Extraordinary Player

Chapter 254: It turned out to be 5 dogs!

Joya carrying a gargoyle ghost tail axe, confidently appeared at the entrance of the new spiritual world instance.

With good equipment and a lot of props, Joya feels that the previous dungeons of the spirit world can be rushed at will by himself, right?

Now the players also understand that it doesn't matter how many times the spirit world dungeon died during the first challenge, the key is to figure out the dungeon's routine as soon as possible, so that it can be cleared stably.

To die a few times at first is nothing more than losing some spirits, and be careful not to die twice in a row. After the customs can be cleared steadily, these spirits can be earned slowly, and then stable profits will be made.

Of course, everyone thinks so. If we can do it, we will talk about it separately.

Joya is the kind that can be done, so for him the first dungeon of the spirit world is no longer a particularly big challenge, and the new dungeon of the spirit world is opened very timely.

However, as soon as he came in, Joah was stunned.

"What's the situation?!"

The first wave of monsters encountered in front of them were three vicious dogs and a villager with a bad face.

This scene is too familiar, the final boss of the first copy of the spirit world is this, the same

"As soon as it came up, it was the Three Dogs Slaying God Array? And there was another villager behind? Not so? Maybe the attributes of these three dogs have been lowered?"

Joya felt a little flustered for a moment, these three dogs have caused many players to suffer.

As the final boss of the first copy of the spirit world, these three dogs are jokingly called the "Three Dogs Slaying God Formation" by many players. Because the three dogs have fast attack speed and high damage, the players will resurrect if they are not paying attention. .

And these three dogs have left a deep psychological shadow on many players. Imagine a scenario like this: After a period of hard work, you finally come to the final boss. As long as you have beaten these three dogs, you can pass the level, and you can go out. Realize the spirit in your body and use it to buy many good things. After the result rushed up, hang up twice in a row

At this time, players tend to be more entangled in trying to find a place. Wouldn't it be dead if they gave up? I still have to fight these three dogs next time!

But the more they try, the more desperate they become. Many players don’t know how many spirits they have gnawed away by these three dogs.

Now that I see these three dogs, some unpleasant memories in Joya's mind are hooked up again

"Calm down, I have killed these three dogs many times, there will be no surprises!"

Joya rushed up with the gargoyle ghost tail axe. The threat of the three dogs still looked greater, and he planned to solve it first. As for the villager behind who seems to be making soy sauce, just clean up at the end.

The three vicious dogs immediately barked and rushed up, Joya flung himself and rolled to avoid the attack, and the gargoyle cut down, directly cutting one of the dogs' blood volume by one third!

"Sure enough, it has the same attributes as the last spirit world copy boss."

If it was an ordinary dog, it would have been directly killed by the gargoyle ghost tail axe, but these three have been strengthened, and the blood volume has also increased.

However, Joya didn't panic at all. He had done this operation countless times anyway, and there would be no surprises.

But at this moment, Joya suddenly felt something wrong, and saw that the villager who seemed harmless to humans and animals, who just came out to make soy sauce, silently took out a poisonous flying knife from his arms and threw it directly on Joya's body!

With a "pouch", the poisonous flying knife pierced the gap between the lock armor, and Joya immediately felt a slight tingling sensation spread from the wound.

Although Joya's profession is a warrior and he wears a lock armor, it is still impossible to avoid injury.

Joya was taken aback and was bitten by a dog, losing a lot of blood.

He hurriedly rolled to avoid the follow-up attack of the vicious dog, and finally he heard a "poof", and another poisonous flying knife was inserted in his body.

Joya was angry. Although the damage of the poisonous knife is not too high, who wants to be inserted all the time? Joya wanted to go straight over the three dogs and hack to death the villager who threw the poisonous knife, but his reason told himself that he could not leave his back to the three dogs, that would be a dead end.

Joya could only forcibly endure the poisonous flying knives that kept throwing over, and continued to deal with the three dogs

After finally killing all the monsters, Joya used a lot of energy to pull out the poisonous flying knives that he had stuck in his body, but when he looked at his arms, they were all green.

The three dogs are not so easy to solve. When Joya concentrated on dealing with the three dogs, the villager was there to flick his knife forever, and he was almost mad at him.

"Calm, calm. This is just the beginning."

Joya cruelly used a dragon blood charm blood to maintain his health. As for the poison on the body, there is no way, but fortunately, the poison on the poison flying knife is chronic poison, and it will heal itself after a period of time.

Joya continued to move forward, and after solving a few more monsters, he was shocked to find that there was a fork in the road!

Yes, at the fork in the road, go left and right. On the left are five grinning, fierce dogs, and on the right is a lonely black knight.

"Five dogs?!"

Joya was shocked. If you don't let me go, just build a wall here~www.wuxiaspot.com~Can you put five dogs?

Three dogs are going to die if they fight. Wouldn't the five dogs kill me?

Joya chose the road on the right without hesitation.

After all, the black knight can be said to be one of the most scumbag monsters, and it is also an old acquaintance. You can say that Joya's attack on the black knight, the length of the sword, and various basic attributes can be said to be well understood. This is simply a bonus. question.

Joya rushed up with the gargoyle ghost tail axe. He was just a black knight. Isn't this enough?

Even Joya felt that he didn't have to bother to dodge at all, just reckless!

Joya confidently rushed up with the gargoyle ghost tail axe, one axe, two axe, three axe!

Then Joa fell to the ground in black.

When his consciousness cleared up, he had already reached the entrance of the spiritual world copy.

"Wait, what happened just now"

Joa felt a little bit big. The last picture in his impression was that he wielded a gargoyle axe and slashed against the black knight, and then his three axes chopped off less than a quarter of the black knight's blood, and the black knight Knocked him down lightly

"Is this black knight with such high attributes?!"

Joya feels a little distressed about his spirit, now he must kill the black knight to retrieve it again.

"No way, no way, no recklessness, no recklessness, the attributes of this monster are too outrageous!"

For the second time, Joa struck carefully, pawn.

For the third time, Joah fought and died with anger.

For the fourth time, Joya struck calmly and died.

For the fifth time, Joya looked at the black knight with one-third of his blood left and was still bleeding slowly, feeling a little skeptical of life.

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