Seventh rank martial soul, tank!

Yang Zilei couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

As an arms fan in his previous life, he knew very well that tanks are one of the main weapons of modern land combat.

A tracked armored combat vehicle with direct firepower, off-road capability, and armor protection, and its destructive power is extremely strong. Once a bombardment passes, that scene is unimaginable.

"Wuhun, provoke."

Yang Zilei was like a child who got a new toy. He immediately moved his mind, condensing the tank spirit, then sat cross-legged on it, and drove in toward the front door vigorously.

Here, it is not a stone house, but a spacious hall like a square.

And in the corners around the main hall, there are also many passage entrances that lead directly to it.

At this time, there were dozens of figures in this hall, and in it, Yang Zilei also saw Lin Yuqing of Xuanjian Wufu.

"Boom boom!"

However, these people obviously didn't notice Yang Zilei's coming in at this time, and they all showed greedy hands holding weapons, displaying a series of tyrannical martial arts offensives, blasting against a thunder light net in the central area of ​​the hall.

Yang Zilei's eyes condensed slightly, but he saw that the area around the area was surrounded by a dense lightning barrier, like a thunder net, flashing thick thunder arcs, and as it fell on the ground, there was a constant crackling sound.

This kind of thunder net is full of extremely ferocious and violent energy fluctuations, even if the Divine Sea Realm powerhouse wants to rush over, I am afraid it will have to suffer some pain.

Yang Zilei's gaze swept across that layer of thunder light net, looking at the five light groups floating inside.

Looking through the thin mask, Yang Zilei could vaguely see that spirit bodies such as beasts, knives, swords, bows, and shields existed in the light group!

Seeing this scene, Yang Zilei's eyes slowly revealed a touch of shock.

When he first traversed, he later tried to make up for the martial arts knowledge of this world.

The key to knowing the talent of a martial artist lies in the rank of the martial soul, and the higher the rank, the longer the martial arts can be, and the cultivation speed of condensing heaven and earth aura will increase more.

This is why, all martial arts forces recruited martial artists with high martial spirit ranks as their disciples.

However, people with low martial arts aptitude have an acquired method to make up for evolution, and that is to absorb higher-level spirit bodies.

For example, the martial artist of the awakened beast system spirit can swallow and absorb the beast spirit.

The awakening device type martial soul, it is to absorb the advanced spirit body such as sword, gun and shield.

However, this kind of spirit body is extremely rare. Only high-level beasts of Tier 7 or above can possess the spirit body. After death, the spirit body does not dissipate, but such powerful beasts can be obtained by low-level warriors. baby.

As for spiritual bodies such as sword weapons, it is even more difficult, requiring treasures of a heavenly rank or higher to nurture a spiritual body.

In other words, without a strong background, if there is no big chance in this life, you can only be doomed to be mediocre in your life.

"Unexpectedly, the owner of this tomb mansion actually collected five spiritual bodies!"

Looking at the five light groups in the thunder barrier, Yang Zilei couldn't help taking a deep breath, and secretly said: "That guy is a talisman master, and these spirits are probably used to refine talisman puppets."

"It's such a big hand!"

Yang Zilei's eyes flickered, and the spirit power fluctuations that diffused from that light group were at least Rank 7 or higher spirit spirit bodies!

The value of just a group of spirits, the spirit spars that Yang Zilei obtained just now, are probably far from enough!

"It deserves to be the tomb of the Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouse!"

Yang Zilei couldn't help sighing in his heart, and suddenly found that the dragon-shaped martial soul in the sea of ​​Dantian acupuncture agitated, and moved actively, seeming to be extremely eager for the spirit body in the light group.

"Since you want it, grab a spirit body and come over to make up for it."

Yang Zilei's heart moved slightly. For this dragon soul who was awakened by practicing the Nine Dragons Creation Technique technique, he has not been able to mobilize outside the body to fight apart from being able to transform his body until now.

I don't know whether the spiritual body is too weak or other reasons.

Just take this opportunity to let it nourish.

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei scanned the current situation in the field.

But at this moment, everyone was showing greed and fanaticism, staring at the five light group spirit bodies in the thunder light net, they worked hard, trying to work together to break the barrier.

Then, capture the spirit body!

At that time, it is not difficult to imagine a situation where there are too many monks and fewer monks in order to compete for these five spiritual bodies. I am afraid that an extremely fierce battle will erupt.

Of course, in order to enhance the martial arts talent, this generation of hard work is also very worthwhile!

Because the way of martial arts is to fight for fate with heaven, now the opportunity is in front of you, I believe no one will be willing to miss it.


Yang Zilei's eyes flickered, he urged the tank Wuhun to fire a shot, and an astonishing explosion suddenly erupted.

The thunder barrier trembled violently like a heavy blow.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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