Kurapika couldn't be happier at all.

"I lost."

Chapter 674 The final winner

Chapter 675 The ability user of Xuexue Fruit

Kurapika's exit.

The outcome of this Devil Fruit battle seems to be starting to become clear.

Although the battle is over.

But players are still looking forward to it.

Devil Fruit! It's finally coming.

This is said to be a prop that allows people to acquire strange telekinesis abilities.

No one knows what it looks like when he falls to the ground.

And the most important thing is whether it can really allow people to obtain a powerful ability out of thin air.

Everything will be witnessed in the coming time.

Both the players at the scene and the players who were watching this scene through the card collection book felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

Biyande, who had just acquired a card, also stopped temporarily.

"Oh! Has the winner been decided yet? I didn't expect that this little girl would be the one left behind in the end."

Biyande said with a smile, squinting at the person beside him.

"When will the show you prepared start?"

The other party smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's see if this Devil Fruit is...so magical!"

Aren't you in a hurry? Biyang De nodded. He didn't know what the other party was going to do, but he was very curious.

Nyon walked towards Rocky.

She raised her head and looked at Rocky "You are really the creator of this game. You created this island."

"Are you surprised?"

Rocky asked rhetorically.

Nyon thought about it, she was surprised before but now she has come to accept it.

So he shook his head, "It doesn't feel surprising now. If it were you, it would be normal. You are so strong."

"Then come up and take your reward!"

Niong blinked, "Is it that devil fruit?"

Rocky nodded, "I hope you are the most suitable person for this devil fruit."

In front of Nyong Mountain.

The steps on the platform are made of ice cubes.

Walk to a box made of colorful ice crystals.

The box with a gorgeous appearance reflects dazzling light.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by this colorful treasure box, even Niong was no exception.

"so beautiful."

My daughter seems to be born with no resistance to shiny and shiny things.

I stared at the box for a long time.

Niong slowly opened the box.

Boom! ! White light shot out the moment the box was opened.

Dazzling brilliance bloomed.

It disappeared instantly in the blink of an eye.

I just felt a flash of white light in front of my eyes.

Inside the box! A strange pineapple-shaped fruit composed of snowflakes.

The shape is very strange.

It doesn’t look like fruit at all! Devil Fruit appears in the eyes of all players for the first time.

Look at this weird shaped fruit.

Players are also curious.

"Is this the Devil Fruit? It seems like it's just a very special fruit!"

"Why does the fruit look a bit like snowflakes!"

"Yes! Can this kind of thing really give people special telekinesis abilities?"

The answer is unknown.

Nyon picked up this weird-looking fruit, but to her the snowy fruit looked beautiful.

This devil fruit is white in color.

The strange snowflake-like shape makes Devil Fruit even more mysterious.

"what's next!"

Nyong asked.

"Eat it."

Rocky answered.

"Can I eat it?"

Rocky did not continue to answer Nyon's question.

For Nyon, who understands Rocky's character, Rocky's lack of answer means that he is not like repeating it a second time.

He took a gentle breath.

Niong took a bite.

While other players are still curious about what Devil Fruit looks like.

They see Nyon eating the snow snow fruit.

"Is it really edible after eating? It can't be something that is manifested by some kind of telekinesis, right?"

There is more than one player who thinks this way.

There are also worries about whether eating such a strange fruit will be controlled by others.

Everyone looked at Niong anxiously.

Expect Niong to show strange changes.

Rocky was also staring nervously at Nyon.

Can the mission be completed? At this moment, a player in the stands suddenly stood up.

He frowned and stared at Rocky and Nyon in the field.

"I always feel like I have a bad feeling."

"Am I feeling wrong?"

This clearly perceived sense of crisis made him increasingly uneasy.

But I don’t know where this feeling came from.

His movements.

It also attracted the attention of another group of players.

These players sit in the crowd.

Very scattered.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that although they are scattered, they are scattered very regularly.

Basically, it is evenly distributed on four stands with 44 points in different directions.

"Ruzkas, I'm sorry!"

At this moment, the person beside Biyang De said coldly.

There was blood in his eyes.

Biyangde smiled and said, "So this is the good show you were talking about. The fight for the throne is really cruel! Siblings can be really bloody."

After hearing Biyang De's comments, the other party didn't care at all and spoke very naturally.

"King is not something you can become just casually. If you don't have enough strength, you will drag down the entire country."

"Only by being cruel and bloody can you choose the strongest person."

After hearing these words, Pariston on the side looked at the prince who suddenly came to the door.

I also roughly understood the other person’s character.

Iron-blooded, ruthless, values ​​strength and will do whatever it takes.

Cooperating with such a person is extremely dangerous.

But Biyang De still chose the other party, which means what Biyang De wants to do with the other party.

Although the two people join forces, they each have evil intentions.

‘This island of greed is getting more and more lively! ’ Pariston smiled.

Turning around to look at the card collection book.

in the screen shown above.

The devil fruit in Niong's hand was thrown aside casually.

"Ugh, what is this? It tastes too bad!"

Niong's face looked extremely ugly, as if she had been poisoned.

This made the players confused. Could it be that the so-called Devil Fruit is poisonous and will kill you if you eat it?

Nyong was gagging crazily, trying to spit out the Devil Fruit she had eaten.

However, she spit it out in one breath.

However, the snowflakes falling slowly around the falling snowflakes seemed to have received some kind of pulling force, gathering towards Nyong.

With the snowflakes flying, Niong was in the snow.

Look! Very elegant

Chapter 676 Mission Completed A-Level Extraction

Chapter 677 The person who peeks into the throne of God

Chapter 678 Some knives cannot kill people

At this moment, Rocky did not expect that Niong would actually pounce on him.

The town is protected by a barrier.

There won't be any danger at all.

But Nyon didn't know this.

But she rushed over to protect herself at this moment.

This intention surprised Rocky a little.

Rocky, who was thrown onto the seat by Niong, looked at the woman in front of him.

When they first met, Rocky was not as tall as Nyong at all.

But now! Although Rocky is not as tall as Leorio.

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