Extreme Yama System

Chapter 657: Which one is better at hiding things?

The person who fell from the sky and smashed the floor directly into the ground, just as Stark exclaimed, was his long-lost friend: Bruce Banner. Also known as the Hulk Hulk. He appeared like this because he was sent by the guardian of the Starlight Gate of the God's Domain, which is the ability of the divine artifact of the God's Domain, which can be teleported across extremely long distances.

So Banner came back to deliver the news, which is also a warning, hoping that the people on earth who have many connections and friendships with God's Domain can find a way to stop Thanos' conspiracy. Of course, it would be even better if he could avenge God's Domain. Although the idea sounds vague enough.

" Thanos, Thanos is coming!" Probably because he was stunned, Banner shook his head in a daze, and only then could he helplessly look at the number of people who were forming a circle watching him. He was glad he saw Stark when he opened his eyes.

"Oh, Banner, we all know what you said. I think you should get up first and then find a dress to wear. Your figure is far worse than mine. You look hot."

That's how Stark is. His words never seem to be serious, which is why many people don't like him very much, just because he looks worried.

For example, Doctor Strange, whom Stark doesn't like, doesn't like him either. He even rolled his eyes at Stark.

The time is the same as the plot in the movie. Banner was sent back to Earth, and soon after, the generals of Thanos who chased after Banner with him arrived. From this point of view, Thanos still has a lot of confidence, such as this super aircraft that can match the transmission speed of the Gate of Starlight in God's Domain.

The speed of light is all paediatric, it should be a more advanced space folding technology, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to come to the earth so quickly.

The shape of the spaceship is very interesting, it is circular. Huge, comparable to a building. But not many came down from the spaceship. Not even the spaceship was docked to the ground, but hovered in mid-air. It doesn't look like it's going to make more stops.

A total of three people got off the spacecraft. They are the generals in Thanos who came here.

It may be very difficult for others to find two stones on a planet. But the tyrant does not. He had the original cosmic stone in his hand a long time ago, he studied the rate of fluctuation, and then recorded this frequency by means of means, and then found it directly according to this frequency.

There was no need to say much, the battle started as soon as the two sides met. And very intense.

Xue Wusuan didn't make a move, he was invisible, and everyone seemed to forget him instantly. This is true on both the Thanos side and the Avengers side.

Xue Wusuan folded his arms and carefully looked at the three generals under Thanos. I have to say that these three really refreshed Xue Wusuan's understanding of life.

These are all members of Thanos, the Titans. The body is huge, and the height is between three meters and three meters five. The strength and activity contained in the flesh body are completely unmatched by humans. At the very least, if a human being was hit by a Stark wearing a battle armor, it would have been smashed into slag, but these titans just felt pain, and it was a big deal.

And not only that, these Titans' reaction speed is also amazing, and they can even avoid Stark's pulse cannon. It is a character who can wrestle with the dignified Iron Man completely by relying on the flesh.

On the other hand, the Titans that deal with Doctor Strange alone are even more special. If the two Titans who deal with Iron Man and Banner are warriors, then this one is a mage or a warlock, a warlock like Doctor Strange, even stronger!

The method of using the various rules between heaven and earth and the manifestation of vitality is similar to that of a cultivator, but it only focuses on "skills" and does not care about "cultivating me".

But Xue Wusuan couldn't look down on him, but Doctor Strange was stunned. At the beginning, there were some countermeasures, but the other party seemed to get angry and stopped playing. The ingenuity and strength of mana are not on the same order of magnitude at all.

However, this Doctor Strange still has some tricks. Although everyone can't beat each other, there are many tricks to hide things. For him to hide in this way, Xue Wusuan felt that even if he wanted to find it, it would take a lot of work and it would be difficult to get it.

Why? Because this guy hid that time stone in his past. It is a kind of time backtracking, and it is also a time backtracking with a specific directionality.

That is to say, if you want to find the time stone hidden by Doctor Strange, you must first be proficient in the manipulation of time, and secondly, you must understand the past numerology of Doctor Strange, so that you can find some inconspicuous little corner in the "once" he experienced. , a street corner he once passed by, or a cafe where he used to drink coffee, in short, all the details may be places to hide things.

Xue Wusuan felt that it was extremely difficult to find, not to mention the magic Titan in front of him. Completely blinded.

"I don't know where you have hidden things, so that my spells can't trace it, and it doesn't even seem to be on this planet. But it doesn't matter, you just know, I will find a way to get you to speak."

After saying that, Doctor Strange was **** and flew towards the spaceship with the powerful Titan Warlock, while the other two Titans who were entangled by Iron Man and suffered some injuries were also sucked up under a beam of blue light. The spacecraft ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then the spacecraft took off and left.

The Titan's mission seems to have been completed, because no matter how Doctor Strange, who was holding the original time stone, was caught, they thought that as long as they returned to Thanos, it would be impossible to squeeze out anything with the methods of Thanos.

Of course, if the original stone of time can be directly presented, the credit will be more solid. Therefore, the Titan Warlock began to torture Doctor Strange in a very civilized and gentleman manner in the spaceship. Of course, this is the case in Xue Wusuan's view.

Iron Man flew into the spaceship, and there was a student boy who appeared out of nowhere. It was the Spider-Man Parker who happened to witness the Titan invasion in the car and hurriedly joined the fight. It was with the help of this kid that Stark was able to gain some upper hand in the previous battle. Otherwise, bring a fuel bottle, and Stark can't cover it.

Who is the tow oil bottle? It is the usually domineering Bruce Banner. Because this guy can't change his body, he can't call the Hulk in his body, then he is an ordinary person, the kind who will die if he touches it.

After getting on the spaceship, Stark saw that Xue Wusuan was actually one step ahead of him, he was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were weird. It was only now that he remembered the oriental eccentric who followed him all the way to England and was the first to warn Thanos. It was as if all of them had forgotten about this one in the previous battle, and they couldn't remember it at all. Now that I think about it, it's not that simple.

"Why didn't you join the battle just now?"

This is a questioning and a reproach. Stark needed a reasonable explanation or he would never be with this man again. What's the use of a comrade who can only hide? Maybe there has been some kind of sinister plan in mind?

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