At this moment, the sandbag was still five feet away, completely compressing Yang Zilei's body.

At that time, let alone an attack, even activities would be difficult to accomplish.

The eight desert giants standing in various directions have a glimpse of confidence in their dark eyes. Under their control, the sand is constantly covering up. The degree of solidity, even if the strongest person wants to escape, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort.

What's more, it is a human being with only the mid-stage of the spirit and spirit realm.


However, at this moment, a sound resembling a volcanic eruption sounded, and the sandbag suddenly swelled, and then burst directly.

The violent wind and waves swept wantonly, instantly blowing up a lot of sand and dust, and it was also mixed with countless iron sheets, as if ring-shaped ripples were rippling wildly, shaking the surrounding desert giants and super sectarian disciples to keep retreating.

"What a terrible power!!"

"What powerful weapon did Sect Master Yang use?"

Those super sect disciples who were onlookers couldn't help being surprised secretly.

Fortunately, as early as when the desert giants appeared, they had already condensed the body protection aura, otherwise in this sudden explosion, it is estimated that there will be a lot of casualties.

Then, the dust in the sky faded, and everyone suddenly saw with horror that the area where Yang Zilei stood just now was no longer flat, but a huge deep pit appeared.

In the deep pit, a figure stood upright, unscathed.

There is no doubt that that figure is Yang Zilei.

"Ten thousand grenades, all exploded, the power is really not covered."

Yang Zilei's mouth was curved, and he smiled contentedly.

Just now at the very moment, he directly consumed millions of enhancement points, purchased 10,000 explosive grenade in the arms mall, and activated the switch at the same time with his spiritual power.

The power of the explosion is comparable to the energy of the peaks of ten spiritual gods.

Of course, thanks to the system's weapons being immune to it, Yang Zilei would not dare to make such a crazy move.

Otherwise, in such a terrifying explosion, even if there is a steel armor for self-defense, it can be blown up instantly without leaving any residue.

Immediately, Yang Zilei's mind moved slightly, and all four Thunder fighters were summoned, and four avatars flashed out, each sitting in the driving position.


With a cold drink, four Thunder fighters fired eight giant missiles almost simultaneously.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zilei's steel armor also launched more than a dozen miniature missiles, whizzing violently towards the eight desert giants with an astonishing sound of air waves.

Upon seeing this, the desert giants looked horrified, and felt a premonition of extreme danger from the flying bullets.

At the moment, their bodies are disintegrating, instantly turning into a pile of sand, hiding in the sand on the ground, trying to avoid the offensive.

However, under the control of positioning and tracking, all the bullets suddenly reversed their directions, directly facing the ground, and bombarded them like crazy.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Suddenly, the ground trembled, thunder and fire light intertwined and spewed, and amazing explosions sounded one after another, shaking the entire island.

The terrible energy storm, at this moment, swept across the mountains violently, and within a hundred meters of it, all the dust and rocks were shaken into powder.

Seeing this kind of terrorist offensive that destroys the heavens and the earth, many super sect disciples immediately retreat with horror, and the protective shields on their bodies have also become bleak under the impact of the wind and waves.

As for the desert giants onlookers, they have already turned into waves of sand, quickly flying to the distant sky.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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