Soon, Yang Zilei found information about the Hundred Dynasties Competition.

The so-called Hundred Dynasties Competition is actually a competition organized by the various dynasties of the Tianyan Continent to demonstrate the powerful arms of their respective countries.

At the same time, it is also a catharsis that has been in peacetime for many years.

And every dynasty participating in the competition must pay 10 million taels of gold, and the number of participating troops is limited to 500 people, and the strength must only be within the spirit pill realm.

The dynasty that won the championship in the end was able to get 60% of all dynasties' entries.

The other 40% was obtained by the organizer and used for all the expenses of the venue.

Ten million taels of gold and more than one hundred dynasties add up to a huge sum of hundreds of billions. If it can be used as a venue organizer, 40% of it will be an extremely large fortune. Even if you lose the game, the overall Still earned.

Therefore, in each of the Hundred Dynasties Competition, many dynasties struggled for the authority of the venue organizers.

In the end, in order to quell this fierce competition, the Wufu Alliance forces in Tianyan Continent came forward, and this resolved the dispute by drawing lots.

And this time, with the Great Yan Dynasty as the venue of the Hundred Dynasties Competition, this kind of great opportunity to make money must be unwilling to miss no matter who it is.

What's more, Yan Hong, who had just succeeded to the throne, was able to take this opportunity to fill the treasury, and he would definitely not be killed because of an envoy, and thus attack Hualong City with his troops, affecting the Hundred Dynasties competition half a year later!

"So, we currently have at least half a year of safety."

A trace of wisdom flashed in Kong Ming's eyes, and he said calmly: "And taking advantage of this time, we can improve the three shortcomings mentioned earlier as soon as possible, that is, food, military strength and financial strength."

"For the food issue, we can cut wood and open up wasteland in the forest behind the city, mainly rice and wheat, and then sprinkle the dung of some high-level beasts around the acres, which can be used to deter the low-level beasts and prevent them from trampling. destruction."

"The issue of military strength, I just heard from Old Chen. After a while, there will be dragon blood clans distributed in various places to join. This problem can be solved easily, as long as we train quickly."

"As for financial resources, with the boss's weapons and rations, these two wonders, as long as they are properly operated, they should be able to accumulate a considerable amount of funds within half a year."

"On the other hand, we can also send additional manpower to organize an exploratory team to look for the existence of Lingjing mineral veins in the Michuan Mountains, and make two-handed preparations."

After listening to Kong Ming's proposal, Yang Zilei's eyes lit up.

"That's good."

Yang Zilei glanced at Kong Ming appreciatively, and he was also quite relieved that he finally recruited a strategist with talent.

Immediately, Yang Zilei's complexion changed, and he no longer looked like a fool, and said with a majestic aura: "Everyone listens!"

As soon as the sound fell, Chen Si, Lin Tan, Li Hu, and Dayu Xiong who were present immediately put down their chopsticks and stood up abruptly.

"As the lord of the city, starting from today, I have appointed Kong Ming as the head of Hualong City. All affairs are managed by him. You must cooperate and deal with those who violate military laws."

Yang Zilei glanced at the crowd and ordered.

"Yes, boss."

Chen Si and the others gave a startled expression and nodded respectfully immediately.

Seeing this scene, Kong Ming was stunned. He didn't expect that he had just taken office, and he was directly promoted to the general manager second only to the city lord. For a while, he felt flattered.

"Thank you for the boss's trust, I will live up to my expectations." Kong Ming said solemnly with his eyes flashing.

"I believe in your abilities. Just let it go and do it in the future."

Yang Zilei smiled faintly. He made this decision, but it meant to throw away the shopkeeper, planning to be a relaxed boss behind the scenes.

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