Su Qi's eyes were cold, and at the same time the Jiao body retreated violently, a fiery red grenade flashed in his hand.

This grenade obviously synthesized the core of a fierce fire beast, and its surface was filled with scorching spiritual energy fluctuations.


After pressing the fuze, Su Qi throws his hand at Zheng directly.

"Junior Sister Su, it's a pity to use the hidden weapon so soon before she fights."

The brawny man in leather armor chuckled, but without any ambiguity, he immediately closed his fist, and a serrated long knife flashed in his hand.

Immediately, it brought a strong knife wind and slashed fiercely.

However, when the blade touched the grenade the next moment.


The shocking explosion sounded suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a monstrous flame burst out, instantly engulfing the body of the brawny man in leather armor.

Then I saw that a sturdy figure was suddenly shaken out by the fierce and hot waves of fire.

However, no matter what the brawny man in leather armor said, he was also a strong man with a cultivation base that reached the second level of the Nine Tribulations Realm, and his destructive power was actually resisted by his body guard spiritual energy cover.

"This hidden weapon is too fierce!"

The brawny man in leather armor was shocked, yet he hadn't reacted to the shock, yet another silver-purple grenade was projected.


As the grenade exploded, in an instant, countless thick thunder arcs burst out violently.

"What's this again?!"

The brawny man in leather armor shrank his pupils severely. He who had no backhand strength at all, hurriedly urged the vigorous spiritual power in his body to firmly support the protective shield.


The violent thunder, madly pouring on the aura hood, the violent impact once again shook the body of the brawny man in leather armor and fell outside the fighting platform.

"Fortunately, I can hold it."

The brawny man in leather armor secretly squeezed the cold sweat, and immediately ran the exercises to suppress the restless spiritual power and blood in the body.

The two grenades just now, although they were resisted by the body guard aura, could not cause his body to be injured, but the violent impact still made him pale and his bones were painful.

"Sure enough, I can't pity Xiangxiyu, I should fight back next!"

The brawny man in leather armor snorted angrily, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

However, at this time, the referee's voice suddenly stiffened the brawny man in leather armor.

"In the first match, Ice Spirit Pavilion wins!"

The complexion of the brawny man in leather armor changed drastically, and he finally realized that the place where he landed was outside the fighting platform.

The rule of the competition is to stop at the end. If you stun, admit defeat, or leave the scope of the competition, it will be regarded as a loss.

And as the brawny man in leather armor was shaken out of the martial arts platform, this also meant that he lost this time of competition!

"What a powerful hidden weapon!"

"Su Qi of the Ice Spirit Pavilion, when did you get these terrible weapons?!"

The entire square, after a few breaths of silence, suddenly burst into shocked discussions.

Unexpectedly, this competition had just begun and it was over!

This is simply incredible.

"The power of the grenade seems to be unable to cause absolute damage to the Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouse."

In the audience, Yang Zilei frowned slightly, knowing what effect this level of bombing can achieve.

At the same time, Yang Zilei also started to think.

The grenade he had strengthened previously only used some low-level Tier 1 and Tier 2 beast cores.

If the beast core of Tier 5 and above is synthesized, the power of the grenade may be able to harm the powerful in the Nine Tribulations Realm.


Su Qi was overjoyed immediately.

She knew very well that the strength of the brawny man in leather armor was in the second stage of the Nine Tribulations Realm, and coupled with his strong physique, his combat power was clearly superior to her.

With the two sides fighting, the odds of winning are extremely low.

However, in this situation, with only two grenades, it easily won the rules of competition.

It's really unexpected.

Su Qi did not leave the next match.

When facing the next disciple of the Profound Beast Pavilion, she didn't even use the ice armor machine gun to play, so she suppressed the opponent with no return power with just a grenade.

Finally, when throwing out a cold grenade, the profound beast pavilion disciple's body was frozen, and then he took advantage of the momentum to pursue and kicked him off the fighting platform.

In the third game, Su Qi did the same. When the game started, he quickly threw out all the remaining five grenades.

Enraged, he shook the guy upside down and fell out of the martial arts platform embarrassingly.

After winning three games in a row, this competition between Ice Spirit Pavilion and Profound Beast Pavilion was undoubtedly an overwhelming victory.

"Senior Sister Su won!!"

The many female disciples in the ice spirit pavilion area burst into joyful laughter after a brief astonishment.

Immediately afterwards, joyful gazes all projected towards Yang Zilei.

The excited expression almost rushed to hug him.

Upon seeing this, the male martial arts disciples around them all looked envious and jealous.

In their eyes, Yang Zilei was undoubtedly a little green among thousands of flowers.

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth provoked an arc. Although this kind of victory did not cause any killing effect, the result was not bad.

"Cheating, using these nondescript hidden weapons, this is definitely cheating!"

"Yes, our Xuan Beast Pavilion did not lose! This competition is not counted!"

However, this way of winning by relying on arms and weapons without using martial arts at all, immediately caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the disciples of Xuan Beast Pavilion.

For a while, many protests sounded in the square, and they did not recognize this competition!

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, and looked calmly at these guys who couldn't afford to lose.

"Elder Leng, you disciples of the Ice Spirit Pavilion, the weapons used this time seem to be somewhat inappropriate."

Palace Lord Xuan Siyuan turned his head and looked at Leng Yuyan with a slight smile.


Leng Yuyan said indifferently: "Swords, swords and axes belong to weapons. This kind of munitions also belong to weapons. However, the rules of competition do not limit which weapons to use, so there is nothing inappropriate."

Hearing this, Xuan Siyuan was stunned, thinking that it was indeed very reasonable.

"be quiet!"

Then, with a deep drink sounded.

Xuan Siyuan's pressure as the palace owner instantly enveloped the entire square with a powerful aura, which calmed the noisy protests.

"As far as I know, since the arms store in Hualong City sold this peculiar weapon, it has been popular among warriors."

Xuan Siyuan's eyes were sharp, and he said solemnly, "This also means that in the future, the enemies you encounter outside may use this type of weapon."

"And now it's just a martial arts competition. If you can't even accept this, do you think the enemy will give you a chance to cheat?"

"So, if you have time to protest, it's better to think about how to deal with it. The traditional era of martial arts has completely changed!"

Speaking of the last, Xuan Siyuan turned his eyes, and fell on Yang Zilei in the crowd, with a meaningful smell in his eyes.

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