Extraordinary Bloodline Integration

Vol 2 Chapter 49: Timid and unprovoked protagonist

"I didn't think of it before, but the blood of the berserker and the fire element..."

Mo Cheng summoned three fire elemental **** to float beside him, and at the same time used the steel storm wolf king's teeth to draw a wound on his fingertips.

Since the dragon bloodline was upgraded to a young dragon, Mo Cheng can consciously control the hiding and display of the dragon scales, so as not to show his feet in some specific scenarios.

A drop of bright red blood fell like a teardrop, and the fire element seemed to be fueled, and it suddenly swelled from the size of a fist to the size of a washbasin.

"Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought. All the skills of the warrior of the gods, Huskar, were developed based on the blood of the berserker."

The powerful vitality of the blood of the berserker can't even be contained by the body is [blood activation], burning the vitality and then bursting out is [heart inflammation]; attacking the enemy by contaminating one's own blood with a weapon is [spear of boiling blood]; as for Ultimate skill [Sacrifice]...

Mo Cheng had already used the prototype of [Sacrifice] when he was facing the dragon-born maid who used space power in Hesen Town.

Through self-injury, the power of the blood of the berserker burst out, the body was suddenly severely injured and rapidly improved, and then rushed in front of the enemy.

The next thing is very simple, either the enemy is burned to death by the burning boiling blood, or he is killed by the enemy.

Mo Cheng guessed that if gold skill points were really used to upgrade the Berserker's Blood, then the vitality in his blood would undoubtedly be greatly strengthened, and the incompleteness would really burn.

Even the blood of a berserker who only has the first level now has become the best combustion accelerant in Mo Cheng's hands, "If this blood returns to the earth, can it be used as oil to burn?"

Hit the fireball that swelled to the size of the washbasin on the target aside, and it didn't explode as expected. On the contrary, the fireball seemed to have changed in nature, hitting the target like a water-filled balloon, and then burst. The [water] inside splashed all over the floor.

And when this [water] is actually a burning flame, it will be a disaster for both the enemy and the environment.

Mo Cheng squatted down and looked carefully at the traces after the fireball burst, looking at the unique sticky burning, the corners of his mouth twitched constantly, "Well, the fireball technique has become a Molotov cocktail, and it's the kind with strong stickiness, it's only a drop of blood .”

Mo Cheng couldn't help thinking, if he drained a third of his blood, would the fire elemental ball be strengthened to the level of napalm bombs?

At the same time, he wisely extinguished the idea of ​​asking people to help study blood. In the future, unless the problems in his body are trusted people, he can only study them by himself.


Mo Cheng lowered his head, recalling the environment and terrain he had subconsciously remembered when he went out for the past few days, "My blood has obviously become a highly concealed combustion accelerant that almost no one will care about, so can I use A special method is used to pack the blood, bury it in a certain place and ignite it. Or match certain materials to carry out secret explosions in certain places.”

Realizing what he was thinking, Mo Cheng quickly shook his head and threw out the thoughts in his brain, "Damn, I read too much news, how can I learn all the tricks of terrorists."

If his blood is mixed with some materials, it will undoubtedly become a walking bomb, but Mo Cheng still sensibly squeezes this idea to death in his mind.

This is not any other place, but the capital of the Principality of Aundair. A terrorist attack here will undoubtedly alarm the Arcane Council, Winterhold Academy, the Aundair Royal Secret Law Group and other spellcasters.

Mo Cheng has no need for terrorist attacks to be fulfilled, at least not now.

"Forget it, don't want to."

Looking out the window, it was almost time, Mo Cheng didn't continue the test and deduction, and walked out the door.

The reconstruction of the Albert House by the dwarf engineering team has come to an end. With the use of a large number of alchemy products, the construction speed of the engineering team is not known how much faster. Of course, the final price paid is inversely proportional to the construction time.

Of course, Mo Cheng doesn't care about the price, the amount of money is not comparable to his need for a stable residence, especially when he understands that Koyré's place will only become more and more crazy.

Living in the dilapidated house before Albert's house was rebuilt, Mo Cheng didn't sleep well at all. His short-term goal now is to make money from the twilight ointment, and then to dispose of the abandoned house on the outskirts of Fairhaven. The old castle was bought and remodeled.

Just as he was thinking about what kind of renovations he would make to the castle, a sudden knock on the door brought him back to reality. When he opened the door of Albert House, he saw that it was Edward Knight.

"Edward Knight, what's the matter?"

Seeing Edward Knight's solemn expression, Mo Cheng thought of something, "Could it be something about the pharmacy or the pharmacist's guild..."

"No." Edward Knight shook his head in denial, and took out a paper from a stack of thick papers in his hand and gave it to Mo Cheng, "Have you seen the person above?"

Mo Cheng took it and took a look, and immediately recognized that it was a wanted warrant, with more than a dozen lifelike people on it, and they could even move and make silent roars and growls.

Magic images are often used to make moving photos and book covers. It is not surprising that Mo Cheng has seen a lot in [Foreign Land].

What was strange about him was the images of those people on the wanted notice, with their distinctive Fuying-style hairstyles and clothing, and they didn't look like Aundairians either.

"I'm sorry knight, I haven't seen these people." Mo Cheng looked at Edward and asked, "Can you tell me what happened to them?"

"I haven't seen the best~www.novelmt.com~ The people who have seen them are the least injured and are dying. Listen to the priest, although the bounty written on it is very rich, but you must not touch it. "

Edward Knight looked around to make sure that no one was eavesdropping. He lowered his head and said in a low voice, "These people escaped from the prison, killed many people along the way, and then disappeared. Priest Mo Cheng, Your ointment saved the lives of me and my subordinates, so I have to tell you, don't go out these few days, and don't go to listen to any unusual movements."

"You still have children to take care of, don't leave them alone because of some curiosity."

Edward Knight's words were not pleasant, but they were a kind of protection for Mo Cheng.

Prisoners who were able to escape from Fairhaven Prison were more than a dozen wanted criminals who escaped together and killed many people along the way.

For a priest of a congregation, encountering these people undoubtedly meant that Guanghui wanted to take his priests to the Kingdom of God.

Let Mo Cheng know the danger, and minimize all curiosity before the wanted criminal is caught. From the perspective of the relationship between the two, Edward Knight has done a good enough job.

"I understand. I'm just an ordinary priest. I don't have such good luck to meet wanted criminals."

If others are kind, Mo Cheng will naturally not say how strong he is with a cold face. Edward's worries are in vain.

"Paste this wanted notice on the gate. Everyone in the whole street must stick it on the gate, and then leave the rest to us."

Edward clenched his fists and looked a little excited, "The Law Enforcement Team will prove to the Queen that we are definitely not incompetent people eliminated by the Knights."

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