In midair, the fighter jet rushed down.

When it was about to reach the ground, the strong wind and waves suddenly caused a large amount of dust and leaves to rustle around.

In this test, the landing of the fighter jet was unexpectedly straight, and it didn't need to roll to stop.

From the corresponding angle, even if it is taking off, there is no need to run up.

Yang Zilei was delighted, this small defect was finally resolved.

In the future, no matter how steep the environment is, fighter jets can fly directly.

With joy in his heart, Yang Zilei was about to press the takeoff button.

His gaze suddenly caught a silver-purple beast figure, which sprang out of the forest and rushed towards the fighter plane fiercely.

That huge beast body made a rumbling noise in its rush!

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly. This fierce beast looked like a lizard, but its back was tall, covered with thick scales, its skin was thick and thick, and its tail was long and thick with barbed tips.

It looks more like an earth dragon.

And this monitor lizard was flashing with electric light, it was obviously a thunder armor lizard dragon.

Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of the Jiaolong, plus the thunder light lingers all over its body.

Obviously, this kind of lizard is not a pure species, but a hybrid between the dragon and the monitor lizard.

Tier 7 fierce beast, thunder armor lizard dragon.

"Unexpectedly, there are seventh-order fierce beasts here! And there are still some dragon blood inheritance!"

Yang Zilei was startled, without any thoughts of taking off and avoiding, he directly pressed the button on the console to start the machine gun.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, the barrels of the wings on both sides suddenly shot out bullets.

Under the lock of location tracking, the thunder-armor lizard dragon was shot into blood blur in an instant.

Yang Zilei's mind moved, and while the fighter jets received the space of the system, the exercises of Jiulong Good Fortune Jue came into play.

"call out--!"

The scarlet dragon rune instantly turned into a rainbow light, shot into the body of the beast corpse, and after a circle, it flew back with a trace of dragon essence and blood.

Yang Zilei took a deep breath and directly integrated the essence of the silk dragon into his own blood, but the weight was very small, not enough to transform into the third dragon form.

"This place seems to be Lei Jiaofeng, right?"

Yang Zilei raised his eyes to look, but saw that a shocking mountain peak stood in the distance.

This mountain peak is extremely large, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, shimmering with different colors of thunder.

The four colors are silver purple, blue purple, dark purple, and black in order.

Obviously, the higher you go, the more fierce the Thunder becomes.

The top of the mountain is full of black lightning, which looks extremely terrifying.

Because according to rumors, the top of Leijiao Peak is home to a dragon and occupies a large amount of psychromagnetic mines, so this mountain is filled with the power of thunder all year round.

And because of the existence of the flood dragon, after combining with the monitor lizard, many offspring have reproduced here, all of which are thunder-armed lizard dragons.

As the nearest direct descendant of the Jiaolong bloodline, it should be the dark purple thunder-armor lizard dragon, a Tier 9 fierce beast.

The blue-purple thunder-armor lizard dragon of the eighth rank fierce beast is the offspring of the dark purple thunder-arm lizard.

Passed down like this from generation to generation, the dragon bloodline is naturally getting weaker.

Ordinary warriors below the Nine Tribulations Realm came here, and when they stepped into the foot of the mountain, they would have to be oppressed by thunder and become impassable.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, most of the martial artists who can experience here are genius disciples of the military forces.

"This place belongs to the outskirts of the foot of the mountain. This thunder-clad lizard dragon, with silver-purple scales, should be the lowest level."

Yang Zilei glanced at the beast corpse that had just been killed, and muttered to himself.

Soon he put the beast corpse, together with the beast core, into the storage ring.

"Since I'm here, I will hunt down some thunder-clad lizard dragons to see if they can transform into the third dragon form."

Yang Zilei raised his head, his eyes flickered, looking at the huge Leifeng not far away, there was a little burning in his eyes.

As for the flood dragon, which didn't know if it existed, Yang Zilei had no plans to provoke him.

The flood dragon, which surpassed the rank of the 9th-order fierce beast, had reached the powerful realm of the beast.

At that level, with his current strength in the initial stage of the Divine Sea Realm, it would be extremely difficult to even escape when encountering it.

After all, the name "Lei Jiaofeng" is not just a random name!

In this way, Yang Zilei walked towards Lei Jiaofeng cautiously, planning to climb as high as he could.

I couldn't stand the pressure of the thunder, or something was wrong, and immediately drove the fighter to escape.

The peaks tens of thousands of feet high, just the forest at the foot of the mountain, are about hundreds of miles deep.

At a glance, the trees in this mountain forest seem to be extremely old, and each one is extremely tall.

Such giant trees, if they were placed in forests elsewhere, could be called the level of tree kings.

But here, it is very common.

As the saying goes, the land is vast, and the forest at the foot of the mountain is the same.

Here, in addition to the thunder-clad lizard dragon, many fierce beasts were also bred in it, and the fierceness was not inferior to the former.

For example, the scarlet-blooded thunder python, the golden-backed electric beetle, and various poisonous beasts hidden in the grass are extremely deadly.

In the dense forest, the outside sunlight is blocked, the light is dim, and danger can happen at any time.

Along the way, Yang Zilei saw the shadows of some large beasts from time to time.

However, after confirming that it was not Thunder Armor Lizard Dragon, Yang Zilei could avoid it, so he stayed away as much as possible.

If some ignorant dare to come over, Yang Zilei will directly kill them.

In order to avoid attracting too many fierce beasts and the attention of the flood dragon hidden in this giant peak, Yang Zilei did not use any weapons, but instead picked up a long sword that was rarely used.

At the same time, he also took out the martial arts of "Xuanying Sword Art", used the scanning function of the system, and learned the sword style.

The fierce beasts on the periphery of the foot of the mountain, the highest-level fierce beast of the seventh rank, with his current ability in the early stage of the Shenhai realm, deal with them with ease.

During the period, three thunder armor lizard dragons were killed, but they were all the lowest grade silver purple thunder armor. The dragon's essence and blood contained in it were only the size of hair, not enough to squeeze the gap between their teeth.

You can only continue to go deep into the mountains and hunt more thunder armor lizard dragons.

In this way, Yang Zilei passed through the outer forest without any danger and reached the core area at the foot of the mountain.

There are not many trees here, but it covers a large area of ​​grass.

The grass is extremely tall, about the height of an adult, Yang Zilei walked into it, and his whole person was submerged.

Holding a long sword in his hand, Yang Zilei stepped into the grass on guard, and at the same time, a body guard aura appeared on the surface of his body to prevent it from being bitten by some poisonous insects and snakes.

After walking about for a while, an empty area appeared in front of Yang Zilei, within a radius of tens of meters, there was no grass.

And in the soil in the center, a huge rock was exposed, dark purple all over, with a faint magnetic aura radiating out.

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