
Twenty artillery shots crashed down, and the soldiers in that area were instantly blown to pieces.

Immediately, a circle of flames swept away, like a sea of ​​fire, and instantly enveloped the surrounding soldiers.

Even with armor protection, some people screamed with raging flames burning all over their bodies.

This wave of bombardment caused the death toll of the firearms of the Great Yan Dynasty to exceed five thousand, and several thousand were seriously injured.

so horrible!

The middle-aged leader of the arms team was horrified.

This kind of weapon with a wide disparity, where is this siege, obviously it is being slaughtered!

Many soldiers think the same way.

For a while, most of the Yan Army soldiers began to fear.

If it hadn't been for the commander's death order, they would have fled timidly.

However, fleeing is also death, and attack is also death.

In addition to this, as long as you break through the city wall, you can not only live but also gain fame.

But if you are a deserter, your life will be ruined!

Therefore, their only choice is to bite the bullet and continue to rush forward.

However, every time their aerial ladder just reached the city wall, before they had time to climb it, incendiary bombs were thrown down.

The incendiary bomb that exploded suddenly exploded a terrible flame and poured directly on the soldiers siege.


Many soldiers burst into flames and screamed and fell from the ladder.


The rough voice of Dalberxiong sounded, not only the batch of cannons, once again issued the call of death downward, but also other dragon blood warriors carrying bazookas and shooting downwards.

The explosion sounded everywhere in the enemy camp.

Suddenly, many people were blown up and their bodies were everywhere.

With a shield, it can withstand bullets.

However, shields cannot withstand shells, especially giant artillery like cannons.

At this moment, Yang Zilei was standing on the tower, his gaze had been fixed on a certain place.

There, it was the battlefield of eight rune puppet stone beasts and four enemy generals in the Nine Tribulations Realm.

Because of fear of accidentally injuring the puppet beast, Yang Zilei specially ordered that no arms and weapons were allowed to shoot there.

"It's quite tenacious, and I still can't deal with them."

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, and a Barrett sniper rifle flashed in his hand.

At the same time, the tank spirit is also condensed.

Then Yang Zilei shot randomly.

However, under the display of positioning and tracking, an accurate and unmistakable raid towards one of the Nine Tribulations Realm generals.

That guy was being besieged by two rune puppet stone beasts at the moment, and he was a little unstoppable. There was no distraction to watch other movements.

"call out--!"

The bullet light rushed over and passed directly through the back of his head, killing him instantly.

"call out!"

Immediately afterwards, another bullet shot came, once again killing another Nine Tribulations Realm general.

Seeing this scene, the remaining two generals were going crazy, shouting in anger, "Retreat, retreat! Give me any **** death order!"

Only at this moment did they really realize how ridiculous the previous underestimation and the so-called easy siege were.

Hualongcheng has such a powerful defensive ability, even if the military forces come, I am afraid that they will not be able to win them for a while!

For a time, the enemy troops fled in large numbers.


The fierce beast roared, but the eight rune puppet stone beasts were under the control of Yang Zilei, and they entangled the two Nine Tribulations Realm generals, without any chance for them to escape.

After several battles, Yang Zilei's rune puppet stone beasts were completely crushed in number and successfully killed two Nine Tribulations Realm generals.

The remaining tens of thousands of enemy troops under the city retreated like a tide.

Yang Zilei stood on the tower, expressionless.

The war tonight, although considered to be over.

But in Yang Zilei's view, it was just the beginning.

Because next, it's time for him to fight back.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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