Bai Yuzhe's speed was extremely fast, and the moment his figure swept out, there was only an afterimage.

When he reappeared, he was already standing on the mountain peak.

Yang Zilei's eyes were slightly startled. At such a fast speed, ordinary arms and firearms could not keep up. Even with positioning tracking, they would probably be easily thrown away.

Bai Yuzhe flicked his fingertips, and a rune seal shot suddenly at the huge ancient monument.


Suddenly, the runes on the ancient stele squirmed strangely, and then burst into bright light, covering the surrounding land.

After a few breaths, Yang Zilei was surprised to find that the ground of the formation barrier suddenly vibrated.

Then the earth suddenly cracked a chasm, and giant cannons slowly rose.

Those huge guns were covered in scale armor, and their huge calibers were like the mouths of beasts, which were extremely hideous.

In the artillery company, there is still a heavy munition similar to cruise missiles, which vaguely exudes an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation.

Rao is based on Yang Zilei's strength to reach the Divine Realm at this time, and there is also a dangerous smell in his heart.

"If these weapons are all from the same system, I don't know if I can damage immunity or collect them?"

Looking at the long fort that formed the ‘one’ line, Yang Zilei was secretly surprised and thoughtful in his heart.

So many munitions and weapons require at least tens of billions of strengthening points.

And what makes Yang Zilei most curious is how to supply ammunition and fire and launch these huge guns without human control?

Just as Yang Zilei was puzzled, Bai Yuzhe had reappeared beside Yang Zilei.

"Senior White, can you lend me the weapon of Master's weapon."

In order to verify what he was thinking, Yang Zilei looked at Bai Yuzhe and said, obviously intending to give it a try.

Anyway, the Arms Mall has functional solid beverages, even if they are injured, they can be cured very quickly, but they only suffer a bit of skin pain.


Bai Yuzhe didn't ask anything about Yang Zilei's request. He took out the Gatling machine gun directly. The flame-emitting gun body suddenly heated up the surrounding air a bit.

Yang Zilei stretched out his hand and took a closer look, and found that this Gatling machine gun was indeed an enhanced version of the fire-type beast core.

And the power is not inferior to the Thunder Gatling machine gun, it should be the beast core of the ninth rank fierce beast.

After changing his mind, Yang Zilei removed the steel armor from his body, and immediately pulled the trigger and fired a shot in his leg.

"Boom boom!"

Since the Gatling gun was composed of six barrels, this gun shot out six flame bullets.

The sharp pain in the foreboding did not come, but the systematic electronic synthesis sound rang in his mind.

"Ding, the detection host is being injured by weapons from the Arms Mall, and the immune system function is activated."

Suddenly, six flame bullets penetrated directly through Yang Zilei's left leg and suddenly hit the ground.


Seeing Yang Zilei's self-injury behavior, Bai Yuzhe was suddenly surprised.

However, afterwards, he was surprised to find that the several flame bullets shot at Yang Zilei's leg were as if they had penetrated through the air, unharmed!

"How can it be?"

At such a weird scene, Bai Yuzhe's eyes were slightly startled, feeling that it violated common sense.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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