Unlike the demon Fern I met at first,

Its unique ability is to burn blood to strengthen its own strength.

What Joseph was burning at this moment was life force!

Gain a lot of magic power by burning life, but the cost is the loss of life.

But in the same way, after the life is burned out, it also means that Joseph's life is coming to an end.

Because it was too dangerous, it was listed as a forbidden technique in the early years and was completely banned.

It was just unexpected that Joseph had learned this forbidden technique.

"Give it to me!! Go to hell!!"

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of dark purple skeletons appeared before Luo Xingchen's eyes.

For a moment, the scene was like Shura's purgatory!

Seeing all this, Luo Xingchen didn't say much,

In other words, there is no need to say anything after the battle has reached this point.

It's been a fight to the death,

A battle that will never end until one side is completely wiped out!

Tightening the right hand holding the demon knife tightly, Luo Xingchen slowly lifted it up.

Aim at Joseph at this moment.

The other five flying demon knives returned to Luo Xingchen's surroundings at the same time.

Tempered by the magic of time,

Large cracks began to appear on the demon knife wrapped in Luo Xingchen's hand.

boom----! !

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the six demon knives instantly returned to the broken past.

Countless fragments were formed and scattered in the air.

Then, it aimed at the hundreds of dark purple withered skeletons in front of it and shot out.


This was the first time Joseph had exclaimed.

In the eyes that gradually filled with despair.

Countless shattered fragments reached an astonishing speed under the acceleration of time.

Flying wantonly in this dilapidated space.

Whenever a shattered fragment penetrates the body of the dark purple skeleton.

There will be a bang.

Boom 0.0 Boom——————! ! !

For a while, the roaring sound that continued to resound,

The shattered fragments mercilessly destroyed the magic that Joseph had tried his best to release.

It also took away the last hope that Joseph worked so hard to get!

Luo Xingchen retreated, came to the edge of the battlefield, and jumped up into the sky.

Holding the hilt without a blade in his hand, he raised it high.

Immediately, countless flying sharp fragments began to gather in the direction of Luo Xingchen.

"Since you have made up your mind to die, then be buried with the ghost guild you care most about!"

Like a declaration of victory.

Countless fragments were neatly arranged on the top of Luo Xingchen's knife handle.

did not manipulate it back to its original state,

Instead, each fragment is separated by a certain distance,

Make it extend to a length of nearly fifty meters!

The sharp side was aimed at the huge ghost guild in front of him,

And the direction of Joseph, who was unable to escape!

The magic in the body emerges,

Let the extended fragments all be covered with a pure white film.

Afterwards, the hands and arms were violently exerted.

Countless fragments gathered together, like a 50-meter-long long knife, slashed down!

One blow! Phantom Extinction! .

Chapter 174 Everything is over, cheers for victory!

Boom boom boom———! ! !

A huge blade slashed from the center of the super-magic giant!

What followed was violent shaking!

The super-magic giant, which was already in tatters due to the previous battle, was cut in two.

The original situation can no longer be maintained.

Started to collapse towards the sides.

Numerous boulders mixed with broken mechanical gears and other sundries fell from high places on the sea.

A wave of intense waves was stirred up.

But this is not the worst!

Following the ever-falling boulders,

It was the two halves of the supermagic giant that collapsed towards the two sides.

With a roaring sound, it smashed towards the sea level.

Bang bang——————! ! !

Huge body slapped on the sea,

What was set off was a turbulent sea with a height of tens of meters.

With a momentum that seemed to be able to swallow everything, he rushed towards the surroundings crazily.

"Hey... Everyone, get out of here, the waves are coming again!!"

Most of Fairy Tail is still on the coast.

At this moment, in the face of the huge waves tens of meters high,

They frantically fled towards the rear in fright.

"What's the matter, what's going on with this wave?!"

Lucy yelled as she fled.

"Didn't you notice? Just now Specter's guild was directly cut off!!"

19 Kanna responded loudly.

"Also... ghost soldiers are disappearing one by one!"

Although fleeing,

But Loki still noticed behind him,

The ghost soldiers who were still fighting with everyone just now stopped moving.

It was like losing the supply of magic power.

They all started to dissipate.

"So... Joseph was knocked down?" Lisanna, who had fled to a safe place, stopped.

He looked behind him.

Huge waves slapped hard on the shore.

The terrifying impact brought countless gravels and splashed into the sky.

A large number of water droplets continuously splashed out towards the surroundings.

Even if you leave the place,

But everyone in Fairy Tail was still affected by the splashing water.

It stained everyone's body with the smell of the sea.

After a long time, the surging tide subsided.

Only then did Lisanna see clearly everything in front of her.

floating on the sea,

It was a ghost walking guild that was completely destroyed into a pile of tatters.

There were no ghost soldiers on the scene anymore.

The two violent magic powers that had been shrouding the surroundings all the time before that have also completely subsided.

And this also proved that the battle was completely over.

In the distance, Luo Xingchen, who could no longer feel Joseph's magic power, fell from a height into the ghostly ruins floating on the sea.

Erza and Milaj, who were flying in the air, also landed here one after another.

Not too many words.

Both of them had excited smiles on their lips.

The three watched for a moment.

Milaj ran up first, and threw himself at Luo Xingchen.

His hands hugged his strong body.

"Xingchen...you are really amazing!!"

The joy from the heart turned into crystal tears and soaked Luo Xingchen's skirt.

In this scene, Elusa on the side rarely stopped it.

Still looking at the two embracing each other with a smile.

It's just that there is a little far-fetched in the smile.

After rubbing his long silver-white hair, he let go of Miraj,

Luo Xingchen shook his head helplessly:

"It's really hard to see you cry."

"Who's crying~" Milaj rubbed the corners of his eyes.

Staring at the face in front of her, she said softly, "It's just too happy..."

Luo Xingchen smiled slightly,

Then he turned his gaze to Erza who had a smile on her face.

He reached out his hand and stroked her long crimson hair.

"It was really hard for you to stop Joseph before!"

A soft thank you, and a warm head over my head,

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