The fleet headed all the way to the Western World.

There were basically no obstacles encountered during the journey. It was not until the fleet reached the territorial waters of foreign countries that it encountered resistance from the foreigners.

The resistance was not fierce. After all, the most advanced fleet of the foreigners had been captured by Qin Junliang and became a weapon of the Eastern country.

So the fleet landed easily.

The soldiers carried on the fleet set foot on foreign soil and moved forward.

Of course, Qin Junliang played a huge role in this.

After all, although the soldiers of Eastern countries have advanced weapons, they are not so easy to use.

In addition, there was no time for training, and the quality of the soldiers was generally not good.

Therefore, the overall combat effectiveness of the army is not very good.

It was Qin Junliang who killed all the way and defeated the main force of the foreigners, allowing the army of the Eastern Kingdom to advance smoothly.

When the main force of the foreigners was eliminated, Qin Junliang stopped and did not go out to destroy the opponent's effective forces.

After all, he started this war not to win in a hurry, but to plunge the world into turmoil and awaken the original will of the world.

It's just that he didn't want the war to happen in his own country, so he took the initiative and chose the battlefield in the foreign country.

For him, as long as this war can go on smoothly, there is no need to rush to end it.

It would be best to let all foreign countries participate in the war and expand this war into a world war.

And his strategy immediately caused headaches for foreign countries.

After all, for foreigners, it is best to end the war as soon as possible and return to peace and stability.

For this they are willing to sign some treaties and pay some price.

But if Qin Junliang doesn't want to, there is nothing he can do.

At this moment, countless people were secretly praying to the gods to punish Qin Junliang, the devil from the East, in the hope that the war would end soon.

But just like when they invaded the Eastern Kingdom, the end of the war will not depend on the will of the passive party.

The war will end unless the passive party wants it to end.

This war will never stop as long as Qin Junliang doesn't want to stop.

Everything is decided by Qin Junliang alone.

Of course, Qin Junliang listened to Lin Yu, so the decision-making power of this war ultimately rested with Lin Yu.

Somewhere on the ocean.

Mr. Gongyu is in a cage woven by Lin Yu with the power of building wood. He has been locked up for more than a month.

However, because Lin Yu activated the law of time and accelerated time, Mr. Gongyu's actual somatosensory time only passed for a short moment.

This little time was not enough for him to realize his situation.

He still felt that Lin Yu just trapped him, but couldn't do anything about him.

As long as this world is not awakened, it is impossible for Lin Yu to destroy him.

"Lin Yu, Lin Yu!"

Mr. Gongyu roared hysterically.

Seeing how excited he was roaring, Lin Yu let go of Jianmu's power, allowing him to speak and his voice to come out.

"Lin Yu, you know in your heart that you can't kill me at all."

Mr. Gongyu said angrily.

"You made a mistake. I never wanted to kill you. I just made it impossible for you to influence the development of the situation."

Lin Yu said calmly.

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a curtain of light immediately appeared in front of Mr. Gongyu.

What was displayed on the light screen was the scene of Qin Junliang leading his army to fight on the western battlefield.

At this time, the battle was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Under the agitation of Qin Junliang, the catfish, Western countries were forced to organize armies to fight back. The entire Western world and foreign countries were reduced to a pot of porridge.

Artillery fire continued and the battle was fierce.

This war has affected all countries in the Western world.

It has turned into a world war.

It's just that the battlefield is limited to the territories of foreign countries.

"You see." Lin Yu said to Mr. Gongyu: "This war has been going on, the world situation is constantly being stirred up, and you are getting closer and closer to death."

"No, it's impossible!" Mr. Gongyu yelled angrily: "It's impossible to awaken the original will of the world by just relying on this, it's simply impossible!"

He was extremely angry now.

Because he could only watch all this, unable to intervene, let alone stop it.

In other words, he is powerless to do anything now and can only wait passively.

The result of waiting may be death, or nothing may happen.

But no matter what he said, it couldn't change the fact that he could only wait passively.

And this was a situation he had never experienced before.

Since his birth, he has possessed extraordinary strength, and no one in the world can be his opponent.

In the beginning, he abused his power to do evil.

He did all the bad things he could and vented all his desires.

Later, after he got tired of it, he used his own power to do good deeds everywhere and force them to do good deeds.

Over time, doing good things gets boring.

Later he became the Jinshan Society, influencing the development of the world situation behind the scenes.

In short, he has been able to change the world at will since he was born, but the changes in the world have no effect on him at all.

Whether the world is heading toward turmoil or the world is developing prosperously.

Anyway, no matter how the world changes, he can sit back and watch all developments as if he is indifferent.

But this time, the changes in the world will profoundly affect him.

As long as the changes in the world are deep enough and the scope is large enough, the original will of this world will awaken, and by then, the immortal will also usher in its end.

Mr. Gongyu didn't believe this at first, but after Lin Yu reminded him clearly, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the truth, this was the fact.

In his heart, he had actually accepted this fact.

That's why he is so hysterical now.

This anger stems from fear, the fear of death, the fear of consciousness dissipating and completely moving into nothingness.

In his entire life, Mr. Gongyu has never thought about what death would feel like.

Because he always thought he was immortal.

Even if you die, you can be resurrected quickly.

He always felt that he had eternal life.

It is precisely because of this that when he knows that he may also die, his heart will be extremely broken and he will feel extremely afraid of death.

All this is because he was never ready to face death.

Death is a particularly terrifying thing for him.

"Lin Yu, how about you let me go and we'll be clean from now on?"

Mr. Gongyu forced himself to calm down and discussed the terms with Lin Yu.

He didn't want to die, he really didn't want to die, so he wanted to try again to see if he could impress Lin Yu.

"What good will it do to me if I let you go? Can you tell me?" Lin Yu asked calmly.

He has seen too much life and death, so it is naturally impossible for him to be soft-hearted and not want to kill Mr. Gongyu.

Also, Mr. Gongyu himself is part of the original will of the world. Letting him return to the original will of the world is the right choice and the right thing to do.

What's more, the world will wake up from its slumber sooner or later.

Until then, Mr. Gongyu will still lose his self-awareness and usher in the end.

What he did was just to advance this result.

"I, I can help you leave this world. I know that you are definitely not from this world. You come from other worlds, other higher-level worlds."

Mr. Gongyu thought for a moment and spoke quickly.

Lin Yu smiled and said: "You are half right. I am indeed not from this world. However, you have no way to send me away. No, you can't say that. You have a way to send me away. As long as you are willing to take the initiative to wake me up." The original will of this world, I will leave here.”

"So if you really want me to leave, maybe you can try to wake up the world and make your dream demon disappear."

As soon as the world wakes up, Jianmu will teleport him to the abyss.

So strictly speaking, Mr. Gongyu did have a way to send him away from this world.

It's just that Mr. Gongyu himself finds it difficult to accept such a result.

"You, Lin Yu, what do you want? Do you really want me to die? Where did I offend you?"

Seeing that Lin Yu refused to let him go, Mr. Gongyu shouted hysterically again.

"When we first met, I didn't even think about doing anything to you and Qin Junliang. It was you who destroyed my body first."

"After that, I was forced to start a war against you two. You forced me to do everything."

Mr. Gongyu is going crazy.

He really didn't want to die, not at all.

But he knew in his heart that death was getting closer and closer to him, and his life could be ended at any time.

"Did I make the first move?" Lin Yu asked, "How do you explain the explosion at Jinbei International Hotel?"

"Well, that time I just wanted to test your reality. I know you couldn't have died in that explosion, and you know it yourself."

Mr. Gongyu excused himself with a guilty conscience.

Lin Yu shook his head slightly and said, "It's useless no matter how much you say. Not only you know what you were thinking at that time, but I also know it very well."

"Since you dare to make such an idea, you should be prepared for the price you will pay if it fails."

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, Mr. Gongyu started to hesitate.


Lin Yu looked at him and said: "Be honest and ready to accept your fate. If you don't die, the world will not be stable. If you don't die, the world will end at any time. You will be the nightmare of this world and the cancer of this world."

"No, it's not like that. It's definitely not like that. I just want to live and live freely. I just want to live freely. What did I do wrong?"

Mr. Gongyu yelled willfully like a child.

"Your existence itself is a mistake. I am just helping the world correct this mistake."

Lin Yu said not far away from Mr. Gongyu.

Mr. Gongyu had no intention of listening to Lin Yu at the moment. He just kept shouting and venting his inner emotions.

At this moment, he was no different from a child.

In fact, he is just a child.

Since his birth, he has not encountered any setbacks and everything has been smooth sailing.

His strength is invincible, so he can get whatever he wants.

Anyone who dares to go against his will will be destroyed by him.

Just like Lin Yu and Qin Junliang, if they showed some threat to him, he would design to lure them to Jinbei International Hotel and try to get rid of them with explosions.

All this shows that Mr. Gongyu is a child who has not grown since his birth.

No matter how many years he lives, no matter how many things he goes through.

As long as he has not experienced the setbacks and obstacles he deserves, he will always be just a child.

When something happens, he just vents his emotions like a child.

Just like now, he just kept shouting, trying to use shouting to force Lin Yu to surrender and let him go.

"Let me go, let me go, let me go, do you hear me? Let me go!"

Mr. Gongyu shouted.

Lin Yu looked at him and shook his head helplessly, then reached out and blocked his voice with the power of Jianmu.

In an instant, the whole world fell silent.

However, Lin Yu did not take back the light screen in front of Mr. Gongyu. At this time, the light screen was still playing the scenes on the battlefield.

From that picture, we can see that due to Qin Junliang's deliberate actions, all foreign countries participated in this war.

The situation of the war completely expanded and became more and more intense.

And as the war continues, time continues to pass.

Suddenly, Mr. Gongyu, who was trapped in the power of Jianmu by Lin Yu, stopped moving and his figure gradually dissipated.

Lin Yu knew that this was because of the huge turmoil in the world, which completely awakened the original will of the world.

As soon as the world wakes up, Mr. Gongyu, an individual transformed by the original will of the world, is naturally absorbed, loses his self-awareness, and becomes a part of the world again.

"Your name is Lin Yu?"

A voice appeared in Lin Yu's ears.

Lin Yu knew that this was the real voice of the world.

It is the original will of the world that is talking to him.

"Yes, my name is Lin Yu. It seems that you are fully awake."

Lin Yu said to the original will of the world.

"Well, I woke up. It seems you woke me up. My name is Fei Lu."

The original will of the world said, Feilu is its name.

"It is indeed what I meant, but the process was not carried out by me, but by my disciple Qin Junliang."

Lin Yu said.

At this time, look for Shuyuan www. He has already felt the pull of Jianmu trying to teleport him to the abyss.

Then he spoke faster and said: "Qin Junliang is the person born in this world, but he is also my disciple, so I hope you can take more care of him in the future."

"Okay, it's just a small matter." Fei Lu agreed.

After saying that, he asked: "Then, don't you want to say something to him? Just leave like this?"

"There's no time, Jianmu is teleporting me back." Lin Yu said.

"Jianmu?" Fei Lu said in surprise, "I've heard of this name, but I didn't expect it to be your friend."

When Fei Lu said this, Lin Yu's figure was gradually dissipating and breaking away from this world.

"There's no time to say more. Remember what I just requested."

Lin Yu said to Fei Lu at the last moment.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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