At this point, Yang Zilei's consciousness moved, and he entered the system mall again, and directly clicked into the [Military Food].

The food in the army rations can not be said to be a dazzling array of various flavors.

However, these military rations have only five general effects, namely, healing injuries, strengthening physique, nourishing qi and blood, and repairing spiritual power.

Obviously, there is no ration to increase the cultivation base, otherwise it would be more perfect.

In this way, Yang Zilei was like entering the treasure-digging website of the previous life. He kept selecting and adding to the shopping cart one by one. He didn't stop shopping until all the enhancement points were spent.

These military rations contain more than ten kinds.

Compressed biscuits, canned beef, canned fruit, self-heating rice, functional solid beverages, self-heating seafood fried noodles, chocolate...

As Yang Zilei took out all the rations, Chen Si was shocked again.

He stared at a large amount of food in front of him dumbfounded, and found that there were many kinds of food that he hadn't tasted before, and he swallowed his saliva suddenly, unable to resist the urge to buy it out of his own pocket.

"These things are all priced at 100 taels of gold."

After Yang Zilei thought for a while, he simply unified the price, and then the bookkeeping management would be more convenient.

Hearing this price, Chen Si took a deep breath. He remembered that he bought a box of seafood fried noodles from Yang Zilei in Qingyang City, and it was only 10 taels of gold. Now the price has reached 100 taels, which is ten times more!

"It seems that the boss is planning to show off his talents. This is worth the money!"

Chen Si's eyes flickered, and he felt that the price set by Yang Zilei was very reasonable, but he still preferred the cheaper one.

After all, an ordinary strengthening pill, one pill costs 100 taels, but the ones sold by Yang Zilei are not only more effective, but also have a wonderful taste of ingredients!

At this time, outside the store.

Although the flow of people in Fang City is large, Yang Zilei’s shop has not been announced yet, and there are still some building materials that have not been cleaned up at the door, so people who pass by just glanced curiously and walked to other shops. No one cares about this.

At this moment, two luxuriously dressed men were walking over.

"His Royal Highness the Four Princes, in two days it will be the imperial comparison of the Great Yan Dynasty. Let's go back to the Royal Capital and get ready."

"No defense, since I'm here in Longfei City, it's okay to stay here for a while, but it's a pity that I passed the hunting game a while ago..."

Among these two people, walking in front was a handsome young man in luxurious clothes, and the other was a burly middle-aged servant.

During the conversation, he happened to pass by Yang Zilei's shop.

Glancing casually, the young man named ‘Yan Chen’ was instantly aroused by the golden sign on the door.

"Arms shop? Old Wu, do you know what munitions mean?" Yan Chen stopped walking and asked curiously.

The middle-aged servant stared at the name of the shop on the door, and guessed: "Looking at its literal meaning, it seems to be related to armaments or equipment used for burning fire?"

"Fire appliances?" Yan Chen shook his head, feeling that being able to open such a big store in the core area of ​​Fangshi is not that simple.

There are many shops in Fangshi, including weapons shops, medicinal stores, blacksmith shops, etc. You can understand them, and you can tell by their names what they sell.

But he had never seen this arms shop.

"Go, go in and take a look."

Stop talking.

Yan Dong stepped in with a little novelty.

The middle-aged servant immediately followed suit.

And when they saw the detached era environment in the store, and the peculiar arms and weapons, their eyes were suddenly startled, and a touch of surprise appeared on their faces.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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