call out--!

Yang Zilei's eyes condensed slightly, and he locked on one of the rune puppet stone beasts, and the rune imprint slammed out, directly into the head of the rune puppet stone beast.

Suddenly, the rune imprint suddenly burst out like a spider web, erasing the previous rune setting procedure.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zilei also clearly felt his spiritual sense, and the rune puppet stone beast seemed to have a wave of involvement.

"protect me!"

Immediately he moved his mind and tried to give an order.

In the next second, the rune puppet stone beast suddenly raised its stone claws and fiercely blasted at another rune puppet stone beast that was about to attack Yang Zilei.


The violent power directly blasted the rune puppet stone beast that was caught off guard and smashed it against the wall not far away, suddenly making a heavy sound.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Zilei was secretly delighted, and hurriedly changed his handprints again in an unskilled manner in the same manner as before, and once again condensed a rune imprint, which shot into the rune puppet stone beast.

In this moment, Yang Zilei succeeded in controlling two stone statues of talisman puppets, which was equivalent to conquering two powerful men who reached the Nine Tribulations Realm!

Yang Zilei in a good mood no longer had any scruples and removed the Ant-Man uniform.

At the same time, his gaze also swept around.

But seeing the hall at this time, all the warriors have been surrounded and suppressed by six other talisman puppet stone beasts, and more than half of the casualties have been killed.

In those scenes, there is really a desperate situation with nowhere to escape.

Facing these rune puppet stone beasts that are as strong as the Nine Tribulations Realm, one blow is enough to knock them to the ground.

All the warriors on the scene were obviously entangled so that they did not dare to be distracted at all, so they did not notice the situation on Yang Zilei's side.

But they all know very well that developing in this situation will undoubtedly get worse.

After all, they are always human beings of flesh and blood, and their physical strength will continue to be exhausted. However, these rune puppet stone beasts will not have this situation at all. Before they can be killed, they will probably launch an offensive without stopping.

"Brother, do you have any weapons like that? If we all join hands, there may be a chance of escape."

At this time, Li Changfeng of Wufu Mansion on the day of the day noticed Yang Zilei and drew in with some hope.

While speaking, he also rushed to Yang Zilei's side cleverly.

Obviously, this guy is trying to break through the siege with his arms and weapons.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth. Just now he remembered Li Changfeng's mocking face when he asked about the Nine Tribulations Realm.

"beat him."

Yang Zilei narrowed his eyes slightly, and directly commanded the two talisman puppets.

boom! !

Suddenly, one of the rune puppet stone beasts stepped on rumbling steps and rushed in violently, chasing and killing Li Changfeng fiercely in a pinch attack.


Li Changfeng was shocked and hurried around behind Yang Zilei, undoubtedly planning to use Yang Zilei as a shield.

However, the puppet stone beast suddenly jumped into the air, leaping directly over Yang Zilei's body, the stone claws brought a fierce wind, and rushed to Li Changfeng fiercely.


Upon seeing this, Li Changfeng looked shocked and couldn't help taking a breath.

Is this rune puppet stone beast blind? Yang Zilei was clearly standing in front of him and could let it beat him, but he came to chase him down!

This is simply incredible.

At the moment, Li Changfeng drew his own martial arts soul'Golden Shadow Long Spear' and lay it above his body. However, faced with a violent blow equivalent to a powerful person in the Nine Tribulations Realm, the Golden Spear Wuying was instantly exploded.

Li Changfeng suddenly opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood, then gritted his teeth. With this blocking gap, his toes touched the ground, and his figure was smooth and open, and he almost avoided the fierce claw wind of the rune puppet stone beast.

However, in a moment, his eyes froze suddenly, and he was frightened in place.

Because behind him, I don't know when another puppet stone beast appeared.


The huge stone claws slammed down suddenly, Li Changfeng was directly hit on the back, and his whole body screamed and fell to the ground.

Under the intrusion of the huge power, his muscles and bones were torn apart, and his eyes were filled with a deep look of panic and despair.

Yang Zilei glanced at Li Changfeng indifferently, without any nonsense.

At the same time, two puppet stone beasts came over, standing respectfully behind Yang Zilei like loyal guards.

"How can this be?!"

Upon seeing this, Li Changfeng was completely stunned, with an incredible expression on his face.

Only now did he truly understand that the casual martial artist he had originally looked down upon was so hidden.

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