After leaving Longfei City, Yang Zilei and his party drove non-stop because they were worried that chasing troops would come to intercept them.

It was not until two days later, when they were completely far away from Longfei City, that their forward speed slowed down a bit.

In the sun, more than a dozen luxury carriages slowly drove on the official road along the border of the Dayan Dynasty.

And before and after the carriage team, surrounded by many young and strong members of the Yang family, and more than one hundred family guards.

Yang Zilei, who now has a very important position in the family, has experienced the treatment of aristocratic young masters, no matter what he eats and wears, he is served by accompanying servants, enjoying and cozy.

On this road, it can be said that it is a trip to the mountains and water. When everyone rests, they set up barbecues and eat wine, which is extremely happy.

As they drove out of the border of the Dayan Dynasty, Yang Zilei and the others also entered a remote mountainous area off the beaten track.

Due to the uneven road, the carriage began to bump, and Yang Zilei, who was resting in the carriage, was shaken so dizzy that he simply came out to ride on his own.

While ventilating, he looked around, observing the environment here.

"Brother Lei, Mr. Patriarch reminded us to be careful just now, it looks like someone is following."

Yang Mo glanced back from time to time, with a doubtful expression on his face.


Hearing that, Yang Zilei frowned and immediately exchanged a sniper rifle from the system store. With the help of the high-magnification vision of the scope, he found that a group of people was sneakily following a few kilometers away.

There were not many people, only three, all riding horses, and no goods, unlike caravans.

If you speed up, you should be able to catch up with their team soon.

But the strange thing is that those people only followed behind, and their whereabouts were quite hidden.

There is no doubt that there is something tricky in it!

Yang Mo looked at the sniper rifle with novel eyes, and then asked, "Brother Lei, how is it? Is there something wrong with those guys?"

Yang Zilei put away the sniper rifle, and said calmly: "You are right, they are indeed suspicious."

Yang Tafeng, who was next to him, frowned and said rudely: "I will take people to catch them now, and I will know the situation by questioning them!"

Yang Zilei frowned slightly, and shook his head slightly: "The distance is so far, they haven't caught up yet, maybe they've run away long ago, don't start screaming and keep on going."

Hearing this, Yang Mo and Yang Tafeng's eyes flashed a little suddenly.

Then he obeyed Yang Zilei's instructions, and continued to move forward calmly.

Among the Yang family's juniors, everyone has undoubtedly regarded Yang Zilei as their backbone.

Yang Langtian, who had been examining all this not far, also nodded secretly, apparently planning to gradually retreat and leave the matter to the young people of the family to deal with.

On horseback, Yang Zilei cast his eyes around, looking at the terrain nearby.

The mountains here are dangerous. Not far ahead, there are extremely steep continuous peaks blocking the way. The cracks and canyons in the middle of the mountains look like cracks cut by thunder from a distance. With the width of a carriage, they can barely pass.

In such a dangerous place, once you enter the mountain gorge road, especially at night, in that kind of black light and blind environment, if you are ambushed, it will definitely be a bad situation.

"So that's it..."

Yang Zilei squinted his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth slowly rose. There was already some speculation in his heart.

In this way, when I arrived at that gorge, it was almost evening.

Although the narrow path is very long, at Yang Zilei's current speed, they will definitely be able to pass through before dawn.

But Yang Zilei gave his advice and everyone camped on the spot, not in a hurry to enter the canyon.

In this regard, Yang Langtian has no objections.

Next, Yang Zilei asked everyone to pretend to have found nothing, and set up a bonfire in the open to cook.

As for Yang Zilei, he was wearing an ant-man uniform and using a zoom frisbee to reduce a black horse to the size of an ant, and then ran to the rear silently on it...

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