Fall In Love with the Technology Tree

Chapter 139: peach blossom

The residential area to the east of the Academy, Meibing Pavilion is one of the few palace-sized buildings. The little emperor and his eunuchs moved here.

Mei Bing, also known as borneol, borneol, refreshes the mind, dispels silt and disperses fire, and also cures convulsions and fainting in children. The reason why Meibing Pavilion is called Meibing Pavilion is because an extremely rare dipterocarpus camphor, known as the crown of all medicines, is planted in the yard. The tree is thirty feet high, and the two of them can hug each other. It is an old tree.

"Does Your Majesty think that the orientation of Mei Bing Pavilion is a little off?" A woman who looked to be in her forties closed the window and gave a standard salute. She was the only servant sent by the Cao family to Liu Xie's side, but there was no restraint in her words.

The little emperor was still wearing a full set of formal clothes, and nodded reservedly: "It's a bit off."

"This is to accommodate the ancient tree in the courtyard. When the Academy was built, all the trees that originally grew here were cut down. Only this dipterocarp is rare in the Central Plains. Zhong Huagong felt that it was not easy to grow, so he deliberately changed the drawings and built a pavilion with this tree as the center, which caused the orientation of Meibing Pavilion to be different from other places."

Liu Xie showed a surprised look on his face. "I saw that the tree was ordinary, but I didn't expect such an allusion." He took two steps towards the window, "Can I take a look again?"

"This..." Xiao Huangmen quickly discouraged, "Your Majesty, it's windy outside."

Liu Xie ignored him, turned his head, and only looked at the woman: "You..."

"The slave's name is Luo Chi."

"Luo Li, I'll take a look."

Luo Chi first took out a fur and wrapped Liu Xie before taking him to the window to enjoy the scenery. The sun had set, and even the sunset had faded, leaving only some dim light falling on the courtyard. There was a thin layer of snow on the tree, but it couldn't cover the green underneath.

"Your Majesty, camphor trees are mostly produced in hot and humid places in the south, and they do not drop leaves in winter. However, camphor trees are not cold-resistant, and it is difficult to see them in the north of the Yangtze River. This borneol camphor has lived for hundreds of years. It was only after a cold winter that it grew to what we see now. Duke Zhong Hua said, I hope that the children living in this courtyard, no matter how hard they suffer, can be as green as a camphor tree and be evergreen in all seasons. ' The woman's gentle voice, eloquently expounding, was ironing people's hearts like warm water.

Liu Xie couldn't help muttering: "The heart is green, the seasons are evergreen..." He turned around and wiped his eyes. "Liu Xie knows about the deep friendship between the two Cao Gongs."

Luo Chi closed the window to keep out the winter air. "It's getting late, it's time for Your Majesty to change. The school has prepared hot water. After His Majesty has finished dinner, he will go to the bubble? It's better to relax when you're tired from running all the way back to your bedroom."

Liu Xie: "Okay. Reward..." He didn't say anything about the reward, and everything he could bring out to reward people was left in Chang'an.

"Slave servants are instructed to act, not someone who will be mean to His Majesty without a reward." Luo Chi smiled, pretending not to see Liu Xie's embarrassed face.

Anyway, Japan is a long way to go.

As soon as the 15th day of the first lunar month is over, the special training class for the children of senior officials of the school will start. The protagonist is Liu Xie, and the accompanying reading is a large group of second-generation officials. It's about to start a new life, it is impossible to say that Liu Xie is not uneasy.

It was both anticipation and fear, Liu Xie didn't even have a good meal at the Lantern Festival dinner. And Wang Yun, Dong Cheng and others were talking about some things at the table, which made his little head dizzy.

"Luo Li." After a few days, Luo Chi had gained the initial trust of the little emperor, and at this time, he subconsciously looked at the bright and capable female officer with a look of help, "Luo Chi has gained the initial trust of the little emperor. Old lady, tell me, what kind of person is Duke Zhonghua? Is it strict or generous? I heard that she is a child prodigy, and she was born to know it."

Luo Chi swiftly removed the layers of burdensome imperial court clothes for the little emperor. "Prince Zhonghua is indeed smarter than ordinary people. When I served her, I was fortunate enough to listen to her lectures. I remember once she taught the 'Earth Circle Talk'. Among the sixth and seventh people, only Master Kong and Mrs. Yan understood it. Now Those two are both pioneers, and I am the only one who is not a good one."

"Ah." Liu Xie covered his mouth, because he was only wearing normal clothes at this time, less restrained and more naive.

"Your Majesty." The voice outside the door continued, "Is it convenient for me to come in?"

Liu Xie hurriedly adjusted his clothes, knelt down on the running seat, and coughed twice, "Cao Zi, please come in."

Only then did the little yellow door open the hall door and welcome a woman wrapped in a white cloak. She is not young anymore, but her complexion is still better than snow, and her temperament is so dusty that her age is blurred. .

The host and guest finished their greetings before continuing with the words just now.

"I'm here tonight to bring tomorrow's books and ink to Your Majesty. The homework in the first two months is not difficult, Your Majesty need not worry."

The booklet is four thin paper-bound books, "Elementary Mathematics", "Geography of Kyushu", "General Knowledge of Agriculture and Water Conservancy", "Children's Reading History", have added a lot of illustrations, painted , looks interesting. In this era when most people read bamboo slips, Liu Xie was reluctant to put it down when he opened it.

Luo Chi was fascinated by seeing him, so he could only persuade him in a low voice: "Your Majesty, reading at night hurts your eyes. And Duke Zhonghua is still waiting for you."

"Cao Zi..." Liu Xie raised his hand, "Student..."

The ones in the Yang Palace are not expensive, but they are more durable. Besides, there is a school bag and a pencil case.”

The schoolbag and pencil case are all made of linen, which looks rough together with the exquisite book, but the size is just right for the book and ink.

"When I opened a school in Liaodong, there were students from poor families, and the schoolbags and pencil cases had to be sewn by my mother and sister. After the student became famous, this custom was preserved, even My nephews all use linen bags sewed by Sister-in-law. It is also common for students to compare the skills of their mothers and sisters. Although His Majesty's admission is different from the previous regulations, Sister-in-law is not the same as the past. Said, no matter whether His Majesty can use it or not, if others have it, His Majesty can’t lack it.”

Luo Chi took the initiative to take the linen cloths and looked back and forth: "It's really Mrs. Ding's craftsmanship, I haven't seen it for several years."

When she said this, Xiao Huangmen, who was originally disgusted, had no choice but to swallow the unpleasant words in his throat, and instead whispered: "Such a shabby thing, I am afraid that I will lose the identity of Your Majesty. ."

Liu Xie glared at Xiao Huangmen: "Cao Gong's wife's intentions, how can you let you talk nonsense? What kind of person are you? Why don't you put it away?"

A Sheng's eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything after all.

Time with the kids always goes by so fast. In the blink of an eye, it was March when the grass was growing and the warbler was flying. As the weather warmed up, Ah Sheng's teaching location was changed to the south hall with the best lighting. The curtains around the classroom were pulled up, and outside was the square with the forest of stone scriptures erected.

Yang Biao, Cai Yong, Xun Shuang, Chong Fu... Now the bosses who are playing vacant positions in the academy are all sitting under the south hall to listen to the lecture. In the further squares, it was crowded with scholars and even merchants' families.

"Yesterday, we learned how to measure the upper limit of conscription. Conclusion, Your Majesty, do you remember?" Ah Sheng asked cheerfully.

Liu Xie stood up, paid tribute to Cao Sheng, and then faced Xia Houchong, Xun Yun and other students. "The conscription is limited, one is population, and the other is food and grass. If Qing and Yan are all young and strong, they can get 600,000 people; however, the three armies have not moved food and grass first, and if the fields are to be cultivated, there will be no famine in the coming year, at most Only 100,000 people can be recruited. Now the Erzhou has a standing army of more than 150,000 people, so the people are living in hardship.”

"Yesterday, I didn't say how many troops there are in the two states of Yan and Qing. Your Majesty has gone back to do his homework. It's very good."

The little emperor was praised, couldn't help laughing, and sat down happily.

"Now you are young, we are only talking about rough algorithms. When it comes to government affairs, things are much more complicated: field soldiers are different from iron-clad soldiers; civilians are different from regular troops; cities and counties are different. The fertility of the land is poor, and the ability to bear military conscription is also different. The value obtained is not exactly an integer, and it has to be meticulous and meticulous. Mr. Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, Cheng Yu, etc. It is these tedious tasks that cannot be underestimated.”

Children up to the age of twelve or three, down to seven or eight years old, all answered in unison: "I want to be taught."

Liu Xie also received a smug look, and his face became more solemn.

A Sheng turned his head to comfort him: "Your Majesty has been studying for less than three months, and he can know that the supply of food and grass is a shortcoming of conscription, and that Yanzhou is currently in the predicament of excessive armament, and it has met my expectations. When we finish studying "General Knowledge of Farming and Water Conservancy" and we study the volume "Tuntian", Your Majesty will be able to have a clearer understanding of the current situation.

"By then, the spring ploughing has just ended. Let's go to Tuntian Village in the east, and let everyone identify the grains."

Xia Houchong is an active child. He can't sit still when he hears that he can go out: "Second uncle, I heard that you can eat roasted locusts when you go to the fields. We can also hunt hares."

A Sheng closed his eyes and said lightly: "If the mid-term test fails, Ah Chong is not allowed to go, and he will be punished for copying the book."

Xia Houchong's face suddenly collapsed, causing the classmates to burst into laughter. Even Liu Xie showed his teeth with a smile.

One page." Cao Sheng's words immediately cheered the children up.

"As the saying goes, a wise man will always have a loss, and a fool will always have a gain. It has always been said that Qin Shihuang was tyrannical and only the second Qin Dynasty died. Today, we do the opposite. , to discuss the achievements of the First Emperor..."

This question is not difficult. After Xun Yun first answered "Unify the four seas and divide the counties and counties", answers such as "Build the Zhengguo Canal" and "Attack the Xiongnu in the North" appeared one by one. Finally, after Ah Sheng emphasized the shaping significance of "unified weights and measures" and "unified writing" to the nation-state, this discussion class came to an end.

The children went to the back in groups of three and two to have lunch and prepare for the afternoon riding and shooting lessons.

The crowd listening in the square slowly dispersed at this time, although for those sitting far away, they could only hear vague words, and the people in front had to repeat them. But they persisted until the end of the course.

Jokes, one is the orphan of the late emperor, the other is a famous scholar, and it is difficult to meet people at other times.

A Sheng stayed at the end, packed up the teaching equipment, and walked down from the high platform slowly. The sun is a bit dazzling, but this year's eyes are better than last year, and it is no longer a situation of white and black.

Teaching and educating people is a relatively easy day.

I met Yang Biao head-on, and bowed to her at the bottom of the steps, bending very low. Ah Sheng hurriedly threw the sundries in his hand to the guard, and lifted Yang Biao forward with both hands: "What is the meaning of the captain?"

"The old man has been listening to Duke Zhonghua's lectures for more than two months, and I have witnessed His Majesty's appearance from being panic-stricken to now being generous, confident and discreet. I owe Duke Zhonghua this prayer." He ignored the obstruction, finished the ceremony, and then stared at Ah Sheng's face with a very serious expression: "If the Han Dynasty can be revived, it must be the merit of Brother Xian."

A Sheng took a half step back and replied with a big gift: "I am terrified."

Xun Shuang stroked his already white beard, with a gratified smile on his face: "Zhonghua's lectures, explain the simple things in a simple way, step by step, are a hundred times better than boring lectures, which makes me ashamed. I feel ashamed. "I didn't teach you to be careful enough before."

"Master Xun is making fun of me. What I teach them is always a little quicker and quicker, not as nurturing as Master Xun's teaching back then."

"Alas." Xun Shuang sighed, "The world changes with time, and in troubled times, it is still possible to survive. Nowadays, people who are addicted to qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, claiming to be mad, have nothing to do with their homeland?"

Several old ministers sighed relative to each other again, and finally waved their hands.

"Stop talking about these nasty things. Go and have a cup of herbal tea in the city."

As the reputation of the school gradually expanded, celebrities from other states and counties began to come here. The county seat of Xuxian has also expanded and expanded, and restaurants, inns, and shops have become a prosperous scene. It is only said that the height of the outermost new wall and the number of garrisoned troops have reached the scale of the county capital.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei walked into the tall new city gate of Xu County with their horses in this spring.

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