After half an hour.


With a sharp howl, Yang Zilei rode a large blue eagle in the house of the Yang family in Longfei City and flew towards the outside of the city.

Three-level fierce beast, blue wind carving.

This kind of blue wind eagle is one of the most easily domesticated birds. It is very strong and can fly thousands of kilometers in a day.

But the value is expensive, and generally only those noble families have the capital to buy it as a mount.

In the blue sky, Yang Zilei stepped on his sculpted back and flew swiftly in the wind, but he was somewhat heroic.

The purpose of his trip is to go to the chaotic city of the Michuan Mountains.

Due to the huge amount of metal purchased, Yang Zilei avoids letting people know too much, so he travels alone.

In this way, Yang Zilei rode a blue wind sculpture, and as he flew, the surrounding scenery gradually became desolate.

Until night fell, a huge outline of the mountain range appeared in Yang Zilei's sight.

Yang Zilei lifted his eyes and looked at the huge mountain range in the distance. He breathed out softly and finally arrived.

There is no doubt that this mountain range is clearly the destination of his trip, the Michuan Mountain Range.

The Michuan Mountain Range is vast, and there are countless terrifying beasts in it.

Normally, except for some mercenary adventurers and capable warriors, ordinary civilians dare not set foot here.

And in this mountain range, there stood a small city, the metal wall surrounding it was thick and majestic, and it was able to block out all the fierce beasts lingering nearby.

This city is a city of chaos.

The people who built this city at the beginning were a group of adventurous strong men who did not establish any order. Later, as more and more people gathered here, the chaotic city grew stronger and gradually formed the current one. scale.

Now the floating population in the city has reached 100,000, which is equivalent to a town of considerable scale.

Under the moonlight, Yang Zilei rode a blue wind sculpture through a dense forest, and soon came to the chaotic city.

Yang Zilei was also amazed by the city that could stand in this dangerous mountain range.

Before coming here, he had learned the general information from Chen Si.

Although the Michuan Mountains are rich in minerals, there are countless beasts, and no one can really occupy the surrounding mineral veins. Only some adventurers who are not afraid of death go out to mine or hunt the beasts to gain wealth.

Therefore, many branches of chambers of commerce are stationed in the city, mainly purchasing animal cores and minerals.

Yang Zilei patted the carving on the back, and the blue wind carving at his feet suddenly flew down. After sending Yang Zilei to the ground, it flew to the dense forest near the city to rest and wait. As long as Yang Zilei blew a whistle, it would fly again.

This kind of blue wind carving, which has been domesticated since childhood, has undoubtedly lost its fierce nature and has become completely obedient to the word.

"There are many warriors here, and they are very strong!"

Yang Zilei walked in the street, and everyone passing by, whether men, women, young or old, or street vendors, gave him a special feeling.

They have sharp eyes, steady steps, and none of them look like ordinary people.

Obviously, due to the harsh environment of the Michuan Mountains, almost all the people who can live here are somewhat capable warriors or criminals wanted outside.

Although the city of chaos has no order, it also obeys the original rules of respecting the strong, and most of them will choose not to reveal their strength when they are not allowed.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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