At this time, in this main hall, there are already many figures surging.

Yang Zilei turned his eyes, and saw Lan Shanshan from Lanyun Wufu Mansion, Li Changfeng from Yaori Wufu Mansion, and two other Shenhai Realm masters from Xuanjian Wufu Mansion from the crowd.

And the black-robed man who caused this tomb dispute was standing indifferently at this time, but his eyes were the same as the others, staring at an altar deep in the main hall extremely fiery.

Yang Zilei's sight also fell on the altar.

The first thing I saw was the statues of stone beasts standing in every corner of the altar, each of which was lifelike in shape and fierce and fierce.

There are a total of eight stone beast statues, like loyal guards, guarding the altar around, shocking everyone present is a little guarded and afraid to rush forward.

Of course, this kind of deterrence is not as strong as the figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the altar!

That figure was not a living person, but just a sitting human skeleton. The robes on his body had already faded. The whole body was gray and white, and there seemed to be a strange fluctuation of spiritual power, which diffused out of the skeleton.

"This should be the remains of the Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouse, right?!"

Yang Zilei's eyes shrunk slightly, staring at the gray-robed bones on the altar, the bones without the slightest flesh and blood, and he couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

"The death of this senior Wu Tian seems to have fallen because of his failure to attack the Nine Tribulations Realm."

After Li Changfeng stared at the gray robe skeleton for a moment, he withdrew his gaze and said lightly.

When he said this, his gaze also turned to Lan Shanshan next to him, which meant to show his talent in front of the beauties.

Regarding Li Changfeng's remarks, the surrounding warriors also agreed with his views.

"There is indeed such a possibility, the martial arts journey is indeed full of ups and downs." Lan Shanshan sighed quietly as she looked forward to her beautiful eyes.

"Huh? There is still a risk of death when you hit the Nine Tribulations Realm?"

Hearing this, Yang Zilei was shocked and couldn't help but speak out.

However, when Yang Zilei said this, it suddenly attracted everyone's attention, and a series of surprised eyes were projected. When they saw Yang Zilei, their expressions couldn't help but become a little weird.

They could see clearly the dispute between Yang Zilei and Lin Yuqing in the valley outside the ancient tomb.

Unexpectedly, Yang Zilei would dare to set foot here.

At this time, the two Divine Sea Realm masters of Xuanjian Wufu also noticed the existence of Yang Zilei, and their eyes suddenly became gloomy.

"Boy, our brother Lin should arrive here in a while. You still have the guts to come to the tomb. You are really tired of living."

"If you don't want to suffer more, I advise you to quickly hand over all the treasures you obtained in the tomb mansion. Maybe we two can still help you with a few words in front of Brother Lin."

The two of them stared at Yang Zilei, and said with a joking sneer.

Obviously, until now, neither of these two guys knew that their so-called Senior Brother Lin had been severely injured by Yang Zilei ten minutes ago and passed out in anger.

Yang Zilei didn't bother to pay attention to them, looked at Li Changfeng and asked, "What you said just now will lead to death by impacting the Nine Tribulations Realm.

"This Senior Wu Tian, ​​isn't he the Nine Tribulations Realm himself? It sounds a bit contradictory."

Seeing that Yang Zilei actually ignored them, the two disciples of Xuanjian Wufu were immediately angry, but when they heard Yang Zilei's question behind, they couldn't help but sneered, with a thick mockery on their faces.

This kid doesn't even understand such a simple knowledge of martial arts, this is simply funny!

Hearing this, the warriors present also couldn't help but laughed.

Li Changfeng's mouth twitched slightly, as if he felt a bit...idiot about Yang Zilei's question!

"Sorry, there is a generation gap between you and me. For this problem, you should go back and ask your master seriously."

Li Changfeng smiled contemptuously, with a sense of self-esteem in his words, which obviously included Yang Zilei as a casual cultivator who didn't get started.

In his opinion, this kind of low-level casual cultivation has absolutely no value in making friends.

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