tightly. She could achieve such great feats at a young age, and she had a boundless future. People like them must be talented. Do you have powerful martial arts?

Thinking of this, Ye Yun's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Is it not easy to know ours? Knowing that you still have to turn the plate of pork belly in front of you?"

Chu Xinran sucked the soup in the bowl and gave Long Yang a stunned look.

"Ah good."

Long Yang subconsciously looked at the whole plate of sauced pork belly in front of him, put his palm on the edge of the table, and slowly turned it up.

"Yes, yes, right! Give me all the meat, you guys, the delicacy of Tiantianshan and the sea, is not bad for this meal."

Chu Xinran looked at the pork belly that turned in front of him and said to them with a smile.

Ye Ling and Ye Yun looked dull, and put down the chopsticks they had just picked up. Okay, it's good for this chief Chu to eat happily.

The banquet at this table was basically taken over by Chu Xinran and Yang Qiancong. Zhou Ming just ate a little bit of meaning and then put down the dishes and closed his eyes.

After ten minutes passed, Chu Xinran and Yang Qiansong ate half full. Zhou Ming saw that the time was about the same. After saying goodbye to the three of them, they left the banquet room.

The three of them watched Zhou Ming and their backs disappeared outside the door, feeling vaguely as if they had overlooked something important...

When he returned home, Zhou Ming once again made a pot of potion. This time the color of the potion was stronger than last time. Except for a touch of green, the entire bathtub was black like ink.

Seeing Zhou Ming put a layer of protection in the bathtub, Chu Xinran couldn't help but want to reach out and test the water temperature, but Zhou Ming stopped it.

"Master, what's up?"

Chu Xinran looked weird. Is this potion different from the last time?

"This time you two may have to endure extreme pain."

Zhou Ming looked serious, and said to Chu Xinran and Yang Qiancong who were standing in the bathroom with bare feet, "Take off your clothes."

"Master, do you want to take it off now? In your presence..."

Chu Xinran suddenly became shy. It's not good to be so open. If I can, I still want to be alone with the master...

"You, can you close your eyes first?"

Yang Qiancong was also flushed at this time. In Zhou Ming's heart, isn't there any suspicion of men and women?

"If you want to become a pile of bones in the bathtub, I can keep you ashamed."

Zhou Ming had no emotional fluctuations in his eyes, watching them both, and said lightly.

Chu Xinran gritted his teeth, his palm slipped on his body, and his whole body was immediately exposed in the bathroom in "harmonious".

Yang Qiansong suppressed the shyness in her heart, and raised her arms, and she was in harmony with Chu Xinran.

"This time the liquid medicine is very toxic and corrosive. I will put a layer of isolation on you. As time goes by, this layer of isolation will become thinner and thinner until your physical bodies are fully adapted to the bathtub. Until the liquid medicine."

As Zhou Ming said, his hands condensed two seals, and shot them on the bodies of Chu Xinran and Yang Qiancong with blushing faces.

"As a monk, you should let go of your shame. Of course, if you appear naked in front of the enemy, you will be shy in your heart, and you will only be in desperation."

He walked to the door, turned around and left a word to them, and disappeared.

Chu Xinran and Yang Qiancong looked at each other, neither of them agreed with Zhou Ming's words.

Because, in their hearts, their bodies can only be seen by people they like.

After a while, the screams of Chu Xinran and Yang Qiancong came from the bathroom. This tank of liquid medicine was almost the same as sulfuric acid. As soon as they were soaked, the flesh and blood on their bodies melted in this liquid medicine. Among them, the pain that erodes the flesh and blood is not at all the pain that ordinary people can bear. Even if it is replaced by some powerful cultivating cultivators with physical bodies, I am afraid that it will not be able to bear this bone-eroding pain for a long time.

Hearing the painful cry of Chu Xinran and Yang Qiancong, Zhou Ming sat in his room calmly, his slender fingers tapping quickly on the computer keyboard.

After the end of this war, various countries had different reactions.

And country M, which has always been arrogant, did not make any noise after the end of this war. Seeing this, other countries did not dare to jump out and confront the East.

This country with a long history has such a terrifying secret weapon, it is really not easy to mess with, the strength of country M is put before, as long as it says second, there will never be the first.

But now, all countries have set their sights on China, an ancient country in the East.

Once this Eastern country rises, it must be negotiated through various cooperation and flattering, and then it is the right way to hug thick thighs internationally.

Interest is the prerequisite for promoting world development.

History is written by the victor. The loser is only worthy of becoming the clown described by the victor, and after the strength of Country M is greatly reduced, the territory that is oppressed by it may suddenly emerge.

Of course, none of these things have anything to do with Zhou Ming. After he himself got a rough understanding of the global situation, he logged into the forum of the hacker circle.

This time, he used the old account he had previously marked with the "zero" nickname.

As soon as he went online, Zhou Ming saw many private messages. The veterans in several circles asked him if he wanted to return to the hacker circle. Others instigated Zhou Ming to inherit M’s legacy and use his powerful technology to continue digging. Information about the girl with supernatural powers.

Zhou Ming just laughed at these messages, clicked the mouse, and all the private messages were deleted by him.

After doing all this, he posted a post with this veteran account that had been used for many years.

There are only two words in the dynamic: exit.

Later, Zhou Ming pointed to the logout option of the "zero" account. After all these years, it is time for zero to say goodbye to the hacker circle.

Log out of the account and close the forum window. Zhou Ming leaned back on his chair and said with a soft smile: "The past is always going to be put down."

Zhou Ming walked to the bed, sat cross-legged, and ignored the noise on the Internet.

At this time, there was an uproar on the hacker forum. After countless hackers saw the dynamics released by zero, their hearts were upset and it was difficult to calm down.

Below the dynamic are the messages of forum hackers.

"Zero, how did you get out of the circle?"

"Did you experience something?"

"Zero, the eternal god."

"It's a pity, I also want to see how you show off in the hacker circle."

"Even the account was logged out. Zero is cruel to leave the hacker circle."


There is a lot of discussion in the hacker forums. Many hackers have published posts discussing the reasons for zero's withdrawal. Many people have posted to commemorate zero.

No matter what, the shock that Zero left them is indelible.

Over time, the unique word "zero" may be gradually forgotten in hacker circles, but among the piles of memory information on the Internet, the noun code name zero will be one of the most representative words of a generation of hackers.

Only then did Chu Xinran and Yang Qiancong know how the feeling of heaven and **** is unforgettable.

Only a layer of bright red flesh remains in their bodies at this time. The bones in their bodies are so obvious under the black medicine water. If anyone is here and sees the scene in front of them, they will think it is two female ghosts from the bathroom. Climbed out.

"Xian Cong, are you okay?"

Chu Xinran held Yang Qiancong's face that was about to rot completely with trembling hands, her voice was very weak.

"Yes, it's fine."

Seeing that there was almost only a skeleton left in Chu Xinran's body, Yang Qiansong sighed weakly: "This kind of medicated bath is really not something that ordinary monks can enjoy."

She gave a relieved smile and leaned against the bathtub.

"At least, I don't have the painful feeling before."

Chu Xinran lay on her back in the liquid medicine, feeling the tingling sensation from her body, and humming constantly in her mouth.

For both of them, the feeling of pain in the bones before has completely transformed into a refreshing and unspeakable sense of pleasure.

The liquid medicine in the bathtub continued to walk along their bodies, and began to patch up their flesh and blood little by little. From limbs to bodies, the two girls quickly recovered their appearance. They felt the crazy skyrocketing power in their bodies. , While standing up from the bathtub.


As soon as Chu Xinran lifted his foot out of the bathtub, a cracked footprint exploded on the ground.


Yang Qiancong was even more exaggerated. As soon as she stepped out, she stomped two deep pits on the hard tiled floor. With her unstable center of gravity, she tilted and almost fell forward.

Chu Xinran held on to Yang Qiansong, seeing the damage they caused, and his face was shocked. This medicated bath actually increased their strength so much!

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