Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1,386 Reasonable Inference

"Master Taiyi, please save us!"

The Lord of Mashan City prayed again.

Although Taiyi obviously didn't take their lives seriously, there was nothing he could do now except ask Taiyi for help.

Only Taiyi, a cultivator of immortality, can save them, and no one else can count on them at all.

Taiyi still ignored the mayor of Mashan City and still looked at the scene outside the window.

He was still wondering about the origins of these monsters.

Although he couldn't figure out the principle at all, if he observed more, he could get some more clues.

Inside Mashan City.

At this moment, Mashan City is filled with the roars of monsters, and people's cries for help are endless.

The remaining residents of Mashan City ran to the city wall in despair, trying to escape through the city gate.

However, the resurrected monsters had already blocked several city gates, and no one could escape.

After people ran to the city wall, they fell into complete despair looking at the unreachable city wall.

The people on the city wall were also very helpless at this time.

Because the city wall was too high, they didn't know how to climb down the wall and escape.

If you jump directly, you will undoubtedly fall to death, or even if you don't die, you will be disabled.

And the way down is blocked by monsters of all sizes, making it a dead end.

It can be said that Mashan City has completely become an isolated island at this moment.

People on the island can't even think of leaving, they can only wait to die.

Of course, strictly speaking, there is still a way to escape, and that is to fly from the sky.

But besides Taiyi, who in Mashan City has the ability to fly into the sky?

not a single one.

So all that awaits them is death.

Time passes minute by minute.

Residents in Mashan City are still dying, and accordingly, monsters are constantly being born.

The dead residents all turned into monsters.

But when the person is almost half dead, this process is suddenly interrupted.

No more new residents will die, no more new monsters will be born.

This is because Xiao Ning has reached his limit.

With his current strength, he cannot create new monsters.

"If I could step into the Nascent Soul realm, I could definitely turn everyone in the city into monsters, but it's a pity..."

At this moment, Xiao Ning once again had a strong desire for strength.

In this world, only strength is everything, and everything else is meaningless.

"It's time to implement the next step of the plan."

Xiao Ning thought to himself.

His main purpose in doing this was to escape from Tai Yan's skin.

And it's all just beginning now.

The main palace of Mashan City.

Taiyi was still standing by the window, looking at the scene outside the window.

The bloody scenes fell in his eyes, but he did not waver at all.

After all, for him, the death of all these mortals was not a pity.

"It still doesn't work. There are no new clues."

Tai shook his head slowly.

I have been observing for so long, but unfortunately no new clues have been found.

He still didn't know how these monsters were born, nor how the residents of Mashan City died.

In other words, there is no need to continue observing now.


Suddenly, Taiyi noticed a problem.

That is, it seems that no new monsters are born now, and no one dies in the same way of falling apart just now.

Everything seemed to pause.

"Is that mysterious power unsustainable, or does it think these monsters are enough?"

Taiyi couldn't help but guess.

In addition to this problem, he now has another problem

a question.

That's what these monsters' next move will be.

Since their birth, these monsters have only blocked the city gates to prevent the residents of Mashan City from escaping.

Other than that, there is no action.

It's strange no matter how you look at it.

However, when Taiyi was thinking this, he suddenly discovered that the monsters inside Mashan City suddenly rushed towards the city lord's mansion.

At a glance, monsters running wildly can be seen everywhere.

The city lord of Mashan City was frightened when he saw this scene.

"Why...why...why are these monsters coming here?"

The monster is coming menacingly, looking like it is going to bulldoze the entire city lord's palace, which makes people despair again just looking at it.

At this time, the city lord of Mashan City suddenly reacted and quickly turned his head to look at Taiyi.

He thought to himself, could these monsters come to cause trouble for Taiyi?

Thinking about it carefully, Taiyi killed the monster at once, so he must have been grudged by the monster.

Thinking of this, the city lord of Mashan City immediately regretted it.

He felt that he was safe enough around Taiyi, so he immediately came to find Taiyi. As a result, the current situation was completely opposite to what he had imagined.

"Master Taiyi, what should I do? Those monsters are coming!"

The city lord of Mashan City said anxiously.

Taiyi slapped him with a backhand, sending him flying backwards.

With a bang, the mayor of Mashan City hit the wall hard, and then quickly slid to the ground.

His mouth was crooked with this slap, and he couldn't speak at all. He could only sit on the ground and keep moaning.

Taiyi didn't even bother to look at the Lord of Mashan City and continued to stare at the monsters running towards him.

He is still looking for clues and patterns, trying to figure out the motivations and origins of these monsters.

After all, in his opinion, these monsters pose no threat to him. What can really threaten him is the mysterious power that creates these monsters.

But unfortunately, after observing carefully for a while, he finally couldn't find any clues or patterns.

"Forget it, let's get rid of these monsters first."

Without any further thought, Taiyi suddenly broke through the window and flew directly towards the surging monster army.

In the blink of an eye, he blocked the path of the monster army and attacked decisively.

Inside the Mashan Martial Arts School.

Xiao Jing looked at this scene quietly, and a smile flashed across his lips.

"This is the time!"

With this thought in his mind, he moved and quickly ran towards the outside of Mashan City.

Among the monsters he created, the strongest one was the one created by martial arts disciples.

The other monsters are all of low strength, and their main function is to repair the injuries of the most powerful monster.

But now, this powerful monster has stood together with Taiyi.

"Why is this one so awesome?"

After Taiyi met the monster for the first time, he quickly realized the strength of this powerful monster.

Unlike other monsters, this powerful monster is far stronger.

Ten or twenty other monsters can't compare to one of it.

"It seems like this one is the leader."

Taiyi used all his strength to chase after this powerful monster and beat it fiercely.

While the other monsters were restraining Taiyi, they self-destructed one after another, turning into countless corpses to repair the injuries of the powerful monster.

At the same time, new residents died in Mashan City, and their bodies were quickly pieced together into a brand new monster.

Taiyi saw it clearly after a fierce battle.

It turned out that the other party wanted to fight with him.

The current situation is equivalent to all the residents of Mashan City being fuel, driving the powerful monster to fight with him.

"It seems I need to be the first

Kill all the residents of Mashan City in one step. "

Taiyi suddenly thought of it.

In his eyes, these residents of Mashan City are just tools, not worth pitying at all.

So he didn't have any psychological burden at all when he took action.

However, when he moved to try to kill the remaining residents of Mashan City, the powerful monster clung to him, preventing him from getting away.

"She's pretty good at cooperating."

Taiyi groaned.

These monsters seem to share a brain with each other, and they cooperate seamlessly.

But after discovering this, he came to a clear conclusion in his mind.

That is, these monsters are controlled by that mysterious power.

If this mysterious force is not eliminated, these monsters cannot be completely eliminated.

Of course, killing all the monsters can also solve this problem.

But obviously this is not a good idea.

First, there are a lot of monsters. As long as all the residents of Mashan City do not die, new monsters will always be born.

The second is that the world is so vast. Even if the monsters in Mashan City are eliminated, the mysterious power can still find a new city to create new monsters.

Unless all the people in this world are killed, there will always be endless monsters.

So there is only one way to solve the problem, and that is to find out the mysterious power that controls these monsters.

"Where is that mysterious power hiding?"

While Taiyi was fighting the monster, his mind was racing and he was analyzing it quickly.

Unfortunately, there are too few clues now, so he can't get the result no matter how he analyzes it.

At this moment, he was in a completely passive position.

But after thinking about it for a while, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he thought of a brand new angle.

"Even if these monsters fight me one after another, there is no way they can kill me, so what is their purpose in doing this?"

"In other words, what do the mysterious forces behind these monsters think?"

This is a completely new way of thinking.

Taiyi was just focused on finding out the mysterious power behind these monsters, and completely forgot to think about the motivations of these monsters' behavior.

Now that I think about it carefully, I realize that there are serious problems with the motives of these monsters.

With the strength of these monsters, it is impossible to kill him. Even if all the residents of Mashan City are turned into monsters, they will not be able to kill him in the end.

In other words, the only thing these monsters can do is to hold him back for a while.

The question then arises, why are these monsters holding him back?

What is the purpose of holding him back?

"Could it be that the mysterious power that controls these monsters needs this time to escape?"

Taiyi frowned, suddenly thinking of this.

Only in this way can everything be explained, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the purpose of these monsters to hold him back.

"In this case, the strength of that mysterious force should be inferior to mine, otherwise there is no need to do this."

Taiyi continued to analyze along with this new conclusion.

The other party needs to control these monsters to hold him back, which only means that the other party is not as strong as him.

Moreover, this also revealed a very important clue.

That is, the mysterious force that controls these monsters is now busy escaping.

"That's right. That mysterious force needs to escape because it is not as strong as me. And it is precisely because it is not as strong as me that it needs to control these monsters to drag me. Otherwise, there is no need to make it so troublesome."

"In this case...could it be that young warrior who is up to something?"

Suddenly, Taiyi thought of Xiao Ning.

Xiao Ning's strength is not as good as him, and the martial arts he learns are also very strange, as if they are immortal cultivation techniques.

Therefore, Xiao Ning is very suspicious.

Thinking of this, he

Fight monsters while using your consciousness to search Mashan Martial Arts School.

After such a search, he immediately discovered that Xiao Ning had disappeared.

The entire Mashan Martial Arts Hall was empty, with no sign of Xiao Ning at all.

"Did he die or run away?"

Taiyi was confused.

"Look again!"

Taiyi's consciousness moved quickly, conducting a blanket search throughout Mashan City.

After searching again, he found that Xiao Ning could not be seen in any corner of Mashan City.

In other words, Xiao Ning either died and became part of the monster, or he took advantage of the chaos and left Mashan City.

"Both of these possibilities are possible, but the latter is far more likely than the former."

Taiyi quickly analyzed in his mind.

Xiao Ning is so powerful that these monsters can't do anything to him, so as long as he doesn't die and turn into a monster, escaping from Mashan City will be a piece of cake.

Taiyi believes that Xiao Ning should not have turned into a monster.

Because he had been paying attention to Xiao Ning at first. When most of the disciples in Mashan Martial Arts School were dead, Xiao Ning was still in the room and nothing happened.

It can be seen that the probability of Xiao Ning surviving is far greater than the probability of dying.

"He must have escaped!"

"In this case, his suspicion is very high. He is probably the real culprit who controls these monsters."

Taiyi finally decided.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly moved towards the outside of Mashan City.

Upon seeing this, the powerful monster swooped forward, trying to prevent Taiyi from leaving.

At the same time, new monsters came from other directions, trying to stop Taiyi.

Taiyi had no choice but to continue fighting these monsters.

The strength of these monsters is not as good as his, but there are so many that he won't be able to finish them all in a short while.

Another point is that the powerful monster's injuries have been repaired and it cannot be killed at all.

It is estimated that the only way to escape is after most of the residents of Mashan City are dead.

"court death!"

Taiyi shouted loudly and went to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.com to fight these monsters with all his strength.

He has now figured out that if these monsters are not killed to a large extent, there will be no chance of leaving Mashan City.

Therefore, the top priority is to seize the time to kill monsters and kill as many monsters as possible in the shortest time.

Peng Pengpeng——

There were constant explosions in Mashan City.

Taiyi frantically attacks a steady stream of monsters.

After such a hard battle, the residents in Mashan City were completely dead, and the number of monsters was reduced to half.

The remaining monsters could no longer stop Taiyi from staying, so Taiyi moved and flew out of Mashan City as fast as possible.

At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, and that was to find Xiao Ning quickly.


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