Lin Shi waited outside for a while.

Jack and the others were afraid that Lin Shi would be blamed, and they were also afraid that Lin Shi would be impatient with waiting.

They hurriedly divided the rat carcasses, swallowed a few mouthfuls of meat, and then climbed up through the window where they entered the building.

The four of them were all carrying a large baggage on their backs, which was bulging with the meat of a female rat that had been broken down into four parts and the meat of a baby rat that had been divided up.

When they went to find the little mice, the little mice were still alive, but now they were all dead.

Newborn mice have pink skin, no hair, and very tender meat.

It is a rare delicacy for the four Jacks.

What made them feel regretful was that the corpse of the big rat they had killed earlier and had no time to dispose of was gone.

Including the bodies of their companions, they were also missing.

It was probably picked up by other origin beasts or eaten by a female mouse in the past two days.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. This is my intention. I hope you accept it."

Huang Mao took out a small mouse corpse and handed it to Lin Shi as if he wanted to take credit.

They found a total of twelve little mice, which was divided equally between three mice.

The little mouse is as big as a palm. If it were normal, he would not take it out and share it with others.

But Huang Mao is now focused on currying favor with Lin Shi, and even has the idea in his mind that as long as he pleases Lin Shi, Lin Shi might be able to help him when the time comes for him to join Chen's base.

He didn't notice the flash of disgust in Lin Shi's eyes at all.

"No, you can keep it for yourself."

Lin Shi pointed at Jack:

"You, take us to find someone."

Jack rubbed his hands happily and pointed in a direction:

"My friend lives in that direction. He knows the area you are looking for very well. I can guarantee that if he doesn't know, no one else in this city will know."

"Lead the way."

Lin Shi followed Jack.

The other three stood there and looked at each other for a few times. They knew that following Lin Shi was an opportunity, but at this time they had a lot of flesh on their bodies.

In the apocalypse, people have sharper noses than dogs. What if their flesh is robbed?

After weighing the pros and cons, two of them turned around and hurried back towards their destination.

Only Huang Mao hesitated on the spot for a while, and finally chose to follow the direction Lin Shi left.

"Brother, Jack! I'm going too!"

Jack glared at Huang Mao who was following him. Seeing that Lin Shi had no intention of driving Huang Mao away, he could only continue to lead the way.

Everyone was walking in the snow with one foot deep and one foot shallow, not moving much faster.

Lin Shi didn't think of riding with them on his skateboard, and he and Lin Siyuan followed slowly behind.

Along the way, Huang Mao kept getting close to Lin Shi, until Lin Shi interrupted him:

"Shut up and don't follow me if you make any more noise."

Huang Maocai shut up in anger.

The friend Jack mentioned was not very far away, and it took more than an hour's walk to get there.

If it were Lin Shi's speed, it would be there in less than two minutes.

In a flat city like this, there is no transportation and it is not suitable for skiing, making traveling extremely difficult.

But these survivors have no better way.

The friend's house that Jack was talking about was a house buried in snow.

Make the windows of the houses with higher floors into doors, and then build the snow on top to look like stairs.

You can walk down the stairs made of snow to the ground.

This also has advantages. At least such a house is warmer than an igloo. It is easier to defend and harder to attack when encountering enemies, and it is convenient to protect supplies.

The disadvantage is that the light transmittance is very poor, or basically opaque. If it snows, the house will be buried again and it will take time to clean up.

Many survivors in this city are just a few or a dozen people living in a building like this.

Jack asked Lin Shi to wait, walked up the stairs to the door, knocked, and then shouted a few more times.

Soon, someone inside said vigilantly:


"I'm Tom's friend, Jack! Is Tom here?"

"He's not here, get out of here!"

The voices of the people inside were full of impatience and vigilance.

"I have something important to ask him!"

Jack thought for a while and said:

"I have meat!"

There is no such thing as friendship in the last days, it only depends on interests.

When the people inside heard that there was meat, their attitude immediately improved a lot, and their voices could not stop the greed that leaked through the cracks in the door:

"Do you have meat? How much?!"

Jack gets to the point:

"I want to find an address on Luke Street and ask Tom to show me the way. I can give him a piece of meat when I'm done."

The door finally opened, just a crack, revealing a yellowish and cloudy eye. This person's name was Bailey, and Jack knew him.

"Take out the meat and take a look. I'm familiar with Luke Street and can help you lead the way."

Bailey stared at the straps tightly trapped in Jack's torn cotton coat.

Being stared at like this is as uncomfortable as being stared at by a mouse.

Jack decisively rejected him and took a step back:

"I'm only looking for Tom. Tom! Come out!"

The second half of the sentence was shouted through the crack in the door.

If Tom had been in there, he would have heard the noise coming out.

It's a pity he's not here.

Lin Shi and others were standing outside, just out of sight of Bailey.

Bailey saw that he couldn't deceive Jack, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes. He opened the door suddenly and stabbed Jack with the dagger that had been hidden behind the door.

There was also a ferocious smile on his face:

"Tom's not here, just give it to me!"

Jack has been in the apocalypse for so long, how could he be unguarded?

He said at first that he had meat but he was worried that Lin Shi would be impatient if he waited for a long time.

Otherwise, with his usually cautious character, he would never have said that.

Jack dodged to avoid the dagger, and at the same time drew his weapon to unlock the gene lock and fight back.

There is no suspense in the battle between two second-order evolvers.

Even if one of them wins the other will be hurt.

Lin Shi had long known that there was only one person in the house below.

He has already scanned it with his mental power.

But he didn't know the friend Jack mentioned, so he didn't stop Jack from finding someone.

Seeing the two of them fighting at this time, Lin Shi used his mind to deflect the dagger stabbing Bailey, and at the same time controlled the homemade weapon in Jack's hand to wipe Bailey's throat faster.

Bailey clutched her throat in disbelief and stared at Jack.

He couldn't figure out why he lost when his combat experience was still higher than this damn white hair? !

And he shouldn't have stabbed him crookedly with the knife just now.

Jack also stared at his hand holding the weapon in disbelief.

When did he become so powerful?

At that moment, his speed and strength seemed to have become stronger?

Neither of them noticed that there was a third person involved in this battle.

The battle started as quickly as it ended.

Bailey clutched his neck and fell down unwillingly.

Second-level evolvers still have many fatal weaknesses, and they will die if their throats are cut.

Huang Mao and Lin Siyuan above didn't know what was happening below.

Everyone looked surprised when Jack came back covered in blood.

Jack had a bitter look on his face, and his eyes were anxious and uneasy.

He wanted to tell Lin Shi that he had messed up and had to leave quickly, otherwise the owner of this house, Gwado, would not let them go.

Before the words were spoken, Lin Shi suddenly pointed in a direction and said:

"Are there any friends you mentioned among those people?"

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