
There was a constant cracking sound from the ice, getting closer and closer.

Soon, the icebreaker appeared from the distance with a huge shadow.

At this time, the saber-toothed tiger finally realized something was wrong.


The saber-toothed tiger roared and started running back.

The other source beasts followed suit.

Some first-order source beasts became red-eyed when they saw so much food and refused to leave.

The saber-toothed tiger did not stay to gather his men, but flew towards the shore.

Just over a thousand meters soon arrived.

However, when I ran to the end, what I saw was not a solid coast, but a huge chasm more than fifty meters wide from the shore!

What followed was intense gunfire!

Lin Shi stood at the break in the ice and watched the saber-toothed tiger and its herd running around on the huge ice like headless flies.

However, the sea ice in three directions has been cut off, and the only direction that could have been escaped is that the icebreaker is approaching at full speed.

This group of trapped beasts will either be killed by the icebreaker, or the icebreaker will smash the ice they are standing on and fall into the freezing water.

No matter which one it is, the threat of this beast tide has been greatly reduced.

Soon, Lin Shi saw a huge icebreaker in his field of vision.

Looking at the approaching icebreaker, the saber-toothed tiger let out a roar of unwillingness and anger, and jumped into the sea first.

Some Origin Beasts followed suit and jumped into the sea water.

There are still many source beasts who dare not jump when they look at the sea water.

But with the impact of the icebreaker, several cracks opened in the ice, and other Origin Beasts were soon forced into the water.

Since they did not fall into the water, as the icebreaker hit them directly, these source beasts became a pile of rotten meat and fell into the sea.

Lin Shi found a place on the edge of the ice and dug a pit. He hid in the pit with the giant panda clouded leopard and gibbon and waited.

The first fox that fell into the water swam desperately to the edge of the ice and climbed up.

This third-level fox had previously checked the situation on the other side of the ice in all directions with the saber-toothed tiger.

It was very smart and saw a group of fellow wolves in one direction at a glance.

Although wolves and foxes are not the same group.

But now the Yuanzhu family is a family, and the Yuanzhu is always more reliable than the despicable and cunning humans.

So when diving, the fox swam in the direction of the Demon King's wolves.

The wolves stood quietly on the shore waiting for the fastest fox to come up.

He didn't show any ferocious expression.

When the fox was struggling to get ashore, a second-level wolf stretched out its paw and pulled the red fox.

The fox's eyes showed a look of human gratitude.

The fox, whose body was covered with seawater, shivered with the cold wind.

The wolf stretched out his paw and pointed at a snow pit that had just been dug not far away, signaling the fox to go in and take shelter from the wind.

The intelligence of second-level source beasts and above can already communicate across races.

The fox's eyes were even more moved, and without doubting his presence, he walked towards the hole.

Then he saw the grinning Demon King in the pit.

The fox realized something was wrong and wanted to retreat, but there were already a pack of wolves behind him.

The wolf that had just pulled it ashore knocked the fox down from behind.

The fox screamed and quickly lost his voice.

The wolves returned to the edge of the ice, waiting for the next source beast.

The harvest soon became abundant.

Lin Shi probably didn't expect that the Demon King's side would have the most source beasts ashore.

And it is the easiest to take down the source beast.

The situation on Lin Shi's side was also very good. As long as the source beast climbed onto the ice, what was waiting was a concentrated fire output from one person and three beasts.

Soon there were more than twenty source beast corpses in the space.

In battle, both gibbons and clouded leopards are very fierce.

The clouded leopard bit the source beast and swallowed it into its belly to replenish its physical strength and source power.

The main one is to fight to support fighting.

Since the last time the gibbon ate a poisonous mutant plant and transformed into a purple ape, its claws have been carrying paralyzing toxins.

With one claw strike, the source beast was weakened, and then the source beast was crushed to death.

The giant panda held the steamed buns given by Lin Shi in his hand and ate it while slapping the source beast in front of him away with one paw.

He didn't forget to turn around and make an expression to Lin Shi like "I'm a baby and I'm scared."

Lin Shi was holding a cartwheel axe, and every time he slashed, a source beast would be killed or injured.

The entire ice bank is very long, and one person and three beasts need to keep running back and forth to kill the source beasts that come ashore.

As time passed, more and more source beasts were killed.

Clouded Leopard actually broke through to the third level in the battle!

It wasn't until the number of source beasts ashore became less and less and the icebreakers began to dock that Lin stopped hunting.

Go and meet the Demon King.


The shore guarded by Li Wei and Lu Ting.

There are special armor-piercing projectiles, plus close range attacks on the shore two meters above the sea.

The source beast swimming below towards the shore was like a target, and it was quickly riddled with holes in the dense gunfire!

The blood of source beasts below level three died in minutes, dyeing the sea water on the shore bright red.

Seeing the miserable state of their compatriots, the third-level source beasts also turned around and swam in other directions.

The evolvers played so heartily.

"Come on, you beast, come and bite me!"

"Hahahahaha, suffer death! Look how powerful I am!"

"Let's see if you still dare to eat people!"

However, none of the excited evolvers noticed it.

The saber-toothed tiger, who was plotted by humans, filled with hatred and anger, actually dived under the sea water and swam secretly to the edge of the ice.

Only half of his head and a pair of slightly red eyes were exposed on the sea.

The first-order evolver directly above the saber-tooth tiger fired at a mutated wild boar a few meters in front, without paying any attention to the pair of eyes below.

Until the water suddenly splashed up, accompanied by a huge sound of breaking water.

The huge body of the saber-toothed tiger broke out of the water and pounced on the evolver!

The evolver reacted, but it was too late!

The sharp and long claws penetrated through the chest of the evolver, and then he was slapped hard on the bloody ground by the saber-toothed tiger.

This evolver died directly and could not die again.

The saber-toothed tiger threw the corpse away from its claws like garbage, and quickly rushed towards the other panicked evolvers.

Only then did the others come back to their senses in shock.

"Sabre-toothed tiger?!"

"Concentrated fire attack!!"

The team of evolvers frantically fired bullets at the saber-toothed tiger!

Soon, everyone showed disbelief and horror in their eyes.

"Sir! Bullets seem to have no effect on it!"

The troops had never dealt with the fourth-level source beast before, but they had dealt with the third-level one.

The defensive power of the third-level source beast's fur and bones is already very strong, and ordinary bullets cannot break the skin at all.

Only armor-piercing bullets can damage.

But when it hit the saber-toothed tiger, it only scratched a layer of its skin and couldn't even penetrate its flesh!

Feeling the pain, the saber-toothed tiger's eyes became scarleter.

Pounce towards an evolver at a faster speed!

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