Fantasy: Opening Start to Hundreds of Millions of Modern Arms Martial Souls

Chapter 132: Hard regret at the peak of the star realm

"believe it or not."

Facing Liu Yuan's forced questioning, Yang Zilei looked indifferent, and didn't want to talk nonsense with them.

"Boss Yang."

Soon, Lin Tan and Li Hu and many other Canghu Gang members rushed over.

But at this moment, a Green Dragon Gang thug who had previously followed Qin Huang also walked over, and then whispered next to Liu Yuan: "Bang Master, in fact, Hall Master Qin was not killed by the beast, but by this kid. , He seems to be from the Canghu Gang."

As he said, the man stretched out his hand and pointed at Yang Zilei.

Under the coercion of the Canghu Gang and other warriors, he dared not rush to report, but now the tide of beasts has receded, and the time for revenge has come.

"So bold, dare to kill my Azure Dragon Gang!"

Hearing this, Liu Yuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he shouted in anger, exuding powerful spiritual energy fluctuations all over his body.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tan, Li Hu and others suddenly tightened, but holding the AK47 in their hands gave them a little confidence.

"Boy, although you killed Qin Huang, I can still give you one last chance."

But then, Liu Yuan did not immediately let his subordinates do something, staring at Yang Zilei with gloomy eyes, and said coldly: "Turn in all the level 5 beast cores and the killers just now, then join the Azure Dragon Gang and listen to me How about leaving you a way out for ten years?"

Obviously, just now I saw Yang Zilei using arms and weapons to repel more than a dozen fifth-level beasts on the city wall, and Liu Yuan was slightly jealous.

If this person can be used for his own use, Qin Huang's death will not only cause no loss, but will increase the strength of the gang.

However, Yang Zilei sneered at his threat, and retorted: "If you can listen to me, you will also leave you a way to survive?"

Lin Tan and the others were shocked, and obviously they didn't expect Yang Zilei to say that. Their eyes immediately turned to Liu Yuan on the opposite side.

Sure enough, Yang Zilei's words suddenly made Liu Yuan's expression extremely gloomy at this moment.

"Toast not to eat, eat fine wine!"

Liu Yuan stared at Yang Zilei with a sullen face, and immediately stepped out, the mighty spiritual power roared away, his figure suddenly turned into a blur of light and shadow, and with a tyrannical posture, he punched the vital part of Yang Zilei's chest.

The air exploded under its fist!

If this punch is hit, it will fight with flesh and blood, I'm afraid it will directly blast a blood hole.

Yang Zilei's eyes were cold, but he didn't immediately use the gun or dodge, and instantly aroused the dragon soul in his body, opening the dragon form.

Suddenly, the skin of Yang Zilei's right arm was suddenly covered with a layer of cyan dragon scales, and his body's soaring muscles filled with a sense of indestructible power.

Obviously, in the late stage of breaking through to the spirit pill realm, Yang Zilei also wanted to know how far the power after the transformation of the dragon was from the peak of the star realm.


Following the transformation of the dragon, an extremely violent spiritual force burst out from Yang Zilei's body, and the dragon-scale arms filled with green light suddenly made a fist, directly stunned with that Liu Yuan's fist.


In the next second, a deep bombardment sounded, and a tyrannical ripple of power swept away from the place where the two fists touched, and the surrounding beast corpses were suddenly lifted off.

Under this strong energy shock, Yang Zilei's figure suddenly withdrew a few steps, and at the same time as he retreated, a subtle explosion sounded from his arm, obviously an extremely violent force invaded his body.

However, this terrible power that is enough to blast the body of a spiritual pill realm warrior did not cause Yang Zilei's body to show the slightest sign of serious injury. The scales on his right arm wriggled strangely, but instead resolved this power. Drop.

"It seems that after Longhua, the strength will reach the level of the early stage of the Star Realm at most." After experiencing it, Yang Zilei had a clear understanding in his heart.

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