Extreme Yama System

Chapter 390: From Shushan?

Ye Ziming, who was nervous in his heart, had no idea what to do with his own life.

That's a monk! A group of WWW..lā who are independent from the mundane and have great means since childhood, Ye Ziming knew that such a group of people existed, and his heart was even more yearning. But to step into the door of a monk, the talent required is too high, and he can't do it at all. Even his grandfather was admitted to the gate because of his hard work and hard work for helping others as a wage earner for decades. He tried his luck to see if the old tree could bloom.

Mystery is accompanied by terror. Ye Ziming knew that his status was nothing in the eyes of a monk. If people want to kill you, then it is really a matter of life. I don't know how a bad one will die. Moreover, Ye Ziming heard from his grandfather that some of the monks were born with tyrannical temperaments, and killing them was as casual as lighting a cigarette.

Ye Ziming didn't know if there was any means to be used on him. But he was afraid, what if?

So, after coming out of the tea house, he went straight to the airport. On the way, he called to arrange a flight and a special car to pick up the plane.

Ye Ziming's heart was hanging all the way. Especially after he got off the plane and arrived in the capital, he was even more frightened, because he felt a gloomy aura lingering around him all the time. This is not a good sign.

The person who picked up the plane was a middle-aged man whom Ye Ziming had seen before, and his name was Tan Yuan. His father asked him to call him "Uncle Tan".

"Zi Ming, come, put this on your body first." Tan Yuan frowned when he saw Ye Ziming, reached out and took out a talisman paper and handed it to Ye Ziming.

"Ah? Uncle Tan, I, am I being used by some means?" Ye Ziming hurriedly took the talisman and slapped it on his chest. In an instant, the gloomy feeling from before was greatly reduced.

"Well. Your situation is not very good. But don't worry, go home first, and I will help you find a way."

There are three cars in total. Ye Ziming and Tan Yuan sat in one car, walking in the middle, one in front and one in front. The bodyguards who followed Ye Ziming back from the county seat sat in the car behind.

Just when the car got on the highway, it took less than twenty minutes to drive out. Seeing that the car following behind suddenly appeared in a situation, except for the driver's seat, the other three windows were rolled down, and the three figures just rolled out of the windows and fell on the highway. Two of them had their heads smashed into rotten watermelons on the spot, and one was crushed into flesh by a large truck coming behind that couldn't brake enough.

The sound behind naturally made the already tense Ye Ziming turn around like a bird with a bow, and the cruel picture came into his eyes. But Tan Yuan didn't slow down or stop. The speed of the car did not even drop, but increased, surpassing the lead car that had pulled over to save people in the front row.

"Uncle Tan, what's the matter? Don't we stop?"

"Don't stop. Something happened to the three bodyguards who came back with you. Just let the people under you handle it. We'd better go home early."

Tan Yuan's words were like a bucket of ice water pouring down from head to toe, chilling the leaves. The three bodyguards who followed him died? Why are they jumping out of the car? This is absolutely not normal!

Thinking of the scene where he was locked up before, and the black card that was attached to him and disappeared immediately, Ye Ziming felt cold all over. Without Tan Yuan going into detail, he could guess that he must have been hit. And the other party is determined to take his life.

With his trembling hands, he touched the talisman paper attached to his chest. Ye Ziming knew that if he hadn't been protected by this thing, he might have jumped into the car and committed suicide just like the three bodyguards in the car behind him. .

Tan Yuan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, had a calm face, and he couldn't see the slightest expression, but Ye Ziming still understood from the faster and faster dashboard how eager the master who was responsible for protecting his father was at this moment.

Tan Yuan, a mysterious existence in Ye Ziming's eyes. This is a monk. It was sent by the forces behind the Qingshan Group for the safety of his father. And Ye Ziming didn't know where that force was. His father knew but didn't tell him, saying it was for his own good. Ye Ziming knew only one name: Shushan.

After getting off the expressway, Tan Yuan started to make a phone call. Although his voice was steady, his tone was urgent. It seems that he is contacting one of his "brothers".

wait at home. It was only then that Ye Ziming realized that his father, who was usually hard to see, was already waiting for him. And his mother was there.

"Thank you for your hard work, Brother Tan."

"Mr. Ye is very polite. But Ziming is really in big trouble this time."

Tan Yuan's words made Ye Ziming's family face abruptly change. Especially Ye Ziming's mother, who was in tears, kept begging Tan Yuan for help. Ye Ziming was too frightened to speak.

Ye Xiongcheng's father, Ye Xiongcheng, is the current head of Qingshan Group. Very skillful and shrewd. The yearning for the mountain gate behind the group is also extremely strong. I am very familiar with some monks of the same age in the mountain gate, and I have learned a lot of doorways in the monk world.

"Brother Tan Yuan, if you have something to say, please tell me clearly, what trouble is my family Ziming in?"

Tan Yuan was silent for a while before saying: "Zi Ming was used to change the soul wave. Well, let's put it this way. His soul wave is now sending out a kind of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ um, a kind of" "I'm delicious" message will attract evil spirits wandering the world endlessly."

The situation of the three security guards who committed suicide by jumping out of the car was exactly the same as Ye Ziming's situation. The cause of death was that the abnormal fluctuation of the soul attracted the evil spirits, and they chose to commit suicide due to the illusions created by the evil spirits. At that time, Tan Yuan only had an exorcism talisman on his body, so he could only save Ye Ziming but couldn't control the lives of the three security guards.

Ye Xiongcheng frowned and asked, "Brother Tan, is there a way to save him?"

"Yes. But it's very difficult. The humaneness of using the means on Ziming is extremely high, and the understanding of the soul is also unheard of. I can't solve the means on Ziming's body. But I temporarily helped him suppress it. The fluctuations in my body will not spread. In addition, I have contacted my senior brothers, and they will come to help as soon as possible."

Although Tan Yuan's words were not enough to satisfy the Ye family, they were finally guaranteed for the time being. At least Ye Ziming was safe now.

Greet Tan Yuan to sit down. Ye Xiongcheng then asked what happened to Ye Ziming.

Ye Ziming did not dare to hide it. The cause and effect are directly laid out. Hearing that, Tan Yuan shook his head. Ye Xiongcheng was also furious.

"Crack!" A heavy slap slapped Ye Ziming's face. The latter didn't dare to hide, and even said "I know it's wrong".

"You're used to being a playboy! You're going to provoke everyone when they're married? You stop others from leaving? Are you okay now? Your life is almost at risk! You're just a bastard!"

Tan Yuan next to him interjected and asked, "Ziming, since that woman is here to send a wedding invitation, there should be their names on it, right? Do you remember?"

"I remember that the woman's name is Zhou Huiru, and the man seems to be, yes, Xue, Xue Wu, count? Yes! It's called Xue Wusuan!"

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