Lin Tianrui introduced:

“We built this building in imitation of a round building from ethnic minorities. The outer walls are made of cold-resistant materials and are very thick.

This can effectively resist the cold wind and the structure is very stable. Even weathering a super blizzard is no problem.

The inner layer is slightly thinner. This round building has six floors above ground and three floors underground, with more than 2,000 small rooms on each floor.

It can accommodate a total of 50,000 people.

There is an underground shelter below. We have already dug it down to ten meters below, and we will continue to dig deeper in the future to create more living space for survivors.

If the climate above ground continues to be bad, we may all move underground. "

This is to build this shelter according to the last habitat of mankind.

The passage was very long, and an officer used a flashlight to clear the way in front. Lin Tianrui and Lin Shi introduced the situation of the shelter along the way.

After walking for a few minutes, I walked out of the passage and entered the center of the round building.

In the center of the round building is an open space the size of a gymnasium.

There are several smaller normal buildings in the open space.

"That's where our officers and some more important scientific researchers live. Our office building is also there."

Lin Tianrui introduced.

In addition to the buildings mentioned by Lin Tianrui, there is still a lot of free space in the open space.

At this time, many people were walking in the open space or exercising, and there were even children playing with making snowmen.

Compared to the outside world, this place is more like the world before the end of the world.

If there weren't so many Origin Beasts outside and people all lived here, even if the conditions were more difficult, it would be like being in a paradise.

Lin Tian turned back and looked up at the back of the round building.

There are so many windows that you can't even count them at a glance.

There are walkways on each floor of the round building, and people come and go in the walkways.

At this time, someone noticed the devil walking out of the passage and screamed in fear.

Immediately, a soldier ran up to them and told them not to be afraid. It was Li No. 2's battle pet.

However, even so, the people in the square dispersed and ran back to the round building.

Even the bolder people only dared to run upstairs and then look down through the railing.

Lin Tianrui laughed, looked at the Demon King and said:

"Demon King, if you come here often in the future, these survivors will not be so afraid of you."

Lin Tianrui seems to be very interested in the Demon King, and he always chats with the Demon King as if chatting with others.

The Demon King turned his head and glanced at those stupid humans, with a disdainful expression on the dog's face.

This scene made Lin Tianrui laugh again.

Lin Shi finally saw it.

Lin Tianrui likes the devil very much.

This is now the nominal head of the official sanctuary.

Although it looks majestic and difficult to approach.

In fact, he is not only approachable, but also very casual, and even has a bit of a funny personality.

Of course, Lin Shi knew that this was just the side that Lin Tianrui showed in front of him and wanted him to see.

If this person was really that simple, he wouldn't become the leader of Xia Kingdom's largest sanctuary.

However, judging from Lin Tianrui's appearance, this person's personality charm is undoubtedly very strong.

"Come on, let's go in."

Lin Tianrui took Lin Shi into the building in the middle of the square.

The devil is now too big and can only be left in the square.

Lin Shi told the devil a few words and then followed Lin Tianrui into the building.

Lin Tianrui and Lin Shi left.

The officers and soldiers who stayed on the spot were a little nervous looking at the Demon King.

Although the Demon King was brought in, they still had to keep an eye on it.

He was afraid that this ferocious beast would go crazy without Lin Shi present.

But the Demon King just gave them a look of contempt, then lay down on the ground and rested.

After walking into the office, Lin Tianrui said to Wang Chao who followed him in:

"Superboy, go and get my share of carbon and tea for this month, and then go to the Research Institute to get all the gene pills produced in the past two days."

Wang Chao nodded and left.

"Come, Comrade No. 2, sit down wherever you want."

Lin Shi sat down on the sofa.

Lin Tianrui sat on the sofa opposite Lin Shi and said:

"Comrade No. 2, Wang Chao should have already told us about our intention to recruit you, right?"

Lin Shi nodded, cherishing words like gold:


Lin Tianrui's expression softened slightly and became serious:

"I don't like to beat around the bush, so let's just say it. I admire you and your partners very much, and I hope you will join us.

Lin Tianrui stood up, locked the door, and then sat down again, crossing his hands on his legs.

Wang Chao said doubtfully:

He was also carrying a box.

Lin Shi nodded and said goodbye to Lin Tianrui.

Why did the two of them start calling themselves brothers after not seeing each other for a while?

"That's enough, that's it this time. I still want to go back before dark."

The Demon King was still lying down downstairs. When he noticed Lin Shi coming out, he stood up and walked to Lin Shi.

If you have any requests, feel free to ask. As long as I can do it, I will do it for you. "

Amid Wang Chao's confusion, Lin Shi and Lin Tianrui walked out of the office building.

"Chief, this is all the Research Institute can come up with now."

"I said I'm going to think about it. I haven't decided yet."

He sighed and said:

There were five hundred genetic pills neatly stacked in the box.

Wang Chao glanced at Lin Tianrui in surprise, and then at Lin Shi.

"In that case, let me give Brother Li a gift."

Wang Chao smiled bitterly and said:

After putting down the tea leaves and carbon, Wang Chao opened the box.

Lin Shi nodded to Lin Tianrui:

Lin Tianrui seemed dissatisfied.

"so little?"

Lin Shi took a look and said:

Ten minutes later, Wang Chao came back.

Lin Shi frowned slightly,

After taking the Demon King and turning around to leave, Lin Shi suddenly stopped after taking a few steps.

"Actually, we are facing a huge threat. If this continues, the Xia people are likely to disappear on Blue Star."

Now we have a lot of source beast corpses, but it also takes time to make them. "

Lin Tianrui stood up and said.

"Chief Lin, you are busy with work, so don't send me away."

"Then let Wang Chao see you off. You can come here often in the future. You must think more about being a specially invited officer!"

"Chief, most of the genetic medicines we traded last time are already in stock, and a lot has been consumed in the past two days.

Seeing Lin Shi coming out, the soldiers and officers responsible for watching over the Demon King breathed a sigh of relief, showing expressions of relief.

Lin Tianrui smiled heartily and patted Lin Shi's shoulder hard:

It was really the Demon King who put too much pressure on them.

"What's wrong?"

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