"Besides, Jeff was there at the time. If no one stopped us, we wouldn't be able to escape at all."

"The situation is urgent, so I can only pin my hopes on Naz."

"But... in this case, Natsu's situation will be dangerous." Makarov, who was listening to Meister's story, said in a deep voice.

The old brows frowned slightly: "After all, none of us know whether Natsu's secret weapon can defeat Zeref, but what we do know is that the chances are very small..."

Looking in the direction of Vestalian, he murmured in a low voice:

"You can't leave Natsu alone..."

"That's right, let me save Natsu." Erza said in a deep voice.

"Wait a minute, forget what I said? The stars are over there. If there are stars, Natsu should not be in danger." Meester interrupted Erza's words.

"At least, we have to wait until Urdia and the others arrive, and we can talk about it after ensuring the president's safety."

"You have no chance!" The sudden voice made everyone present alarm bells ringing!

Erza turned around abruptly and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

"who is it?!"

Clang——————! ! !

The sudden sound of metal and iron clanging resounded at this moment.

The eyes of Erza, who was standing at the front, widened sharply.

The huge force did not know when it acted on him.

The terrifying impact directly knocked Erza into the air, and slammed into the thick tree trunk behind her.

The towering trees shook violently.

Countless green leaves also broke away from the shackles of the branches at this moment, floating down out of thin air.

Ka... Ka... Ka...

A series of small voices came from Erza's armor.

"(cbcc) Erza, you..."

"Ah?" Erza, who covered her chest, lowered her head in doubt.

What came into view was the armor already covered with cracks.

And the cracks seem to be still expanding, spreading all over the body like a spider web.

The next moment, it shattered!

Fragments of the armor fell to the ground, revealing Erza's most original outfit in a white shirt and blue skirt.

"Armor... Broken?"

"What's going on?!"

"Are there any enemies?!"

Wendy, Lucy, and Gray all became vigilant in an instant.

Only Makarov froze in place, he seemed to have thought of something about that weird attack method.

He murmured in horror: "This attack method... is Timaria!"

"Demaria?" Lucy and the others, who didn't know much about the Twelve Shields of the Guardians, asked in confusion.

"Hehe, if you are guessed, then the game of hide and seek will be meaningless."

The sound that rang again instantly attracted everyone's attention.

In the forest not far from them, a figure came slowly with extremely powerful pressure.

Short, uneven golden hair, dressed more sexy, with a gold armguard on his right arm.

The coat was tied around the waist like a skirt.

The crest of the Alvarez Empire is engraved on the smooth left calf.

Brown eyes stared at the group of people ahead with a smile.

The Twelve Shields of the Guardians, Concubine Demaria!

"That guy, Imber, said that according to the recent analysis of the situation, someone will definitely come to rescue Makarov, so he asked me to wait outside the capital."

"I was wondering at first, maybe I can't even drink soup outside the capital, but who knew that it was really like what Inber said, someone fell into the trap!"

The corner of Timaria's mouth raised a confident smile, and while talking, she approached the few people in front of her.

"The guy named Luo Xingchen is still making a fuss in the center of the town. If you can catch him and put pressure on him, then even a powerful mage of that level will have to submit to the Alvarez Empire. It's gone!"

"You're dreaming!" Erza glared at Timaria.

"That's right, don't let us think too weakly, bastard!" Gray also clenched his fists tightly.

Black markings began to gradually cover half of his body.

The extreme cold began to gradually spread.

"Wendy, get ready to fight!" Lucy took out her golden key as if facing an enemy.

"I understand." Wendy's face darkened.

"Damn... this old man can fight!" Makarov struggled to stand up from the ground.

When confronting Zeref before, he was attacked by Zeref's magic power.

Therefore, Makarov had a little difficulty even standing up at this moment.

However, this does not mean that he will choose to be caught without a fight!

"Be careful, everyone. No one has ever understood this woman's magic. It's very mysterious and weird."

Seems to think of something, Makarov reminded.

Perhaps Makarov didn't need to remind him of this point, as everyone present could have known it from the moment Erza was attacked strangely just now.

Therefore, everyone's eyes are dignified.

"Hehe, what a fighting spirit." Timaria said with one hand on her hip.

He looked at the few people in front of him with interest.

"But..." Yang raised the long knife in his hand.

Timaria's voice also lowered: "It's useless, I can even kill you in an instant..."

"Really... only for a moment!"

Timaria raised a weird smile and opened her mouth slightly.

Jaws then collided.

despair----! ! !

Accompanied by the crisp sound, the whole world seemed to dim down...

Chapter 689 One against four, tyrannical monster!

The strange magical power instantly eroded the audience.

In an instant, the fallen leaves falling with the wind froze in midair.

The dust that was raised all around also stopped, and even the sound of explosions came from distant towns.

The roaring sound, all of these, seem to be caught in ~Forbidden.

It even included Makarov, Erza, Wendy, Lucy, Xia Lulu, and Gray standing not far away.

At this moment, in this gray space, it seems that there is only one person who can keep moving.

That's Timaria!

"Heh..." The corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Made an unidentified laugh.

This situation has been seen too much in her years of war career.

No matter how powerful the opponent is a mage, and no matter how powerful the opponent's hole cards are.

In front of Timaria, it is useless.

this! It is the strength of the Twelve Shields of the Guardians!

This is the strength of one of the twelve people who are at the top of thousands of wizards in the entire Alvarez Empire!

Timaria took light steps and walked towards the few people in front of her.

"Right now, I am the only one who can act in this world."

"To put it simply... this is a world that only belongs to me."

The mumbling voice seemed to be expressing his strength, even though no one could realize his strength.

But, for her, that's enough!

As if strolling in a garden, even in the face of several powerful mages, Timaria is still extremely leisurely.

Just like her title, the Valkyrie galloping on the battlefield.

No matter how dangerous the situation is, she can still maintain her elegance, and she can easily harvest the lives of countless immobile people.

"Anyone will have such a wish, hoping that time can stop."

Timaria came in front of Wendy.

Lowering her head slightly, she looked directly at Wendy's unyielding eyes.

He murmured softly: "The magic that seals time—the seal of time!"

Gently pinching Wendy's little face, the smile on her face was so rampant: "Do you understand?"

"I will never lose... the strongest magic!"

As if thinking of something, she tapped her forehead in frustration: "Sorry, I seem to have forgotten, you can't hear me."

"Because, at this moment, it stops for you."

Taking a deep breath, she stood up straight and looked at the people in front of her.

Some embarrassingly touched his chin:

"Just now I chopped that guy's armor, what should I do next?"

"Chop up your clothes?"

"Forget it, I'm tired of that kind of gameplay, so let's change it."

The handle of the long knife that he held tightly with his right hand: "When the time is restored, and I see more than why one of my companions has passed away, I think..."

"The expressions on your faces must have been funny then, right?"

Seemingly confirming her own thoughts, Timaria nodded in satisfaction.

He looked at Erza: "Let's start with you."

"The queen of the goblins! She seems to be a female knight too. In front of the Valkyrie, she seems to be a bit unhandy."

She raised the long knife in her hand and pointed it at Erza's neck in front of her.

"Farewell, lady knight!"

The blade slashed down.

In this still time, Timaria doesn't even have to worry about any problems.

You only need to swing the knife, and then you can easily take the life of the powerful wizard in front of you.

This feeling... is even indistinguishable from a god.

The blade was already approaching Erza's neck.


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