The space in the valley is huge, so even if there is a sudden influx of people at this moment, it is still very empty.

But with the arrival of this group of uninvited guests, the fierce beasts entrenched in the valley suddenly began to riot.

"Ho **** ho ho!!!"

The low roar of the beast continued to sound.

For a time, the fierce fight with the beasts broke out again.


In the chaotic scene, an astonishing roar suddenly rang out, which made the leaves of the trees around the mountain rustle.

Yang Zilei's heart shook, and he immediately jumped up, kicking his feet on the thick branches several times, standing on the top of the branches extremely vigorously.

In the dense shade of the trees, Yang Zilei's figure was hidden in it. He looked down the direction of the amazing roar of the beast, and suddenly found that there were dozens of figures fighting around a giant beast.

However, I saw that the giant beast was covered with hard scale armor, and above the scale armor, there was a trace of thunder lingering, flashing a palpable silver-blue electric light in the dark night.

That huge lion head was extremely ferocious, and in the roar of its huge mouth, thunder and fierce jets shot out.

Tier 6 monster, purple electric dragon and lion!

"It's actually a purple dragon and lion. I didn't expect that there would be a fierce beast with part of the ancient dragon family bloodline!"

Yang Zilei's eyes flickered, staring down tightly, his pupils suddenly shrinking.

The body of the purple electric dragon lion is extremely large, and the surrounding people are like a group of ants in comparison with it, and the thick scales have high physical defenses. It does not reach the level of cultivation above the sea level, and generally cannot cause slight damage to it. harm.

However, the fangs of this purple electric dragon lion are not too long. Judging from the special evidence of its body surface, it seems that it is only a minor purple electric dragon lion. Its combat power has not yet reached its peak, and at most it is equivalent to a human warrior god. The power of the sea.

But even so, the ferocity of the purple dragon and lion still made it difficult for the human warriors who besieged it.


As the purple electric dragon and lion swung their tails, fierce thunder arcs surged wildly.

Suddenly, no one dared to approach, and they flinched in terror, and made an open space with a radius of tens of meters wide.

"There should be the entrance to the ancient tomb mansion."

Yang Zilei turned his eyes and swept to the back of the purple electric dragon and lion, and found that there was a vague stone gate on the cliff behind.

The stone gate looked very old, and under the precipitation of the years, it was covered with a thick layer of moss, and the surrounding area was also full of thorns. If you don't look closely, it is really hard to find.

"Didn't it mean that there is an energy seal? Why the entrance of this ancient tomb mansion looks very ordinary."

Yang Zilei frowned slightly and muttered thoughtfully.


Just thinking about it, Yang Zilei suddenly heard a roar from the purple electric dragon and lion who was not far away.

He immediately took a closer look, but saw a purple-clothed youth holding a silver sword pointing to the head of the purple electric dragon and lion. There was a few drops of scarlet blood on the tip of the sword, and the right eye of the purple electric dragon and lion had been pierced for some reason. Blood hole.

The purple electric dragon and lion was furious, his right paw tore the air, and with the sound of thunder, he fiercely grabbed the purple-clothed youth on his head.

The young man's complexion was calm, and his figure moved, he fluttered back a few steps, and he avoided it easily without a trace.

The purple electric dragon and lion missed a claw, and opened its mouth directly to eject a thick thunder arc, which shot at the purple-clothed youth as fast as lightning.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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