The other Chen family members have their own thoughts.

Chen Sheng and Chen Wu no longer plan to run away. In this case, running away will only lead to faster death!

Chen Sheng looked at Chen Wu:

"Why don't you try shouting a few times now to break your throat?"

Chen Sheng was not kidding.

There are source beasts nearby, which means that Lin Shi has not yet finished clearing the area of ​​source beasts, so Lin Shi himself is likely to be around.

Chen Wu always had a loud voice. If they could call Lin Shi, at least some of them would be able to survive.

Others also understood what Chen Sheng meant, but some people still said worriedly:

"Can that senior Lin Shi fight against two sixth-level source beasts at the same time? Will he come to save us if he sees the danger here and is not related to us?"

Everyone was silent again.

Yes, they are not related to Lin Shi. Facing two powerful sixth-order source beasts, will Lin Shi risk his life to save them?

Everyone asked themselves, it was impossible for any of them to risk their lives to save strangers they didn't know well in the apocalypse.

Even relatives have to think twice.

So others despaired again.

Everyone in the Chen family didn't have time to say a few words.

Clouded Leopard and Tyrant came to the Chen family and others one after another.

The pressure of the two sixth-order source beasts made many people's legs feel weak.

Especially when they saw that among the leopards and ligers, many beasts were holding prey that had been killed one after another.

The flesh and blood were blurred, and some were still bleeding.

At this moment, their minds couldn't help but bring themselves to the prey in the source beast's mouth.

I couldn't help but shiver.

In comparison, the giant panda group on the other side looks much more approachable.

Although the body is several times larger than before the apocalypse, it is still a cute national treasure.

Even if they are mutated, they are still...well, they can't go against their will and say they are cute...

Giant pandas are inherently ferocious omnivores, and this can be fatal.

"Senior Lin Shi!! Senior Lin Shi!! Help!! Senior Lin Shi, help!!!"

Chen Wu followed his heart and used his loud voice.

In this situation, what else can he do besides shouting?

As for whether these source beasts would attack when he yelled.

Chen Wu only heard that when encountering a ferocious beast, he had to take the lead and yell to let the other party know that he was not someone to be trifled with.

Sure enough, after Chen Wu shouted a few times, the two source beast teams that were about to get closer all stopped.

Chen Wu felt that his shouting had an effect, so he shouted even louder.

"Senior Lin Shi, save us!! Senior Lin Shi!! There are so many Origin Beasts here!! Come and kill them, Senior Lin Shi!!"

"Senior!!! Woof woof woof!! Senior Lin Shi, wow!!!"

Chen Wu shouted loudly and danced.

Chen Wu recalled the wilderness survival guide he learned when he and his friends came to the Amazon in the last days.

If ordinary people encounter a large beast without guns or weapons, they must not turn around and run away.

Instead, you need to calmly prepare your attack posture. If possible, it will be better to cooperate with the roar.

Then he slowly retreated while the beast was in confusion, until he was at a safe distance before running again.

Seeing that his actions were very effective, Chen Wu quickly said to others:

"Hurry up, shout with me, your dantian is filled with anger, listen to my command 123...Senior Lin Shi! Help!!"

"Senior Lin Shi!! Help!!"

Even Mr. Chen Liu shouted without shame, and danced while shouting.

The group looked more like orangutans than the ones at the zoo.

They didn't notice at all that the clouded leopards and tyrants on both sides looked at them as if they were looking at a group of fools and lunatics.

The Clouded Leopard and the Tyrant met with everyone in the Chen family frightened.

The two beasts exchanged a few bestiality words:

"Are these idiots calling the master's name?"

"Why do they call the master's name?"

"It should be someone who knows the master, right? Should we inform the Demon King Boss?"

"Let me inform you. Master said before that you can't kill people casually. But these people look stupider than Erleng Apes. Does Master really know these fools?"


The whispers between the clouded leopard and the tyrant seemed to everyone in the Chen family to be discussing how to eat them more deliciously.

It made everyone frightened.

If they knew that none of Lin Shi's source beasts could eat humans, they might feel more at ease.

At most, he would just be bitten to death.

In the end, it was the Clouded Leopard who was responsible for informing the Demon King of the appearance of this group of people and dragging back the prey caught today.

The Demon King, who had been guarding Lin Shi day and night next to the giant pit, tilted his head after hearing the news from the Clouded Leopard.

Anyone who knows the owner?

The Demon King felt that Clouded Leopard should be talking about people from Chen's base.

After all, the Demon King had an encounter with Chen Tianqiong and the others in the dense forest before.

What were those people talking about at that time?

Oh yes, they said they would come again to prepare medicine and logistics for the owner.

The devil remembered.

Then the Demon King signaled to the Clouded Leopard:

"You stay here and guard the master. I'll go take a look and come back soon."

At the same time, the Demon King gave Xiaobai, who was not far away, a look.

Even with Clouded Leopard, who has been with him for so many years, the Demon King is not completely at ease.

As long as it was related to Lin Shi's safety, the Demon King was very cautious.

He really regarded Lin Shi's life as more important than his own.

Xiaobai is very smart and understands the devil's meaning instantly.

As for that "meat ball".

After Xiaobai and the others came back a few days ago, the Demon King asked Xiaobai to move the nasty "meat ball" dozens of meters away for Xiaobai to watch.

At that time, Xiaobai glanced at the Demon King without words, his expression seemed to say: Boss, are you serious?

But in the end Xiaobai did what the devil wanted.

At this time, the "meat ball" was surrounded by a group of wolves, and was stared at by hundreds of giant wolves.

It also posed no threat to Lin Shi.

The Demon King walked toward the perimeter.

When they saw the Demon King, the others had no unnecessary reaction. Chen Liuye, Chen Sheng, Chen Wu and others immediately became excited.

Senior Lin Shi's source beasts are all here, so will Senior Lin Shi still be far away from them? !

Chen Sheng is more observant:

"These origin beasts didn't attack it! They were in a group!"

Chen Liuye took a look and thought, isn't it? !

Not only did they not attack, all the source beasts lowered their heads the moment the Demon King appeared.

This scene was just like when they saw the head of the family salute in the base.

A bold guess appeared in Chen Sheng's mind, and he blurted out:

"These origin beasts are all subordinates of this white wolf!"


"These origin beasts are all subordinates of this white wolf?! What about these giant pandas?!"

All Chen family members present were shocked.

All kinds of shock, suspicion, and disbelief are swirling in my mind!

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